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Tools and Artefacts of Early Societies

 Monument – a structure built to commemorate one

or more people or events
 Revolution – a significant change in ways of thinking,
acting and behaving
 Technology – use and knowledge of tools, techniques
and crafts and the products that are made as a result of
 Ziggurat – a Sumerian tiered temple
We live in an age of rapid change and unprecedented
technological innovation.
Some of the greatest inventions ever developed occurred
in prehistoric times.

 Construct a timeline of the tools and artefacts on pages

24 -27. Then answer the following question: why do
you think some tools/artefacts were invented before
How do you think people communicated before cuneiform
writing was invented? Consider the pros and cons of
pictograms. Why do you think cuneiform writing was invented?
Use the cuneiform alphabet to create your own (appropriate)
message for your shoulder partner to decipher.
 How would you communicate with others? Think,
Pair, Share.
 Create an essential list of symbols, signs and pictures
that you would need to be able to communicate.
 Once complete, with your partner you need to create a
short message for another pair of students to decipher.
 Once complete, write a short reflection detailing what
sorts of things were difficult to communicate.
Why did it take more than thirty million hours to build

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