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Generally the aims to know the Work
Performance of Part-time Instructors of
University of Rizal System Binangonan
SY 2014-2015. Specifically, the study mainly
focused on the guided question.
1. What is the profile of the respondents
in terms:
1 1 Age
1.2 Sex
1 3 Civil Status:
1.4 Educational Attainment;
1.5 Length of Service,
1.6 Monthly Income;
1.7 Number of Workload (units)
1.8 College affiliation
2. How do the respondents' perceived the
work performance of Part-time Instructors
of University of Rizal System Binangonan
in terms of the following:
2.1 Social and Personal Activities;
2.2 Classroom Strategies and
Management, and
2.3 Skills and Mental Abilitiesa
3. Is there significant difference on
the perception of the respondents
with regards to the Work
Performance of Part-time Instructors
of URS Binangonan as perceived by
the students and the part-time
The study tested the null hypothesis stating that
there is no significant difference on the Working
Performance of Part-time Instructors in University
of Rizal System Binangonan as evaluated by the
respondents in terms of age, sex, year level,
college affiliation, length of service, monthly
income, educational attainment, number of
workload (units), Social and personal activities,
Classroom Strategic and Management and skills and
Mental abilities.
Based on the analysis and interpretation of
data the obtained results are
summarized below:
It was revealed that the most of the
respondents were 26-36 years of age, male,
married from college of computer studies
have been serving the institution 5 years and
below and 8 subject in terms of workload
In relation with the respondents' perception on the Work
Performance of part-time Instructors in University of Rizal
System Binangonan SY 2014-2015, it as revealed in Work
performance in terms of Social Inter-relationship and
Personal Activities, "Make himself/herself available to
students for Consultation/ assistance" has the highest
weighted mean of 4.52 and verbally interpreted of
"Excellent” and in terms of Classroom Strategies and
Management, "Stimulates students desires and interest to
learn more about the subject matter“ has the highest
weighted mean of 4.52 and verbally interpreted as
"Excellent", and in terms of Skills and Mental Abilities
"Inspire students to a desirable learning behavior such as
doing assignments and participating in class discussion has
the highest weighted mean of 4.56 and verbally
interpreted as "Excellent".
Based on the finding presented above, the
researchers formulate formulated the following
Generally, the respondents of the study were
26-47 years of age, Male, Marries, College of
Computer Studies have been serving the
institution below 5 years faculty instructor in
terms of position, college graduate, monthly
income is below 20,000 and employees number
of workload is 8 subjects.
1. The data revealed that there is no
significant difference between the
respondents' profile in terms of age, sex, civil
status, highest educational attainment,
length of service and number of workload
(units) perception on the Work Performance
of Part-time Instructors in University of Rizal
System Binangonan in terms of Social and
Personal,Activities, Classroom
Strategies and Management and skills and
Mental Abilities
2. Part-time Instructors see to it that
punctuality in classroom activities is
always met. Moreover they served as
the classroom facilitator for
implementing strict guidelines yet
effective to discipline students.

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