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Cultivation of

White Button Mushroom

White Button Mushroom or Button Mushroom or European
Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
Contributes about 40% of the total world production.
This mushroom requires comparatively a cooler climate.
In Tamil Nadu, it is cultivated successfully in the hilly tracts of
The Nilgiris, Coonoor, Kodaikanal, Yercard, etc.
Variety: Ooty 1, Ooty (BM) 2
National variety in WBM is S 11
Spawn run/ vegetative growth - 22 – 28oC
Fruit body fruit body formation - 15 – 18oC
Relative humidity - 85 to 95 %
Enough ventilation during fructification.
The cultivation is accomplished in three steps.
They are
Production of spawn
Preparation of growth medium (compost)
Production of crop

Requirement of climatic elements

Growth phase Duration Temperature (oC) RH %
Spawn running 12-15 25-28 95
After casing to pinhead 15-18 22-25 85
Fructification 8 - 12 15–18 85
and picking
(35-45 days for first picking)
5-6 pickings at an interval of 8-10 days
The propagating material - spawn.
Quality of spawn is basic for the successful mushroom cultivation.

Spawn grown in composted horse dung or synthetic compost

(manure spawn) or wheat grain (grain spawn) may be used for

Compost is the substrate on which mushroom grows.
The biochemical activities of microorganisms make the substrate
selective for the growth of white button mushroom.
The process of compost making is called composting.

The substratum on which the mycelium of A. bisporus grows and

produces the fruiting body is known as compost.

It is the product of a fermentation process brought about by a

number of mesophilic and thermophilic organisms which
decompose plant residues and other organic and inorganic matters
during composting.

Compost if properly prepared, is very selective in nature and only

A. bisporus mycelium can grow successfully.
The purpose of composting is as follows

• To avoid heating up tendency of compost

• To made the nutrients easily available to mushroom mycelium
• To create a favourable substrate for the growth of mesophilic
and thermophilic flora for fermentation. These microflora,
in turn provide nutrition to the mushroom mycelium later on.
• To create a medium selective for the growth of WBM
• To provide medium which inhibit other harmful pest and diseases
• To incorporate required quantity of nutrition, water and pH
most suitable for the growth of mushroom mycelium
• To improve the physical structure of the substrate by means
of providing required air for the substrate growing spawn.
Materials used for composting
Wheat-straw is mainly used for compost preparation.
If wheat straw is not available, paddy straw is used.
A. Base material
Cereal straw (wheat, barley, paddy, oat) maize stakes, hay,
sugarcane bagasse or any other cellulosic wastes can be used.

Wheat straw - preferably fresh, shiny yellow, well protected from

rain and 5-8 cm long.
If we use long straw the heap may be less compact which leads to
improper fermentation. If the straw is too short, the heap would be
too compact, which may lead to anaerobic fermentation.

Function: To provide a reservoir of cellulose, hemicellulose and

lignin, which serves as carbon source for the mushroom mycelium
and provide a proper physical structure to the substrate and ensure
proper aeration.
B. Supplements for activating fermentation
Base materials do not have adequate amount of nitrogen and
other essential materials required for fermentation process

i. Animal manures
These include horse manure, chicken, pig and sheep manures.

The nitrogen content of these manures vary from 1-4% and are
cheap and freely available. Most farms use chicken manure as
nitrogen supplement due to poor availability of horse manure.
Cattle manure is not suitable for composting.

