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The Cell

The Cell Theory 1.1
The Discovery of the microscope helped early scientist to
Understand the structure and function of cells. In 1665,
Robert Hooke first viewed the cells of the cork plant using
The microscope he built. Hooke observed that, when seen
Under the microscope, the thin slice from the cork plant had
Tiny and empty compartments similar to those of a honey-
Comb. He identified the empty compartments as the dead
Cells of the plant. He named them cellulae, which meant
“small rooms” but later used the shorter word cell

An artist’s rendition of Hooke’s view of

Cork plant cells through microscope he
Built. --------------------------------
The Cell Theory 1.2
Matthias Jacob Schleiden (1804 – 1881)
He was a German botanist and professor of botany, the
Branch of biology that deals with the study of plants. In
1838, his studies on the structure of plants led him to
Conclude that different parts of plans are made up of cells
And the cells are the basic unit of organisms. Thus,
Schleiden was the first scientist to develop the first
Statement in what would later be known as the Cell Theory
The Cell Theory 1.3
Theodor Schwann (1810 – 1882) and Rudolf Virchow (1821 – 1902 )

The following year, German physiologist Theodor Schwann expanded on the

cell theory as he showed how animal tissues are also made up of individual
Cells. In 1855, Rudolf Virchow , a German doctor and one of the prominent
physicians of the 19th century, Stated that a new cell form from a previously
Existing cell. Schleiden and Virchow unified the concept of cell structure that
Hooke had Initiated
Cells 1.1

Like a successful company, a cell is

an organization made up of a complex
system that carries out the cell’s functions
and enables it to adapt to its environment.
A cell is the basic structural unit of each
living thing on Earth. Although it has a
simple structure, it can perform many
complex roles to maintain life.
Cells 1.2

A cell is made up of carbohydrates,

lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, salts, and
There materials are essential to the
different biochemical pathways that form
the molecular structures of the cell. Cells
can exchange materials and energy with
their environment. Although cells can get
and exchange materials in many ways, they
have to convert the materials to form a
product, and to use the convert the energy.
Cells store energy in the form of adenosine
triphosphate or ATP
Cells 2.1 How Cells Carry Out Functions Required for Life

Organisms are made up of cells. Organisms may be unicellular or

Single-celled such as an amoeba. Organisms that are multicellular, such as
animals and plants, are composed of many specialized cells that perform specific
functions and also work together to meet the needs of the organisms and its cells

Blood cells are specialized cells

A Euglena, A protist, is an
Of multicellular organisms
Example of a unicellular organism
Cells 2.2 How Cells Carry Out Functions Required for Life


Specialized Cells are used for one particular

function in multicellular organisms. These cells work
together to form a tissue, such as a muscle. Specialized
cells such as red blood cells also perform specialized
functions such as carrying hemoglobin ( protein in red
blood cells where oxygen binds to ) and oxygen to the
cells. Sperm Cells are also specialized cells, which
function to fertilize egg cells.
Cells 2.3 How Cells Carry Out Functions Required for Life

Cells carry out many functions required for life.

For example, to reproduce, they grow and divide, thereby
producing cells. To reproduce, cells take in nutrients
which they use to provide energy for the processes that
they do. The following are functions required for life
Cells 2.4 How Cells Carry Out Functions Required for Life

Respiration is a set of metabolic reactions and processes which

take place in the cells

Regulation is the control and

coordination of body activities through the
nervous system
Cells 2.5 How Cells Carry Out Functions Required for Life

Reproduction is the production of new

organisms through sexual reproduction in
multicellular organisms and asexual reproduction in
other organisms. In sexual reproduction, the female
parent releases an egg cell while the male parent
releases a sperm cell. When sperm and egg cells
unite, a zygote develops with traits that are a
combination of both parents. In unicellular
organisms, offspring may come from budding,
fission, fragmentation, and vegetative propagation,
which are all forms of asexual reproduction
Cells 2.6 How Cells Carry Out Functions Required for Life

