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-John Alvin

and the

-Pokey Groups
What to do
Before, During
and After a
* A typhoon is a mature tropical
cyclone that develops in the
western part of the North Pacific
Ocean between 180° and 100°E.
This region is referred to as the
Northwestern Pacific Basin, and is
the most active tropical cyclone
basin on Earth, accounting for
almost one-third of the world's
annual tropical cyclones.
 We all know that a typhoon comes with strong wind
and torrential rain, and with these it brings terrible
damage to people. Victims to typhoon disasters will
never forget the severe destruction they have
experienced. Yet, what in fact is a typhoon? In terms
of meteorology, a typhoon is a tropical cyclone, i.e. a
low pressure system developed over tropical seas. As
to the origin of the term "typhoon" itself, some say it
is from the Cantonese term for "big wind"; yet there is
also evidence that it was derived from the Taiwanese
term "wind sifter". This is because the pronounciation
of the word "sifter" (tai) is identical to that of the
word "typhoon". However, no matter where the term
came from, it describes a severe storm developed over
tropical seas.
*Most typhoons that come to Taiwan originate in the
western North Pacific Ocean, most frequently from the
tropical sea around the Caroline Islands and the
Philippines. Sometimes typhoons also originate in the
South China Sea; however, they are less frequent and less
Taiwan is not the only country in the region affected by
typhoons. Japan, the Philippines and Mainland China are
also frequently affected. The U.S., India, and even
Australia in the Southern Hemisphere also see a lot of
tropical cyclones; the difference is that they call them by
different names. Tropical storms originating in the
Atlantic Ocean are called hurricanes, the term is derived
from the Indian (American aboriginal) name of the god of
bad weather. Tropical storms originating in the Indian
Ocean are called cyclonic storms, which in essence is
what a typhoon is.
 The air over the tropical seas is warmer due to
the heat of sunlight; therefore more sea water is
evaporated that makes the air over the tropical
seas warm and wet and expands due to its higher
temperature, which will in turn reduces its
density. This combined with the low wind force
in the equatorial region provide a perfect recipe
for air upward motion. When the air rises, cooler
air from the surroundings will flow in to fill in
the space; later this refilling air will be heated
and lifted, gradually forming a circulation of air.
This process, called convection, will cause the
whole column of air to become lighter and lower
in density, creating a low pressure system called
tropical depression.
 The strength of a typhoon is Beaufort scale.
classified according to the
maximum wind speed at its  iv. Severe Typhoon: Maximum
center: wind speed at the center exceeds
 i. Tropical Depression: 100 knots (51.0 m/s) or over
Maximum wind speed at the scale 16 on the Beaufort scale.
center equal to or less than 33  A typhoon in the Pacific can
knots (17.1 m/s) or scale happen anytime throughout the
number 7 on the Beaufort scale. year, yet most typhoons happen
 ii. Tropical Storm: Maximum between July and September.
wind speed at the center reaches According to typhoon statistics,
34 to 63 knots (17.2 m/s - 32.6 invading typhoons have come to
m/s) or scale 8 - 11 on the Taiwan in late April at the
Beaufort scale. earliest, and November at the
 iii. Typhoon: Maximum wind latest. July, August, and
speed at the center reaches 64 September saw most of the
to 99 knots (32.7 m/s - 50.9 typhoon strikes.
m/s) or scale 12 - 15 on the
 Store an adequate supply of food and clean
 Prepare foods that need not be cooked.
 Keep flashlights, candles and battery-
powered radios within easy reach.
 Examine your house and repair its unstable
 Always keep yourself updated with the
latest weather report.
 Stay inside the house.
 Always keep yourself updated with the
latest weather report.
 If safe drinking water is not available, boil
water for at least 20 minutes. ...
 Keep an eye on lighted candles or gas lamps.
 Do not wade through floodwaters to avoid
being electrocuted and contracting diseases.
 If your house was destroyed, make sure that it
is already safe and stable when you enter.
 Beware of dangerous animals such as snakes
that may have entered your house
 Watch out for live wires or outlet immersed in
 Report damaged electrical cables and fallen
electric posts to the authorities.
 Do not let water accumulate in tires, cans or
pots to avoid creating a favorable condition for
mosquito breeding.
 The damage caused from a typhoon, on the
other hand, is many. These will be discussed
briefly as follows:
 Strong wind: Strong wind is the main cause of
typhoon damage. A typhoon can cause
buildings to collapse, destroy
telecommunication or electric circuits, damage
crops such as high stem crops, and blow the
grain away from rice or wheat.
 Waves: Strong winds will bring huge waves. Some
typhoon-generated waves can reach 10-20 meters in
height. They can cause shipwrecks at sea. Also, long
term erosion of the seashore by waves can also
cause disasters.
 Flood: Torrential rain in mountain areas
will cause a rise in river levels breaking
river embankments which will cause
floods that will wash out houses,
buildings and damage farmlands.
 Landslide: Mountain rocks washed away
by torrential rain will tumble, damaging
buildings, causing death and injuries of
people and animals, and blocking traffic.
It often occurs along mountain highways.
 Disease and pests: Diseases and pests are
often found after floods and further
damage crops.
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Will Filipinos rise from typhoon Yolanda ruins? -
Filipino Star News
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typhoon yolanda
1.It is a tropical cyclone that


develops at the western part of
the pacific ocean?
 2.It is the Cantonese term for

 3.The strength of a typhoon
classified according to it maximum

_____________ at its center.
 4.It is the first thing we should do
during a typhoon?
 5.It is the main cause of typhoon





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