Besides providing nitrogen, they also provide carbohydrates and

both of them are released slowly.
In addition to nutrient supply, they greatly increase the final bulk
density of the compost.
ii. Carbohydrates and nitrogen rich manures

a. Carbohydrate rich: Molasses, wet brewers grain, malt sprouts,

potato wastes can be used as carbohydrate sources.
They are needed to correct the C/N ratio and for establishment
bacterial flora and rapid growth in the compost.

b. Nitrogen rich: Fertilizers like ammonium sulphate, calcium

ammonium nitrate and urea can be used. Their varying
nitrogen content rapidly released for growth of microorganisms

c. Animal feeds: Animal feeds are generally used to supply both

nitrogen and carbohydrate. These include wheat bran, dried
brewers grain, seed meals of cotton, soybean, castor,
mustard, linseed, etc. From these sources both nitrogen and
carbohydrates are released slowly.
iii. Supplements to rectify mineral deficiencies
Besides nitrogen and carbon A. bisporus also require other
compounds. Fertilizers such as muriate of potash, super phosphate
and other trace elements can be used under this category.
In addition, gypsum can be used to precipitate suspended colloidal
materials and to remove greasiness of colloidal material and to
balance the pH.

The choice of materials in each category is largely determined by

cost factors and their availability.

Composts prepared from horse manure mixed with straw are

termed as ‘natural compost’ while the compost prepared mainly
from wheat straw and other fertilizers without using bulk animal
manure is called ‘synthetic compost’
Composting for mushroom cultivation has three basic purposes.

1. It transforms the horse manure and straw into a substrate

more suitable for the growth of Agaricus bisporus.
2. To create favourable medium for the microbial flora which
does not inhibit the growth of Agaricus bisporus.
3. Its fermenting temperature is high enough to eliminate most
harmful pests and diseases.

The main objective of composting is to achieve a balance between

carbon and nitrogen compounds.
The nitrogen level of compost at stacking is adjusted to 1.5-1.75 %
of the dry matter and C/N ratio at that time is 25-30:1
The compost should have 2.0-2.3 % N at the completion of process,
which corresponds to 16:1 C/N ratio.
Principle of composting
When piling up the wetted inputs in a heap, the temperature inside
the heap begins to rise due to aerobic fermentation brought about by
bacteria and other microorganisms.

The temperature at the center of the heap usually rises to more than
60oC which favours the growth of thermophilic and thermotolerant
organisms (bacteria and actinomycetes) (fire fang) and destroys the
mesophilic organisms.
The frequent watering and turning of heap provides adequate supply
of water and oxygen to the fermenting organisms and help for proper

Ammonia gas liberated during composting is also consumed by

bacteria and produce nitrogenous intermediates which are eventually
converted into protein by another kind of bacteria.
Natural compost
Formulation given by IARI, New Delhi
Horse manure - 1000 kg
Wheat straw - 350 kg
Urea - 3 kg
Gypsum - 30-40 kg

Horse manure - 1000 kg
Wheat straw - 500 kg
Chicken manure - 300 kg
Urea - 7 kg
Brewer’s grain - 60 kg
Gypsum - 30 kg
Synthetic compost
Formulation given by NCMRT, Solan
Wheat straw - 300 kg
Wheat bran - 15 kg
Chicken manure - 125 kg
Urea - 5.5 kg
Gypsum - 20 kg
BHC 10% - 125 kg

Wheat and paddy straw (1:1) - 300 kg
Calcium ammonium nitrate - 9 kg
Wheat bran - 25 kg
Gypsum - 20 kg
BHC dust (10%) - 125 kg
Synthetic compost is comparable with natural compost because it
is capable of producing perfectly normal yields. Sometimes even
superior yields because of better aeration within the bed.
Natural compost if not pasteurized as per requirements will tend
to build up temperature within the bed which is detrimental to
spawn run; also pests and diseases become active.
If the compost is more uniform in quality and texture it supports
better spawn run, since the bed is better aerated. However, such
compost tends to dry up quickly when the atmosphere turns dry.
The actual time of composting of synthetic compost is about a
week longer (16-20 days) than that required for composting horse
manure (natural compost) in the normal way (12-15 days).
Methods of composting
Basically there are two methods of composting
viz., long method and short method of composting

Long method of composting (LMC)

This method was first advocated in India by Mantal et al.

The long method is considered primitive method and unsuitable

for commercial cultivation.

It takes about 3-4 weeks, gives low yield and invites many pests
and diseases.

