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Day 5 – Chosen With

“Nothing in this life can subtract from the value God has given
Warm-up Questions

• What are the current struggle you are facing right now? How do you see
yourself while handling this struggle?

• In what circumstances you feel that you are left out?

Esther 2:12-18

15When the turn came for Esther the

daughter of Abihail the uncle of 17the king loved Esther more than all
Mordecai, who had taken her as his own the women, and she won grace and
daughter, to go in to the king, she asked favor in his sight more than all the
for nothing except what Hegai the king's virgins, so that he set the royal crown on
eunuch, who had charge of the women, her head and made her queen instead of
advised. Now Esther was winning favor Vashti.
in the eyes of all who saw her.
• In the midst of an excessive beauty pageant, Esther stands out once again. This time for her
simplicity. When going in to see the king, the text tells us that “she asked for nothing.” Even
when everything around her said that she needed to have, and be, and do more – she
resigned herself to less.
• The king chose Esther to be his queen not because of the certain treatment she underwent
or the garment she wore. He chose Esther because she was her own person, and did not try
to hide behind tactics and gifts. Either the king would want her for who she was, or he
• Esther knew her value. Treatments, perfumes, and gifts did not change her value; neither
would it have changed if the king had chosen a different woman. Esther was a daughter of
the True King, our Heavenly Father, and that was enough.
About a $100 bill
Take Away

• “You have all learned a valuable lesson. No matter what

happened to the money, you still wanted it because it did not
decrease in value. In the same way, we will be dropped and
dirtied by this life. But just like the $100 bill, you will never
lose your value.”
• You are enough
Take Away
• Regardless of the people that have trampled on you, the disappointments life
has thrown at you, or the opportunities that did not choose you.
• You are valuable
• You are loved
• Most of all, you are alive which means God still has a plan for your life and a
reason for your journey.
A Slave Auction in Virginia
“You bought me to make me free. I’ll
serve you forever

Lord, You have told me that I am

fearfully and wonderfully made. Give me
the courage to believe that today.

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