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Narrative Writing

{ By: Julian, M. Firdaus & Christabel

“Goodnight, love you, don’t forget to lock up”
Fred hangs up as he prepares to sleep, drifting off to
thoughts of his girlfriend who is currently away. Not
ten minutes later was he woken up by an odd sound.
Fred gathers his senses as the sound resonates, once
more. He decides to investigate and goes downstairs.
When the sound resonates once more, he pinpoints it
to his basement. Led by curiosity, he opens the
basement door and stares into darkness below.
“Why did I install that switch down there…”

Carefully, Fred descends step by step until he finds the

switch. Click. Light fills his eyes as he is temporarily
blinded. After his eyes adjust, he searches the small
basement and finds nothing. Just old appliances left to
collect dust. Confused, Fred shrugs and decides to
head back up. Looking at his foot, he notices a
footmark on one of the staircase. Thinking it was his
own, Fred gives in to sleepiness and continues to head
upstairs: leaving the lights on. After closing the door,
the sound echoes again, this time much louder. Fred
opens the door, and stares again into darkness.

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