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Business Beyond Profit

The Natural Environment Social Entreprenuership

Social Entreprenuership: Models and Stewards
4.1 the Natural Environment

Social responsibility frequently practices direct

enterprises to deal with the social
environment. Recent natural disaster in the
local international arena have also raised
awareness on the responsibilities of
government and business organizations
toward the natural environment.
The department of energy (DOE) in the Philippines
has encouraged the return to the natural
environment through a policy statement on the use
of renewable energy(RE).
The government’s rural electrification programs
include other renewable sources, such as solar,
micro-hydro, wind and biomass sources. Other than
reducing country’s dependence on imported fossil
fuels, RE harnesses environmentally-sound
The appeal of business and industry to incorporate
environmental issues and concerns in their
operations is now a critical global question.
Whereas the industrial era viewed the environment
as an endless resource for inputs, today’s
enterprises recognize the need for prudent use of
its natural resource.
Almost 50 years ago, Barry commoner wrote the
book The Closing Circle: The Best Book on the
Environment Ever Written. The book gives a call for
stewardship of the earth’s limited resources utilizing
ecology models.

Ecology is the science that studies the relationship

of life on earth and the process liking each living
thing to he physical and chemical environment.
Degregatio lowers the the grade or type of a system.
Clothes washed with detergents, instead of soap, lead
to more pollution.
Throwable bottles, instead of returnable containers,
are not reused
Man-made nitrogen fertilizers, instead of manure or
crop rotation, pollutes river and lakes
Use of synthetic, nonbioderadable fibers , instead of
cotton and wool
Use of heavier car, instead of the the lighter, low-
powered types, pollutes the air among and lead .

In the philippine, the moves to address

environmental concern are vested with the
Environmental Management Bureau of the
Department of Environment and Natural resources
There is cause for optimism in the
obedience to the ecology laws , for
the following reasons :

1. The very magnitude of the present of United

States , where the world resources is a
source of hope – for it’s reduction through
ecological reform , can then a have large
and favorable impact to the desperate needs
of the following countries
Basic Necessity produce is HACCP (
Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Point)- certified.
In 2013 , coconut (with husk)
production in the Philippines was at
15,353,199.94 metric tons (MT) .
Coconut oil remains as one of the top
agricultural export commodities of the
country , major markets of which are the
United States and the Netherlands. The
2013 value of agricultural export
commodities was at USD 6,318 million
free on board (FOB), 15 % which was
contribute by coconut oil export
Jun Castillo’s Coconut House adds
in keeping domestic and
international focus on the coconut.
The Coconut House offer dishes that
that only uses coconut and are all-
organic. Castillo’s The Ice Cream
House , with eighty-five outlets in
Luzon , also uses coconuts.
The JSJ Goat Farm was established in June
2001 in Gerona, Tarlac. The JSJ Goat Farm is a
family interprise owned by Jeffrey and Kathleen
Lim. It is allied with the Goat and Sheep
Producers Association of Tarlac (GASPAT).
Jeffrey Lim supplies goats for slaughter and
breeding , and also produce milk and cheese
from goat milk . The farm various goat breeds:
Boer , Anglo-Nubian , Saanen, British Alpines,
and Dorpers for sheep.
In 2013 , goat production was
recorded at 75,420 MT by the
Bereau of Agricultural Statistic (BAS)
, growing to 76,410 MT in 2014 and
19,230 MT during the first quarter of
2. Since the state of the environment is
the result of social mismanagement of the
world’s resources, then it can be resolved
and man can survive in a humane
condition when the social organization of
man is brought into harmony with the

3. Cooperation of a global whole.

4. Restoration to nature the wealth that is

borrowed from it.

Harvey Key - a columnist from the

Philippines Daily Inquirer.
- He defines social entrepreneurship
as developing innovative, scalable, and
sustainable means of solving social
problems, like the skills that are also used by
an entrepreneur.
•Comprehensive descriptions of
social entrepreneurship are offered by
leading social sector organizations in
the world- Ashoka and Schwab
Foundation for Social
- is present in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle
East and North and South America.

-partnered with with the Ateneo School of

Government in the Philippines

- it aims to solidify its presence by building a

powerful and consistent mechanism to
identify and support leading Filipino social
entrepreneurs yearly.
Philippine enterprises included
in the Schwab Foundation for
Social Entrepreneur list are the
1. Gawad Kalinga (GK)
2. Hapinoy Micro Ventures
3. Human Nature
4. Hybrid Social Solutions
5. Rags2Riches
The Filipino social entrepreneurs for
the aforementioned organizations are:
1. Antonio Meloto and Jose Luis M.
Oquinena- Gawad Kalinga
2. Paolo Benigno Aquino IV- Hapinoy
Micro Venture
3. Anna Meloto-Wilk and Dylan Wilk-
Human Nature
4. Jaime I. Ayala- Hybrid Social Soliutions
5. Therese Fernandez-Ruiz-
The Gawad Kalinga Community
Development Foundation, Inc. (GK)
aims to end poverty for five million
families by 2024 by first restoring the
dignity of the poor.