Yield obtained ranges between 8 and 12 kg / 100 kg of compost.

Compost is prepared on a clean raised cement platform provided
with roof to protect the compost pile from rain.
Spray compost yard with 2 % formalin a day advance of wetting
of straw
Spread the straw thinly over the entire floor of yard and wet
gradually by gently sprinkling the water, till the straw takes
no more water. At this stage, the water content is roughly
around 75 %. (One tonne of dry straw will require almost
5000 lit of water to bring it into saturation)
After the straw is wetted, the supplements excluding the gypsum
are uniformly scattered over the straw and mixed. Sometimes,
half the supplement is mixed at the beginning and the
remaining can be mixed after the first turn.
After mixing, the mixture is finally stacked in a heap.
A heap of one metre height, one metre wide and of indefinite
length is found suitable. The straw can be stacked manually or
with a stack mould.
If composting is done in cooler months, small heap will not able
to retain heat and moisture, hence larger heaps are ideal, whereas
in summer months, relatively narrow and small heaps are more
After stacking, it is important to ensure that the heap attains
sufficiently high temperatures (70-75oC) to bring about the
correct composting.
Otherwise the compost will lack the necessary nutritive value
essential for a good crop.
Open the heap and remake as per the schedule given below.
Zero day - Stacking the heap
6th day - First turning

Turning is done to ensure that the every portion of the pile gets
equal amount of aeration and water.

To give turning, remove about one foot of compost from the top
and sides of the pile. Shake it thoroughly so that excess of
ammonia is released and it is exposed to air properly.

Make a new pile with the help of mould keeping the central
portion at the bottom, top and side portions at the center and the
bottom portions on the topside. During pile formation, watering
is done if required.
10th day -Second turning
13th day -Third turning + addition of recommended gypsum
16th day -Fourth turning + 400 g of carbofuran 3G /t of straw
to check nematodes.
19th day -Fifth turning
22nd day -Sixth turning
25th day -Seventh turning + Add required quantity of BHC
or Malathion spray (0.2 %)
28th day -Break open the pile and check for ammonia smell.
If the compost is dark brown in colour and without any smell of
ammonia it is ready for spawning.
If slight smell of ammonia is detected, then the compost is kept as
such (opened) for one day and the excess ammonia will disappear.
Addition of formalin (0.5 %) and carbendazim (0.015 %) in the
compost 24-28 h prior to spawning is effective.
Composting is a fermentation process in which various organisms
convert ammonical nitrogen to microbial proteins, which are
ultimately utilized by mycelium of A. bisporus for its nutrition.
The method takes 28-30days to achieve the composting.
Attributes of good compost
Good compost should be dark brown in colour, not greasy or sticky,
have distinct sweet inoffensive smell, free from ammonia smell,
68-72 % moisture and a pH of 7.2-7.8.
There should not be any visible growth of other undesirable
It should be free from insects and nematodes and the nitrogen
content should be around 1.75 and 2.2% for long and short method
of composting respectively.
Short method of composting (SMC)
It was first introduced in India by Shandilya (1977).
This method is superior to long method and it involves controlled
composting and the composting time is shortened to 15-22 days.
More compost per unit wt of straw (18-25 kg/100 kg) is produced
Compost is highly selective with little chances for pests and diseases
Labour requirement is less compared to long method.

Short method of composting primarily consists of two parts.

