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GIS Analysis Function

Lecture 9

 Organizing Data Layers

 GIS Analysis Function
 Maintenance and Analysis of
Spatial Data
 Operations Performed in Maintenance and
Organizing Data Layers

 The geographic information is usually

organized as a set of Themes

 The form of organization chosen will be

influenced by the type of data to be used,
types of analysis to be performed.
Data Layers

 A data layer consist of logically related

geographic features and their attribute.
GIS Analysis Function
 GIS analysis functions are categorized into four
major groups , each with multiple subdivision

 Maintenance & Analysis of Spatial Data.

 Maintenance & Analysis of Attribute Data.
 Integrated Analysis of Spatial & Attribute Data.
 Output Formatting.
Maintenance and Analysis of
Spatial Data…
 Use to transform

 Spatial data files.

 Edit them
 Access them as per need
Maintenance and Analysis of
Spatial Data

 Different GIS softwares/packages use

different approaches for implementation of
these type of functions
GIS software capabilities

 Can transform source data into GIS software

data structures
 Can edit those data
 Can registered different data layers to each
other for the same area.
 Can register different data layers to a selected
geographic coordinate system for the same
 Provide support for mosaicing.
 Provide support to coordinate thinning.
 Provide support for reconciliation.

 Format Transformation
 Geometric Transformation
 Transformation between Map Projections
 Conflation
 Edge Matching
 Editing functions
 Line coordinate thinning
Format Transformation…

 Make files readable for one software, files

are created by an other softwares
 Data supplies to GIS software in different
 These files need to transform into GIS
software’s readable data format
Format Transformation..

 There can be transformation in

 Raster Based System.

 Vector Based System.
Raster Based System

 Fast and straight forward because of little

additional processing.
 No need of reformatting of raster data
 Original File => Input file + Header
Vector Based System

 Vector Based Systems accept topologically

structured data as a input.
 Slow, time consuming & difficult because
of topology creation.
Geometric Transformation

 Adjustment of one data layer with respect

to other.
 Or assignment of ground coordinates to a
map or data layers.
 This is also called registration.
 You can say :Geometric Transformation
process = Registration

 Registration by Relative Position

 Registration by Absolute Position
Registration by Relative Position

 One data layer is registered to second

data layer.
 A layer that is registered by the other one
is called Slave.
 A layer that register the other layer is
called Master
Registration by Relative Position
 Slave data layer is adjusted by choosing
the features that can be easily and
precisely identified on both layers
 Features can be;
 An island
 A road intersection etc.
 This procedure is also called Rubber

 Data layers are precisely overlaid to each


 Position errors in the master layer are

propagated to the slave layer
Registration by Absolute Position

 Location of features on a map in relation

to a geographic coordinates system.

 Each data layer is separately registered to

the same geographic coordinate system

 Positional accuracy on a data layer can be

directly assessed with reference to ground
 Small position errors in the master layer
are not propagated to the slave layer.

 Boundaries may be slightly misaligned

because of independent position errors
on each data layer.

Procedure of reconciling the position of

corresponding features in different data
Approaches of Conflation

 Manual procedure
 Computerized Procedures
Manual procedure

 Redraw the source maps using feature

boundaries in one of the overlays as a
standard or template
 Procedure
 A template is drawn on a map
 This template becomes basemap.
 This basemap will use for redrafting of these
features on all required maps
Computerized procedure

 Requires the operator to identify the

corresponding features in the two data
 Features can be identified by placing
points on data layers.
 More points gives more accurate result.

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