The Neolithic Revolution

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The Neolithic Revolution

 Agriculture – the practice of farming the land to grow crops and

rear livestock animals to provide a food supply and other
products like cotton
 Ancestor – a person from whom one is descended
 Civilisation – a people or nation that has developed advanced
social, political and economic structures
 Cultivate – to prepare the land by diffing the soil. To grow crops
 Domesticate – to tame an animal
 Fertile – land that can support and maintain plant and animal
 Neolithic – the new stone age period when humans
domesticated animals, developed farming and made pottery and
textiles (12,000 to 6,000 BCE)
How much do agriculture and farming impact on our lives today?
What are the various factors that led to different regions of the
world farming different crops or animals?
Type of lifestyle Advantages Disadvantages

Hunter - gatherer  
 
 

Neolithic farming  
 
 

Compare and contrast the hunter-gatherer lifestyle with the

Neolithic farming lifestyle
 Using the map on pages 18 and 19 produce a list of all
the different crops and animals that were farmed
during the Neolithic period.
 Then conduct your own research to discover which of
these crops/animals are still farmed in Australia today,
for those that are – where are they farmed?
 Are there any predominant farming crops that weren't
on the map initially but are now a big part of
Australia's agricultural development.
 Working with a partner, and using all the information
on pages 20 and 21, draw a diagram of what you
imagine a village would look like at this time.
 Include huts for living and storing grain, fields, crops
and animals.
 Once you have finished share your village with the
group next to you and record any differences on the
back of your diagram.
When, where and what were the first plants and animals
domesticated by humans?

What When Where

Sheep North America 10 000 BCE

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