Outdoor composting for 8-12 days (phase I) followed by
pasteurization and conditioning of compost inside an insulated room
by free circulation of steam and air under definite set of condition
for 7- 10 days (Phase II)
Purpose of conditioning or pasteurization

• It conditions or sweetens the compost at a definite set of

temperature uniformly making it more selective for the
growth of A. bisporus
• It kills or inactivates insect pests and other competitors that
hamper the spawn run and reduce the yield.
• It converts ammonia into microbial protein most of which
otherwise goes unutilized in long method of composting.
• It reduces the time of composting.
• More compost per unit weight of straw is produced.
• It increases the yield of mushrooms.
Major facilities required for short method of composting are
Composting yard: Concrete flooring with facilities for collecting
water drained out of the compost stack for its reuse.
Pasteurization facilities: It is accomplished in bulk pasteurization
room or tunnel and in peak heating room.
Construct an insulated room where walls, roof, ducts which carry
steam and doors are be insulated by a proper insulating material.
Boiler is required to produce the steam while the blower is needed
to blow the air. Ventilation and recirculation of air and ammonia
is required for proper aerobic conditions and maintaining the
temperature for proper development of thermophilic microflora
Ammonia is recirculated for its conversion into microbial proteins
a. Bulk pasteurization room or tunnel
This is an insulated chamber having two floors where the
pasteurization of compost is done in bulk or in tunnel. The first
floor of the chamber, which is the real floor, is given a 2 % slope
and is usually insulated. Above this floor is a wooden or iron
grated floor on which the compost is kept free and about 25-30 %
surface area of this floor is kept free in the form of gaps for
circulation of steam and air.
b. Peak heating room
This simple insulated room has arrangement for steam jets
and air through a circulating fan. Here steam pasteurization is
done in trays instead of bulk.
The short method of composting consists of two phases.
Phase I - Outdoor composting (8-12 days)
Phase II - Indoor composting in peak heating room or
bulk pasteurization tunnels (7-10 days)
Phase I (Outdoor composting)
In this phase, all the ingredients are allowed to ferment
under uncontrolled conditions as in LMC for 8 –12 days.

This brings about the partial decomposition of straw.

Heat is generated in the central zone of pile to 70-80°C, results

in change of colour of compost to brown.

In the outer zone, temperature remains in the range of 50-60°C

where huge population of thermophilic flora develops.

This serves as the inoculum for undecomposed compost.

Day (- 4) Preliminary low stake is prepared with thoroughly
wetted wheat straw, chicken manure and brewer’s grain.
Day(-2) The stack is break-opened and sufficient water is added
especially to dry patches and again an anaerobic stack is
Day 0 The stack is again broken. All the fertilizers are added,
to dry portions and an aerobic stack is made with the
help of wooden trays as in long method.
Day2 First turning is given
Day4 Second turning
Day6 Third turning and addition of gypsum
Day8 The compost is filled in trays and it is for pasteurization
Phase I composting
Outdoor composting
Phase II (Pasteurization and conditioning)
This is recognized as the microbial composting stage. One
aspect of this phase is to promote the conditions in which the
thermophilic flora thrives.

Pasteurization: During pasteurization, the compost and the

surrounding air is heated to a temperature of about 60oC for 4
hour, which will kill harmful organisms without affecting the
beneficial organisms (thermophilic flora).

Conditioning: The compost is brought to a temperature (45-50oC)

