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Construction Industry Development

Board (cidb)

Strategic Plan, Business Plan and

- 2009/2010 and MTEF-

Presentation to PPC
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
c idb
development through partnership
Presentation Content
• Overview
– Legislative Framework & mandate
– New Vision, Mission and Strategy
• External Context for 2009/10
• Internal Context for 2009/10
• Strategic Objectives
• Operational Plan
• Key focus for 2009/10
• Performance measurement
• Budget

c idb
development through partnership
Overview: Legislative Framework & Mandate

CIDB Act 38 of 2000…mandates the cidb to

provide strategic leadership to industry

Context – Purpose of cidb

stakeholders to stimulate sustainable

growth, reform and development
Regulate the construction industry

1st Board and CEO November 2001

First regulations: 2004-SfU, RoC, RoP

c idb
development through partnership
Overview: Legislative Framework & Mandate

to provide: strategic leadership and an

enabling regulatory and development
Context – Purpose of cidb

• A total construction delivery capability to

achieve South Africa’s economic and social
• Sustainable growth and empowerment of
historically disadvantaged
• Global standards of performance and value
to clients and society

c idb
development through partnership
Implications of Distilled Mandate

Dual responsibility of cidb

• An enabler/developer - WIP
• A regulator/enforcer of compliance -
Context – Purpose of cidb

a new focus
• Change of direction critical to
demonstrate value add in the

c idb
development through partnership
Overview: Legislative Framework & Mandate

Legislative Framework & Mandate

 CIDB Act 38 of 2000…mandates the cidb to
establish the National Register of
Facilitates public sector procurement,
delivery and risk management
Supports contractor development
Promotes better performance - improved
quality, safety, health and environment.
 to categorise contractors in accordance with
their capability

c idb
development through partnership
Overview: Legislative Framework and Mandate

 Support risk management in the tendering process

 Reduce the administrative burden
 To facilitate sustainable growth and transformation of
contractors, enable effective access by the emerging
 Reduce tendering costs to clients and contractors
 Promote minimum standards and contractor best
 Enable access by the private sector
 Provide information on the size, distribution, nature
and development of contractors
 To improve the performance of contractors

c idb
development through partnership
Overview: Legislative Framework & Mandate

Legislative Framework & Mandate

 CIDB Act 38 of 2000…mandates the cidb to
establish the National Register of Projects:

•Gather information on the nature, value

and distribution of projects

•Provides the basis for a best practice

project assessment scheme

•Promote the performance of public and

private sector clients

c idb
development through partnership
Vision & Mission:
• Vision 2012 and Beyond
Progress and building momentum

“A dynamic, innovative and development

organisation that provides strategic
leadership and an efficient service to
stakeholders, leading to a transformed and
competitive construction industry that
delivers quality infrastructure, promotes
economic growth, and an organisation that is
caring for its employees”.

c idb
development through partnership
Vision & Mission:
• Mission
Progress and building momentum

“To direct and drive an integrated construction

industry development strategy that transforms the
role of industry and stakeholders for sustainable
growth, improved delivery, performance and value to
public and private sector clients, and investors
through strategic partnerships; to strategically and
deliberately promote the empowerment of small,
medium and micro enterprises to improve their
capability and grow the economy; to develop
employees to be meaningful participants in the

c idb
development through partnership
External Context:
Supporting interventions
Progress and building momentum

• Infrastructure delivery skills

• Public sector delivery
Stakeholder Analysis & Management
5 – Year Review recommendations

c idb
development through partnership
Internal Context:
• Operation and growth of RoC-see graphs
Progress and building momentum

and tables following this slide

• Specialisation
• Risk Exposure
• Business Systems-
– CRS Software Upgrade

c idb
development through partnership
Stats- Exponential Growth
• Increase in registrations
 Dec 2004 – 1500
 Dec 2005 – 7500
 Dec 2006 – 27500
 July 2007 – 42000
 Dec 2007 – 55 000
 End March 2008 > 65 000; End March 2009 >80 000

