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• Def.1 Surface- Let f(x,y,z) be a polynomial of nth degree

in x, y, z. Then the graph of the equation f(x,y,z)=0
defined as nth degree surface.
• Def 2. Reflection of a point in a plane- Let  Be a given
plane. Any point P not on  will be on one of the two
sides of .

Def 3. Symmetry of a surface about a plane: If for each
point P on a surface S, its symmetric about a plane
also lies on S, then S is said to be symmetric about the
plane  and  is said to be a plane of symmetry or a
principal plane for S and the direction of the normal to 
is called a principal direction foe S.
• Def 4. Symmetry about a point. If for each point on a
surface S its symmetric point about M is also a point
on S, then S is said to be symmetric about M and M
is said to be symmetric for S.
• Example: Discuss all the symmetries for the folloeing
(1) x 2  y 2  z 2  a 2 (2) x 2  2 xy  x  6  0
(3) x2  2 y 2  3z  0 (4) xy  yz  zx  4
(i)By S the second degree expression
ax 2  by 2  cz 2  2 fyz  2 gzx  2hxy  2ux  2vy  2wz  d

(ii)By S1 , the expression ,where ( x1 , y1 , z1 )is any point

axx1  byy1  czz1  f ( yz1  y1z )  g ( zx1  z1 x )  h( xy1  x1 y )
u( x  x1 )  v( y  y1 )  w( z  z1 )  d
• (iii) by S or ( S ) the expression obtained by replacing
12 1 2

(x , y , z) by ( x2 , y2 , z2 ) in S i.e 1

S12  ax2 x1  by2 y1  cz2 z1  f ( y2 z1  y1z2 )  g ( z2 x1  z1x2 )  ( x2 y1  x1 y2 )

u( x2  x1 )  v( y2  y1 )  w( z2  z1 )  d

Def 5. Sphere:- A sphere is the graph S all point of the

3-space which are at a fixed distance r > 0 from a
fixed point C(  ,  ,  ) . The point C is called the centre
and r is called the radius of the sphere.

Standard form of Sphere:- To show that the equation of

the sphere whose centre is origin and radius r is
x2  y2  z2  r2
• General form:- To prove that the equation
x 2  y 2  z 2  2ux  2vy  2wz  d  0 represent a sphere
and radius.
Example:- Find the equation of the sphere whose
centre is (2,-3,4) and radius 5.

Four point form:-

To find the equation of the sphere though four given
non – coplanar points.
Let ( x1, y1, z1 ),( x2 , y2 , z2 ),( x3, y3, z3 )and ( x4 , y4 , z4 ) be the given
(non-coplanar ) points.
Example:- Find the equation of the sphere through the
four point O(0,0,0), A(-a , b, c),B(a ,- b, c) , C(a , b,-c)
and determine its radius.
• Diameter form. To find the equation of the sphere on
the join of ( x1, y1, z1 )and ( x2 , y2 , z2 ) as diameter.
Example: Obtain the equation of the sphere described
on the join the point A(1,2,3) and B(0,4,-1) as

Exterior and Interior points of a sphere.

Theorem1. If S= x 2  y 2  z 2  2ux  2vy  2wz  d  0 is the
equation to a sphere, then the point P is the
exterior or interior to the sphere according ( x1, y1, z1as

Example: Are the following points exterior or interior S  or to

the sphere x 2  y 2  z 2  2 x  4 y  z  2  0
(i) (1,2,-1) (ii) (3,-2,1) (2,-2,1)
• Sphere through a given circle:-
The equation of any sphere through the circle of
intersection of the sphere
S  x  y  z  2ux  2vy  2wz  d
2 2 2

and the plane L  Ax  By  Cz  D  0 is S  kL  0

where k is an arbitrary constant.
Example: Find the equation of the sphere through the
circle x2  y 2  z 2  9,2 x  3 y  4 z  5 and the point (1,2,3)
Def: Power of a point w . r . t a sphere:-
If through a given point A is drawn any chord PP’ of
the sphere, then AP,AP’ is called the power of A w. r.
t the sphere
• Theorem: - If through a given point A( x , y , z ) is drawn
1 1 1