that is optimum for the majority of thermophilic flora.
These organisms convert ammonia into microbial protein.
Excess ammonia is released into atmosphere.
The thermophilic microorganisms, which develop in the compost
are utilized by the mushroom mycelium for its growth at 25oC
when they become almost inactive.
Besides proper temperature, supply of fresh oxygen is very
important during conditioning as it is an aerobic process. It lasts
for 3-5 days or till ammonia is undetectable (less than 10 ppm)
Pasteurization and conditioning is done by two methods
viz., in peak heating rooms (trays) or by bulk pasteurization
Peak heating and conditioning
This is done in well-insulated room in trays where the temperature
is maintained between 48 and 60°C with free circulation of air and
oxygen between 15-20 % for proper development of thermophilic
To pasteurize 250 trays a room of 24’x15’x 12’ (l x w x h) will be
sufficient to start the procedure
First the room is heated with dry heat to bring the temp. around
After the compost from Phase I is immediately transferred in the
room in the trays and they are stacked one over the other leaving
about 20 cm space between two trays for free flow of steam and
air inside the pasteurization room.
The room is now sealed to avoid any leakage of heat and live
steam is let into raise the temperature of tray-beds to 48-52° C and
is maintained for 2-4days. Then raise the temperature to 58-60° C
for 4 h.
Phase II composting
Steam supply is then cut off and fresh air is gradually introduced
in the room to lower the temperature the room.
Temperature of the room is maintained for conditioning of the
compost. During this period, compost is generally free from
ammonia and compost temperature is further reduced to 24°C by
introduction of fresh air. If there is no smell of ammonia it is
ready for spawning.
Bulk pasteurization and conditioning
In this process the compost is treated in bulk inside a specially
built room known as tunnel.
The compost is filled in the bulk chamber up to a height of 2-2.2m
in such a way that one sq. m of space occupies approximately
900-1000 kg of compost. Several temperature sensors are placed
at different points of tunnel.
Immediately after filling the tunnel with compost from phase I,
all the doors are closed and the aerated steam is allowed inside to
raise the temp of the compost to 45°C.
When the compost temperature reaches 45°C introduction of
fresh air is stopped.
Compost temperature starts raising at 1.2°C / h. The required
temperature (57-58° C) needed for pasteurization of compost may
reach in 10-12 hr.
This temperature is maintained for 6-8 hr for effective
At this temperature, harmful insects nematodes and competitor
moulds are eliminated from the compost and at the same time the
nutrients in the compost will be preserved.
When pasteurization is complete, the compost temperature is
reduced for conditioning.

To achieve this, compost temperature is maintained at 48-52° C

by slight introduction of fresh air.

This phase is known as conditioning and it is continued for 3-5

days or till there is no detectable smell of ammonia (less than 10
ppm) in the compost.

During this process lot of thermophilic organisms develop which

are very essential for the selecting of the compost.

After conditioning, the temperature of the compost is further

reduced down to 25-300C by introduction of fresh air in the tunnel
and when this temperature reaches it is ready for spawning.
The advantages of bulk pasteurization are

• More compost per unit size of the room can be treated as

compared to tray pasteurization.

• The cost of pasteurization in tunnel is less than tray system.

• Wooden tray which are very costly now-a-days.

• Some tunnel can be utilized for spawn run in bulk which

gives effectives use of the space.

• Yield per unit weight of compost is generally higher than the

tray pasteurization.
Difference between natural compost and synthetic compost

Particulars Natural compost Synthetic compost

Ingredients used Prepared mostly by horse It is the combination of
manure mixed with straw straw, wheat bran, chicken
litter and chemical fertilizers
Composting method It is a primitive method. It is an advanced method of
Mostly followed by small composting done by most
growers commercial growers
Moisture content 65-67% 68-72%
after composting
Quality of compost Not uniform quality and Uniform in quality and
texture as compared to texture
synthetic compost
Yield obtained from Lesser yield as compared to More yield than natural
compost synthetic compost compost because of better
aeration in the bed
Difference between long method and short method of composting
Particulars LMC SMC

Method of Prepared in outdoor conditions, Composting is done under controlled

preparation where hygienic conditions are conditions with good hygiene
difficult to maintain
Composting time 28-30days 15-22 days
Quantity of Less compost per unit weight of More compost per unit weight if
compost straw is produced straw is produced
Quality of compost Comparatively less superior Superior in quality

Mushroom yield Lesser yield (8-10 kg of Higher yield (18-25 kg / 100 kg of

compost) than short method of compost. Approximately double the
composting yield of long method of composting
Incidence of insect Liable to be infected by various Less insect pest and diseases since
pest and diseases insect pest and diseases the compost is highly selective for
the mushroom mycelium
Labour requirement Requires more labour Less labour requirement
for preparation
Final N content 1.75 % 2.2 %
Button mushroom production
Preparation of bed and spawning
The mushroom houses are constructed with built in shelves
on which beds are laid. The shelves are about ½ m apart, the lower
being at least 20 cm above the floor.
For growing mushroom, wooden trays measuring 100 cm x
50 cm x 15 cm are used. Each tray can hold 20-30 kg of compost.