P r o je c t e d g r o w th b a s e d o n h is to r ic a l d a ta

Total registrations =
70000 (active + suspended)
No. of registrations

50000 S e rie s 1
Dec 04 D ec 05 D ec 06 Dec 07 A pr 08 D ec 08

Class of Works by grading-Sept 2009
C la s s o f w o rk s
G ra d e G B CE ME EP EB SW T O T AL
1 52880 16916 2174 1157 846 7915 81891
2 2198 1527 215 57 156 453 4606
3 490 452 71 35 81 79 1208
4 652 680 103 60 147 87 1729
5 365 409 100 68 117 113 1172
6 372 435 49 27 43 31 957
7 147 189 35 27 17 23 438
8 50 62 13 9 3 6 143
9 26 43 24 16 6 11 126
To ta l 57180 20713 2784 1456 1416 8718 92270

G B : G e n e ra l B u ild in g C E : C ivil E n g in e e rin g M E : M e c h a n ic a l E n g in e e rin g

E P : E le c tric a l E n g in e e rin g (In fra s t ru c tu re ) E B : E le c t ric a l E n g in e e rin g (B u ild in g ) S W : S p e c ia lis t W o rk s

There have been 4,801 upgrades on the Register to date. Black

owned enterprises constitute 84% of all upgrades.
Grading by Province – September 2009
G ra d in g s
Reg io n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T o ta l
Eas te rn Ca p e 1 00 64 44 2 14 4 166 1 03 65 38 6 4 11 0 32
Fre e S ta te 42 19 23 3 59 76 58 36 24 6 3 4 7 14
G au te ng 1 98 14 1 06 2 21 2 445 3 48 3 11 17 1 76 89 22 5 28
In te rn atio n al 4 3 0 0 1 0 5 1 11 25
K w a Z ulu -Na tal2 28 77 1 30 9 32 2 415 2 09 1 87 6 8 26 9 25 4 22
L impo p o 75 60 45 6 14 2 182 1 61 1 31 4 0 0 1 8 6 73
Mpu ma la ng a 68 03 36 6 12 9 175 1 19 82 22 3 0 7 6 99
Nor th W es t 43 93 21 4 47 69 45 32 12 3 0 4 8 15
Nor the rn Ca p e 80 7 53 20 31 22 10 6 2 0 9 51
W e s te rn Cap e 53 49 46 7 13 3 169 1 06 1 03 5 2 20 7 6 4 06
Actual no. of companies registered
No. of
Designation Active Suspended
1 62308 951 63259
2 3247 756 4003
3 992 165 1157
4 1478 211 1689
5 950 106 1056
6 780 43 823
7 353 15 368
8 121 1 122
9 78 10 88
Total 70307 2258 72565
Strategic Objectives:
• Organisational Capacitation
Progress and building momentum

• “Value-added” service delivery

• Research and Development Agenda
• Phase II of the Registers
• Procurement Reform

c idb
development through partnership

c idb
development through partnership
Operational Programmes:
• Programme 1: Growth and Contractor
Progress and building momentum

Development(GCD)- focuses on
promotion of enterprise development,
investment and spending as the basis for
a stable, developing industry and the
participation of the emerging sector.

c idb
development through partnership
Operational Programmes:
• Programme 2: Construction Industry
Progress and building momentum

Performance- focuses on improved

performance and best practice for an
industry that delivers reliable value to
clients, investors and end-users,
information on construction industry
indicators to inform cidb strategy, policy
makers and stakeholders.

c idb
development through partnership
Operational Programmes:
• Programme 3: Procurement and Delivery
Progress and building momentum

Management- focuses on enhanced

public sector construction procurement
and infrastructure delivery management
capability of public sector clients enabling
efficient and effective delivery of quality
infrastructure to the public.

c idb
development through partnership
Operational Programmes:
• Programme 4: Construction Registers
Progress and building momentum

Services focuses on:

– Registration of contractors and both public
and private sector projects
– Regulation to effect improved performance
and best practice of clients and suppliers.

c idb
development through partnership
Operational Programmes:
• Programme 5: Chief Executive’s Office
Progress and building momentum

focuses on:
– overall strategic leadership and governance
in support of the Board;
– stakeholder consultations and

c idb
development through partnership
Operational Programmes:
• Programme 6: Corporate Services,
Progress and building momentum

responsible for:
– financial management including registers
– human resource administration-HR Admin;
– supply chain management-SCM;
– information technology-IT.