any chord PP’ of the sphere, then AP,AP’ is constant

and equal S 11

If S  x 2
 y 2
 z 2
 2ux  2vy  2wz  d  0

then AP,AP’ is constant and is equal to S 11

Def:- Tangent Plane

If a sphere and a plane have exactly one common
point, then the plane is said to touch the given
sphere at the common point or is said to be a
tangent plane to the sphere at the point. The (unique
)common point is called point of contact.
• Tangent lines:-
Let a plane  pouch the sphere S at the point N. Then
for every other point P of the plane  , the line PN
Cuts the sphere in the unique point N. The line PN is
called the tangent line.
A straight line which cuts a sphere in a unique point N
is called a tangent line to the sphere at the point N.
Condition of tangency of a plane and a sphere.
To find the condition that the plane lx  my  nz  p should
touch the sphere x2  y 2  z2  2ux  2vy  2wz  d  0
• Example: Find the equation of the tangent plane
(-1,4,-2) to the sphere
x  y  z  2x  4 y  2z  d  0
2 2 2

Example : The equation of the sphere which pass

through the circle
x 2  y 2  z 2  5; x  2 y  3z  3
And touch the line 4 x  3 y  15
Def: Pole and Polar
If through a point A is drawn any chord BC of a sphere,
and D is the harmonic conjugate of A w .r . t B and C,
then the locus at D is a plane called the polar plane
of A w . r . t the sphere. Also the point A is called the
pole of this polar plane.
• Polar plane: To find the equation of the polar of the
polar plane of the point ( x , y , z ) w .r .t the sphere
1 1 1

x2  y2  z2  r2

• Pole of Plane: To find the pole of the plane lx  my  nz  p

w. r. t to the sphere x  y  z  r
2 2 2 2

Def: Conjugate points: Two planes s .t . the polar

plane of either passes through the other, are called
conjugate points.
Def: Conjugate planes: Two planes s . t. the pole of
either lies on the other are called conjugate planes.
If the polar plane of any point on a line (l) w. r. t a
sphere passes through a line (l’) , then the polar
plane of any point (l’) passes through (l)
• Polar lines: Two lines , such that the polar of every
point on either passes through the other, are called
polar lines.
Angle of intersection of two sphere: The angle of
intersection of two spheres at a common point of
intersection is the angle between the tangent plane
to them at that point.
Theorem: If r1andr2 are the radii of the two spheres, d
the distance between their centres , and  their
angles of intersection , then
r12  r22  d 2
cos  
• Orthogonal spheres:-
Two sphere are said to be orthogonal (or to cut
orthogonally) if their tangent planes at a point of
intersection are at right angles to each other.
Theorem Condition of orthogonally:-
To the find the condition that the sphere.
x 2  y 2  z 2  2u1 x  2v1 y  2 w1 z  d1  0

x 2  y 2  z 2  2u2 x  2v2 y  2 w2  d 2  0
May cut orthogonally.
Families of spheres. We know that the general
equation of a sphere is
x 2  y 2  z 2  2ux  2vy  2wz  d  0
Where u ,v , w and d can have any values with the only
restriction u 2  v 2  w2  d  0
• These four constant can be chosen so that the
resulting sphere satisfies four given conditions. In
other words, a sphere is in general, determined by
four conditions, Below are some examples of forms
which these conditions can take.
(1) The sphere passes through a given point.
(2) The sphere touches a given plane or a given line
(3) the sphere has a given radius
(4) the centre of the sphere lies on a given line or on a
given plane.
Radical Plane: the locus of a point whose powers w .r .t
. Two non-concentric sphere are equal is a plane
called the radical plane of the two spheres.
• Theorem : To find the equation of the radical plane
of the two non concentric spheres.
S  x 2  y 2  z 2  2ux  2vy  2 wz  d  0
S '  x 2  y 2  z 2  2u ' x  2v ' y  2 w ' z  d '  0
Properties of the radical plane
(1) The joining the centres of the two spheres is
perpendicular to their radical plane.
(2) If two sphere intersect, their radical plane is the
plane of intersection , i.e. the circle of intersection
lies in the radical plane.
(3) If two sphere touch each other externally or
internally, their radical plane is then common
tangent plane.
• Theorem If S=0 and S’=0 be two sphere , then the
equation S   S '  0(  1) where  is a
parameter ,represents a family of spheres such that
any two members of the system have the same
radical plane.
• Co-axial system of spheres:- A system of sphere , any
two members of which have the same radical plane ,
is called a co-axial system of spheres.
Example: Two spheres of radii r1andr2 cut
orthogonally. Prove that the radius of their common
circle is rr
1 2

r12  r22

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