The special compost (pasteurized and conditioned) is filled

in trays to a height of 10 cm and pressed uniformly. After filling
the compost, spawning is done.

The required quantity of spawn is thoroughly mixed with

the compost before filling in the trays. This method is known as
thorough spawning.
Normally 150-200 g of grain spawn is sufficient for two trays.
The recommended dose of spawn is 0.5 - 0.75 % (500-750 g
spawn for 100 kg of compost)

After spawning compost surface is covered with old newspaper

sheets. These sheets are initially sprayed with a very light conc. of
formalin (0.5-1.0) then with water to provide humidity.
No water is applied directly to the compost during spawn run.

The trays after spawning are stacked vertically one above the
other in 4-5 tiers. One meter space must be left in between the
compost tray and ceiling.

These should be about 15-20 cm space between the two trays for
various operations such as casing, watering, picking, etc.
Spawn of A. bisporus

Mixing of spawn in the

Crop Management
The spawn running room should be maintained at 23± 2oC. The
humidity should ranges from 85-90 %.

This is maintained by watering the floor and walls frequently.

The room may be kept closed as only small amount of fresh air is
needed for spawn growing and mushroom mycelium is quite
tolerant to carbon dioxide.

It is essential to control the insects simultaneously. For this, the

floor and walls should be sprayed with Malathion.

The temperature of the compost should not be allowed to go

beyond 30˚C. Sufficient air should be circulated in the spawn
running room to obtain uniform temp. throughout the room.
If the optimum conditions are provided in the spawn running
room, it takes about 12-15 days for the compost to be fully
covered with mycelium (spawn run).
The optimum moisture of compost should be 68-70 % .
Excessively wet composts are often associated with high
ammonia content, which is detrimental to mushroom mycelium.
High ammonia in turn increases the pH of the compost above
7.5-8.0, which is again not good for growth of mushroom
Temperature should not exceed beyond 28˚C.
The optimum level of CO2 have been found to be 0.5 - 2.0 %
After spawn run (normally 15 days) the crop becomes
ready to enter into reproductive phase to produce the fruit bodies.
The process of applying casing layer (3-4 cm) on the surface of
compost bed is called ‘casing’ to stop vegetative growth and
induce fruiting.

• It creates stress necessary for induction of fruit bodies.
• It supplies water for growth and development of fruit bodies
and regulates the flow of nutrients from compost to
developing fruit bodies.
• It provides anchorage for the mushrooms and maintains
humidity and temperature in the cropping room by
evaporative cooling.
• It prevents the evaporation of excessive moisture from the
beds and act as a blanket against too rapids disappearance
of metabolic products.
• It provides a medium of low osmotic value compared to
compost and hence provides a proper mix for developing
pin heads.
• Bacteria like Pseudomonas group play an important role in
inducing fruit body formation. Casing soil provides a
medium for growth and multiplication of these bacteria,
thus providing congenial environment for fruiting.
Materials for casing layer
Peat is a universally accepted medium for mushroom
cultivation. It has very high water holding capacity and low pH.
Mixing of peat with CaCO3 brings down its water holding capacity
and increases its pH above 7.0 and makes it ideal for casing.
If peat is not available FYM + loam soil or FYM + 3 year old spent
compost are used as casing material.

It is essential to sterilize or pasteurize the casing mixtures in order

to destroy the harmful moulds and pests present in the casing.
In general steam heating of casing soil at 80oC for at least 6 h is
followed. Otherwise, Formaldehyde at 2 % (2 lit of commercial
grade formalin in 40 lit of water) is applied at the rate of 3 l/ m3 of
casing soil and it is covered with polythene sheet. The treatment is
given at least 2 weeks before its use.
Process of casing
First step in the process of casing is to open the bags or to
remove the newspaper sheets from the trays or troughs after the
mycelium has completely colonizes the compost.