Excretion is the removal of wastes

produced by cellular activities

Growth is the increase in size of organisms as

result of increase in number and size of cells

Nutrition is the process by which

organisms take in food from their environment
Cells 2.7 How Cells Carry Out Functions Required for Life

Transport is the process

by which materials needed by the
cell or an organism are taken by the
organism through absorption and

Synthesis is the process by which

cells combine chemically simpler and
smaller substances to form various complex
Photosynthesis 1.1
Plants and animals are
similar in their use of energy within the
cells for energy transformation
processes necessary for life. Plant
cells have chloroplasts which contains
chlorophyll, a green pigment that lends
it green color to the plant. Chloroplasts
are the food producers of the cell.
These are found in plant cells and in
some protists such as algae. Animal
cells do not have chloroplasts.
Photosynthesis 1.2

Chloroplasts convert the

sun’s light energy into sugars ( glucose
and other carbohydrates) that can be
used by the cell. This process is called
Photosynthesis 1.3

The Chloroplasts within plant cells

contain stacks of disk like thylakoids. Each
set of thylakoid is called granum
(plural: grana). The green pigment,
chlorophyll, is inside the thylakoid.
Chlorophyll absorbs the sun’s light energy
Photosynthesis 1.4
Plants use photosynthesis to produce
food and energy by converting light energy in
to chemical energy of sugars and other
organic compounds. When the light energy of
the sun strikes chloroplasts and
chlorophyll molecules, light energy is
converted into chemical energy found in
ATP and in nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). ATP is a
high-energy molecule within the cells that
stores and transports the chemical energy an
organism needs for metabolism. It is present
in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of every
cell. All physiological mechanisms that
require energy to function obtain chemical
energy directly form the stored ATP
Photosynthesis 1.5

Those energy-rich
compounds move into the stroma
where enzymes fix the carbon
atoms from carbon dioxide (CO2).
The molecular reactions eventually
create sugar (C6H12O6) and oxygen
(O2). Plants and animals then use
the sugars (glucose) for food and
Photosynthesis 2.1
Light and Dark Reactions

The process of photosynthesis

is divided into two parts: light-
dependent reactions and light-
independent reactions or the Calvin
Photosynthesis 2.2 Light and Dark Reactions

In the thylakoids, light-dependent

reactions occur where the sun’s light energy
is absorbed by chlorophyll. Light energy is
converted into stored chemical energy in the
form of NAPDPH and ATP. The ATP
provides the energy, and the NADPH
supplies the electrons for the
light-independent reactions, which convert
CO2 to sugar
Photosynthesis 2.3 Light and Dark Reactions

Light-independent reactions or the Calvin

cycle, which occurs in the stroma, do not
need light to function. The products of light
-dependent reactions are used for this stage
to function. The chemical energy that was
produced during the light-dependent
reactions drives the production of sugar
molecules from CO2. The ADP and
NADPH produced by light-independent
reactions shuttle back to the light reactions,
which regenerate ATP and NADPH
Photosynthesis 2.4 Light and Dark Reactions

To summarize the two photosynthetic proc

1. Sunlight and water are used to
produce ATP, NADPH, and O2 in the
light-dependent Reactions

2. ATP, NADPH, and CO2 are used to

Produce sugar.
Photosynthesis 2.5 Light and Dark Reactions

The actual conversion of light energy

into chemical energy takes place in the
grana of a chloroplast. Inside a chloroplast
are stacks of disk-shaped thylakoids which
trap the sun’s light energy. Within the
thylakoids are chlorophyll pigments which
absorb the sun’s light energy. The
chlorophyll is called photosystem or
pigment system
Photosynthesis 2.6 Light and Dark Reactions

Photosystems are
Light-harvesting structures in
photosynthetic organisms which serve a
s a reaction complex. Each photosystem
has a pair of chlorophyll located at the
center. AS light reaction happens, two
photosystems cooperate to carry out this
reaction. These are photosystems I and
II. Photosystem I, also called PS700,
absorbs light best with a wavelength of
700 nanometers (nm). Photosystem II,
known as PS680 asborbs red light with a
wavelength of 680nm

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