Nursing As Caring Model

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Nursing as caring model

Anne boykin and Savina o. Schoenhofer

Nursing As Caring
Persons are caring by virtue of their humanness
Persons live their caring moment to moment
Persons are whole or complete in the moment
Personhood is living life grounded in caring
Personhood is enhanced through participating in
nurturing relationships with caring others
Nursing is both a DISCIPLINE and PROFESSION
Elements of Nursing as Caring
Nursing situations - are lived and shared
experiences in which caring between a nurse and
patient enhances personhood.

Direct invitation – Opens the relationships to true

caring between the nurse and the patient

Call for nursing - are calls for nurturance to which

the nurse responds uniquely with a deliberately
formed knowledge of what it means to be human
Elements of Nursing as Caring
Caring between – occurs when the nurse enters
the patients own world and understands the patient
as a caring person

Nursing response - is co-created in the

immediacy of what truly matters to the patient and
is a specific expression of caring nurturance to
sustain and enhance the client living and growing in

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