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Budaya dan Perubahan

Dalam Organisasi
sebuah tayangan prinsip-prinsip manajemen
Pengertian Budaya Dalam
Budaya dalam organisasi
adalah sistem mengenai
nilai dan keyakinan yang
dianut oleh organisasi untuk
menuntun bahkan
membentuk sikap dan
perilaku anggotanya.
 Organizational culture is the personality of the
 Organizational culture shapes behavior and influences
 The observable culture is what you see and hear as an
employee or customer.
 The core culture is found in the underlying values of the
 Value-based management supports a strong
organizational culture.
Observable Culture
Organizations pursue both
transformational and incremental
 Transformational change
results in a major and comprehensive redirection of the
 Incremental change
bends and adjusts existing ways to improve performance.
Three phases of planned change
 unfreezing—preparing a system for change
 changing—making actual changes in the system
 refreezing—stabilizing the system after change
Managers use force-coercion,
rational persuasion, and shared
power change Strategies
Change leaders identify and deal
positively with resistance to
 Education and communication use discussions,
presentations, and demonstrations to educate people
about a change before it happens.
 Participation and involvement allows others to contribute
ideas and help design and implement the change.
 Facilitation and support provide encouragement and
training, channels for communicating problems and
complaints, and ways of helping to overcome
performance pressures.
 Negotiation and agreement off er incentives to those
who are actively resisting or ready to resist, trying to
make trade-off s in exchange for cooperation.
Why People May Resist
 Fear of the unknown—not understanding what is happening or what comes
 Disrupted habits—feeling upset to see the end of the old ways of doing things
 Loss of confi dence—feeling incapable of performing well under the new ways
of doing things
 Loss of control—feeling that things are being done “to” you rather than “by”
or “with” you
 Poor timing—feeling overwhelmed by the situation or feeling that things are
moving too fast
 Work overload—not having the physical or psychic energy to commit to the
 Loss of face—feeling inadequate or humiliated because it appears that the old
ways weren’t good ways
 Lack of purpose—not seeing a reason for the change and/or not
understanding its benefi ts

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