Compost is then leveled by pressing the surface with hand and the
casing layer about 3-4 mm thick is applied uniformly over the
entire surface of compost. A very light spray of formalin (0.5 %) is
given after the casing. Casing layer should not be pressed after the
application over compost beds.

Maintain the temperature of the cropping room at 15–18oC. The

entire room is ventilated with plenty of fresh air to bring down this
temperature. The humidity during pinhead formation should be
maintained at 90 – 95 % and during fruiting body development at
80 – 85 %.
The pinheads usually appear in flushes 22- 25 days from spawning
or 10 days from casing and they remain the same size (3-5 mm
dia) for 5-7 days after their initiation.
It takes approximately 8 -12 days from the formation of pinhead
size to button stage (i.e., first harvest is done at 38 – 44 days from
the date of spawning).
The production continues in 5-6 flushes for a period of 8-10
weeks. Highest yields are obtained during the first or second flush
and subsequently goes on decreasing in later flushes.

Pinhead formation
Harvest and yield
Mushrooms are picked just before the cap expands and
the gills are exposed. At this stage, the cap measures 2.5-8.0 cm
across. Closed mushrooms are always preferred. Open
mushrooms are inferior in quality and have shorter shelf life.
The yields are highly variable and depend on the quality of
compost and proper crop management. In India, the yield of
mushroom varies from 6-8 kg/m2 or 3-4 kg/tray. However, in
western countries, where technology is highly advanced the
average yields of 20 kg/ m2 are usual.

Mushroom crop
Grading and packing
Mushrooms are very delicate and start perishing soon after
picking. For sale as fresh mushrooms, they are generally graded
according to the accepted International standards. These are

Buttons: Mushrooms with membrane closed, only just forming;

stem length not to exceed 2 cm; cap measuring 3-6 cm across.

Cups: Mushrooms with membrane well developed or just opening

with cap retaining a pronounced cup shape; stem length not to
exceed 2.5 to 7 cm.

Opens: Mushrooms which have advanced beyond the cup stage,

the cap forming a letter ‘T’ with the stalk. These mushrooms are
also called ‘flats’
The major problem is their short shelf-life. At 20oC the white
button mushroom deteriorates in a day or two and in cool stores at
1– 2oC in 3 to 4 days.
Deterioration means desiccation, browning and toughening under
inappropriate conditions, continued development of the cap and
stalk and the onset of bacterial disorders.
However, mushrooms covered with polythene sheet lose water and
whiteness at a much slower rate than the uncovered mushrooms.
Therefore it is advisable to pack them in transparent polythene bag,
perforated at places to permit evaporation of excess moisture that
would tend to collect in the bag and transport these bags at 4oC
under refrigerated conditions.
Comparison of important commercially cultivated mushrooms

Character Oyster Button Milky Paddy Straw

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom
Species Pleurotus spp. Agaricus spp. Calocybe indica Volvariella spp.

Substrate Paddy straw Compost Paddy straw Paddy straw

Growing temperature 20-25oC 15-20oC 30-35oC 30-35oC
Required RH Above 80 % 85-95 % Above 85 % 85 - 90 %
Crop cycle 40-45 days 85-100 days 45-50 days 25-30 days
Days for first harvest 15-25 days 60-70 days 24-28 days 10-15 days

Yield per bed 400-600 g 20-25 kg / 250-350 g 5 kg /30 kg bed

/500g bed 100kg compost /250g bed

Shelf life 1-3 days 3-5 days 3-5 days 1-3 days
Bioefficiency 80-120% 20-30% 100-150% 15-20%
Prodn cost/kg (Rs) 30 - 35 30 - 40 35-40 25 - 30
Market price/kg (Rs.) 50 - 60 80-100 70 - 80 50 - 60
Net profit /kg (Rs.) 20 - 25 50 - 60 35 - 40 25 - 30
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