GK has connected comminities among

the ‘poorest of the poor’ to the
mainstream services. It has also raised
leaders from these communities.
•One of these enabled communities
organized by GK is a community of 1000
families relocated from the Iloilo

•The GK Enchanted Farm is GK’s

platform for creating social entrepreneurs.
Fabien Courteille
- created Plush and Play, a social
entrepreneurship enterprise working with
the mothers who were displaced after
textile companies in Angat, Bukaca
relocated outside the Philippines.
Mabuhay Social Enterprise, Inc.

- a social enterprise created for and

with volunteers who support the ‘
volun- tourism packages’ of GK
4.3. Social and
Entrepreneurship: Models and

lThere is no lack of social

entrepreneurship stewards in the
Philippines, as listed Schwab
Foundation for Social
l Section 4.2 dealt lengtily on the Gawad Kalinga
Community Development Foundation Inc, (GK),
which is considered as pioneer for social
entrepreneurship in the Philippines, and deals with
enterprise development, environment, health,
homelessness, and housing sectors.
l The Hapinoy Micro Ventures, identified with Palo
Benigno Aquino IV, is concerned with enterprise
development and women sectors, and started its
Hapinoy Sari Sari Store Program in 1997.
l Sari sari stores are small neighborhood retail shops
usually started and ran by women-micro-
entrepreneurs from their homes. Since 2007, the
program was trained and partnered with 3,000
Nanay-micro-entrepreneurs. Most Nanays
(mothers) engage in the sari sari store business to
augment their family's income.
l The program provides skills training, financing,new
business, and mobile technology empowerment.
These activities equip Nanays with best practices
skills so they can manage their stores better.
The Hapinoy Sari-sari Store Program, utilizing
mobile technology and higher value product and
services, is experience the augment the productivity
of the service sector, shown in figure 4.2 at
P170,000 in 2010, at a constant 2000 prices.

Anna Miloto-Wilk and Dylan Wilk's Human Nature is

involved in agriculture, labor conditions and
unemployment. Human Nature is teamed up with
Gawad Kalinga and other organizations, like The
Aid Foundation, Inc,
(AIDFI) and the Philippine Federation for Environment
Concern (PFEC), to develop world-class organic
farms and other enterprices that help multiply the
income of the Filipino people.
l Human Nature containers are from Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET), the most recycled type of
plastic in the world. The enterprice supports the
Balik Bote, Balik Buhay Program that encourages
the return of empty bottles to the Human Nature
head office along Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon
City, or to any of the Human Nature branches all
over in the
Philippines. All the returned bottles are sold to help
support nearby GK communities.
Balik Bote, Bigay Buhay
(R.A. 9003)
known as Philippine Ecological Solid Waste
Magement Act of 2000, which calls for the
intitutionalization of a national program that will
manage the control, transfer, transport, processing
and disposal of solid wasted in the country.
Hybrid Social Solutions (HSSI)
is concerned with energy and rural development.
it is partnered with intitution, such as Alalay sa
kanluran, inc. (ASKI) and Center for community
Transfortation (CCT) Group of Ministries, to provide
access to electricity to communities in remote, Rural
Village, isolated in coastal or mountainous areas.
Some alternative energy suppliers of HSSI include
Freeplay, Niwa: Solar Products with Social Impact, and
Sun Transfer: Sustainable of Grid Solution.
Jim Ayala, founder and CEO of HSSI, was the Ernst
and Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year for the
Philippines in 2012.
HSSI programs serve to enhance the RE projects of
the DOE . Aside from reducing dependence on
fossil fuels, the use of alternative energy sources,
such as solar ligths, contribute to the RE power
generation plans of the Philippines, administered by
the DOE.
Another Social Enrtrepreneurship projects that contributes
to the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of

Rags2Riches (R2R)
A for-profit social enterprise, creates eco-ethical
fashion and home accessories from recycled scrap
cloth, native fabrics, and unprocessed materials.
R2R began its mission in Payatas, Quezon City in
R2R trained these informal settlers into artisan,
providing them with additional skills, health, and
financing training.
Rags2Riches president and cofounder Therese

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