c idb
development through partnership
Key Focus for 2009/10
• Contractor Registration
– Continuous improvement of registration
– Regulation amendments
• Project Registration
– Been slow/relaxations
– Reprioritise & Fast track and prioritise I-
Tender RoP
• Develop revenue model-consultation

c idb
development through partnership
Key Focus for 2009/10
• Continue with public sector procurement
reform – streamlining, public sector
capacitation, etc
• Register of Professional Service Providers
(RoPSP)- consultation, regs, pilot, rollout
• Compliance enforcement-NB!
• Public sector delivery improvement – continue
with IDIP: DPW & DoE; DoH, Municipalities
• National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy –
NIMS-cidb role and budget for implementation

c idb
development through partnership
Key Focus for 2009/10
• Phase II of the Registers-Best Practice
– Quality
– H&S
– Environment
• Benchmarking- benchmarking clubs

c idb
development through partnership
cidb Best Practice Contractor Recognition Scheme

Grade Results
Business, H&S, Quality, Env, etc

Performance Reports
Management Systems AND
Supply Chain Development

cidb Accredited
Management Systems

cidb Competence Assessment


Standard for

Performance Reports

Management Plans
Best Practice

Energy Efficiency

Skills / ESDA
cidb Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme
Key Focus for 2009/10
• Establish ESDA: funding, operation
• HR Development
• Internal audit process, Risk Management
& Corporate Governance
• Project Database

c idb
development through partnership
Key Focus for 2009/10
• Contractor Development:
– Revised framework - National Contractor
Development Programme -NCDP
• Continue rollout in conjunction with DPW
– W/shops with Provincial DPWs/other
infrastructure department/entities
• New Construction Contact Centres (CCC):
• Phase in value-add through CCCs

c idb
development through partnership
Key Focus for 2009/10

• Stakeholder Forum (SF) 2009: 23 Oct 2009

• Nominations for new SF Members for next
two years – Finalised in Oct 2009
• General Stakeholder engagements
• 5-year review recommendations

c idb
development through partnership
Performance Measurement
• Output targets set for each focus area (Section
6 of Business Plan)
• Example

c idb
development through partnership
Performance Measurement
Programme Strategic Project Operational Target

Construction Service Excellence Using Business Process31 Mar 2010

Registers Management (BPM) best
Service practice to deliver
sustained, measurable
service excellence.
Service areas include
head office registrations
processing, call centre
and internal query
resolutions unit.

Enhancement ofSoftware systems to31 Dec 2010.

software systems support flexible business
processes, work flow
integration and
performance monitoring.
Software to support
integration of registration
services across head
office and CCC's.

c idb
development through partnership
2009/2010 BUDGET

c idb
development through partnership
Focus of 2009/2010 Budget
• Building human resource capacity
• Establishment of last 2 Construction
Contact Center/s
• Improve value-add at the Construction
Contact Centres
• Improvement of Registers service delivery
• NIMS staffing and operationalisation
• Focus on fraud and corruption/forensics
• Enforcement of compliance

c idb
development through partnership
Focus of 2009/2010 Budget
• Facilitating the establishment of the ESDA
• Phase II of the Registers (Quality, H&S,
Environment)-Best Practice
• Promotion of R&D agenda
• Academic institutions to teach cidb
requirements- start the process
• Benchmarking with international bodies &
benchmarking clubs
• Continued support to 2010 Soccer World Cup
infrastructure procurement-not necessary so far
• EDMS-prioritised

c idb
development through partnership
Focus of 2009/2010 Budget

• Stakeholder management
• Upscale communication:
• ICT-hub of operations

c idb
development through partnership
Summary Budget (kR) (MTEF)
09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Organizational income
Registers 34 113 38 272 41 252 44 552
Transfer payments 59 269 63 665 65 959 66 882
Interest income 2 200 2 420 2 662 2 890

Total revenue 95 582 104 357 109 873 114 324

Standard item: Expenditure

Personnel 42 738 49 686 50 887 55 677
Administrative 22 187 26 149 29 992 29 015
Capital 3 070 778 622 617
Operational 27 587 27 744 28 372 29 015

Total expenditure 95 582 104 357 109 873 114 324

Summary Budget per Programme (kR)
PROGRAMME 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13

Office of the 8 974 9 529 10 375 10 731


Corporate 24 995 29 400 28 234 29 887


Growth & 21 133 22 441 24 433 25 270


Construction Industry 9 395 9 977 10 862 11 234


Procurement & 10 687 11 349 12 386 12 811


Registers 20 398 21 661 23 583 24 391

95 582 104 357 109 873 114 324

………..Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You

c idb
development through partnership

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