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Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Day 1 Agenda
• Introduction of Python
– Features of Python
– Tech companies using Python
– Python implementation in various domains
• Variables , Identifiers , Standard Datatypes
• Operators
• Conditional statements
• Loops

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Features of Python
• 4G High level language written by Guido Van Rossum. Made public in 1991.
• Platform independent
• Portable
• Scripting language
• Combination of Procedure oriented and Object oriented
• Extensible
• Vast library source
• Highly Productive

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• YouTube ,
• Google search engine,
• Dropbox ,
• RasberryPi
• BitTorrent ,
• NASA ( cryptography and intelligence Analysis ), Netflix

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• Web Development
• Testing
• Computer Vision
• Machine Learning
• Artificial Intelligence
• Deep Learning
• Natural Language Processing ( NLP)

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Installation of Python
• Install Python 3.x version
• Python 2.x will not be supported from 2020 Jan.
• Installing Modules command
• Help on Modules

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• Variables
Unlike other languages variables are tags
Everything is an object and hence efficient memory utilization
A to Z , a to z , underscore(_letters or digits)
special chars are not allowed @,$

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Standard Datatypes

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Standard Datatypes – Immutable Types
• Numeric types
– int , float,complex
– a=5, b=5.55 , c=10+5j
– A binary number should be written by prefixing 0b (zero and b) or 0B (zero and B) before
the value. For example, 0b110110, 0B101010011 are treated as binary numbers.
– Hexadecimal numbers are written by prefixing 0x (zero and x) or 0X (zero and big X)
before the value, as 0xA180 or 0X11fb91 etc.
– Similarly, octal numbers are indicated by prefixing 0o (zero and small o) or 0O (zero and
then O) before the actual value.
– For example, 0O145 or 0o773 are octal values.

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Standard Datatypes – Immutable Types
• String Type
• Tuples


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Standard Datatypes – Mutable Types
• Lists
• Dictionaries
• Sets


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Arithmetic Operators


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Assignment Operators


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Comparison Operators


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Logical Operators


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Bitwise Operators


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Bitwise Operators


Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Bitwise Operators


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Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Bitwise Operators


Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Bitwise Operators


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Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Conditional Statements
• If
• Elif
• else


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• For loop
• While loop


Caterpillar: Confidential Green

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