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By- Prajjwal Singh
Section –B
BBA, Semester 1
Presentation Outline
 Introduction
 Examples of non verbal communication
 Importance of non verbal communication
 Classification of non verbal communication
 Kinesics
 Proxemics
 Haptics
 Chronemics
 Paralanguage
 Chromatics
 Conclusion
 Bibliography
“Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we
had speech, and apparently, 80 percent of what you understand in a
conversation is read through the body, not the words.” - Deborah Bull

Non- verbal communication is anything other than words themselves that

affect the message or transmit some meaning to the receiver. Health,
emotions and state of mind have an impact on one’s body language. It is
something that we all do. It can affect the whole context of the message. It is
something that we do unconsciously and is a part of our lives. Hence, It is
rightly said that ‘Actions speak louder than words’.
Examples of Non Verbal Communication
 Facial Expressions: smile, frown, disgust, anger, boredom, etc.
 Gestures and movement: tapping fingers, shaking of limbs, fidgeting,
turning head and eyes side to side, etc.
 Voice: non verbal use of voice such as moan, sigh, or even tone.
 Appearance: Hairstyle, clothing style, body posture, etc
 Emotions: Joy, sadness, trust, fear, anticipation, surprise, etc.
 Eye contact: maintain eye contact ensures a confident look.
 Physical touch: touch such as a firm handshake or a high five.
Importance of Non Verbal Communication
 It gives an expression of the speaker’s attitude.
 Communication can be done with less educated people.
 Communication with handicapped people also becomes easy.
 It provides information about sender of the message.
 It can be used to complement verbal communication.
 It can be used sometimes, in place of verbal communication.
Classification of Non Verbal Communication

Kinesic communication is the technical term for body language, i.e.,
communicating by body movement. It is the study of facial expressions, postures
and gestures. For example a firm handshake or a limp handshake gives away a lot
about a person.

Different kinds of body languages: Different kinds of facial expressions:

It is the study of how humans take space when they are communicating. For example,
the amount of personal space when having an informal communication should be
between 18 inches to 4 feet.
Haptics is a form of non- verbal communication using a sense of touch. The
sense of touch allows one to experience different sensations.The meaning of
touch is highly dependent on the relationship between two people and the
manner of the touch. For example, a handshake is a common way to greet
It refers to a study of the role of time in communication. For
example, running late to a job interview gives a bad impression to
the prospective employer and gives him a clue that may not be the
right person for the job.
Its is an area of non verbal communication that stresses on variations in
pitch, voice, volume, speed and pauses in a speech. For example, it is
commonly perceived that loudness connotes strength and sincerity among
Arabs; a soft tone implies weakness and deviousness. Study of paralanguage
is called paralinguistics.
It is the use of colours to communicate. It is a vital aspect of non
verbal communication. For Example, generally, ‘red’ colour
signifies danger or a signal to halt movement of traffic.
Non verbal communication conveys a lot of meaning. Even
without uttering a single word, we convey a lot by our gestures,
touch, body language, facial expression, posture.
Non verbal indications that one exhibits can either build up trust
and confidence in a person or can generate mistrust and
Hence, it should also be given importance and used strategically
to gain benefit out of it.
• Websites:
• Books
 Business communication by Sangeeta Magan
 Business communication by Bhavna Adhikari & Anjanee Sethi
 Business communication by Ashok K. Sinha & Nisha Singh

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