Present-Perf PPT SP3

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The Present Perfect Tense

Miss Erica De Paz

The Present Perfect
• In English we form the present
perfect tense by combining have or
has (as a helping/auxiliary verb)
with the past participle of a verb:
He has seen it; Have you tried?;
They haven’t eaten… etc.
The Present Perfect

• generally the Spanish present

perfect in the same way we use
its English equivalent…
The Present Perfect
• No he arreglado la bicicleta
• I haven’t fixed the bicycle yet.
The Present Perfect
• ¿Qué trabajos has tenido?
• What jobs have you had?
Present Perfect
 Unstated/ Indefinite time
Ex. Teddy has bought a new bike.
(we don’t know when)

Past Simple
 Stated/Definite time
Ex. Teddy bought a new bike on Saturday.
(we know when)
Present Perfect
 Unfinished action
Ex. Teddy has gone shopping.
(he hasn’t finished shopping yet)

Past Simple
 Finished action
Ex. Teddy went shopping.
(he has already finished shopping)
Present Perfect
 Past action connected to the present
Ex. Teddy has lost his key.
(he hasn’t found it yet)

Past Simple
 Past action with no connection to the present
Ex. Teddy lost his key
(he has already found it)
Present Perfect
 With the following adverbs:
for, since, recently, ever, never, already, just, yet, how long
Ex. Teddy has recently eaten some honey.

Past Simple
 With the following adverbs:
last… , ago, yesterday
Ex. Teddy went to the dentist last week.

Present Perfect


Past Simple
Janet ____________ (pack) her
case and she’s ready to go!
has packed (pack) her
Janet ____________
case and she’s ready to go!
____________ (you/see) Ian at the
supermarket last week?
Did you see (you/see) Ian at the
supermarket last week?
Daniel _____________(repair) the
lights, they work now!
has repaired
Daniel _____________(repair) the
lights, they work now!
It’s ages since we _________ (go)
to the theatre.
It’s ages since we _________ (go)
to the theatre.
I _________ (live) in England for
30 years, but I live in France now.
I _________ (live) in England for
30 years, but I live in France now.
We ____________ (not/have) much
sun so far this year.
haven’t had (not/have) much
We ____________
sun so far this year.
David, your parcel
_________________ (just/arrive)
David, your parcel
has just arrived (just/arrive)
We ___________ (not/have) a
party since New Year’s Eve.
haven’t had (not/have) a
We ___________
party since New Year’s Eve.
Dad _____________ (just/find) his
glasses, he’s so pleased!
has just found (just/find) his
Dad _____________
glasses, he’s so pleased!
Trevor ___________ (sign) the
contract for a house yesterday.
Trevor ___________ (sign) the
contract for a house yesterday.
______________(you/do) the
shopping yet?
Have you done
______________(you/do) the
shopping yet?
Your parents ______________
(arrive). They’re in the lounge.
have arrived
Your parents ______________
(arrive). They’re in the lounge.
I _________ (lose) my wallet. I
can’t find it anywhere.
I ‘ve lost
_________ (lose) my wallet. I
can’t find it anywhere.
We __________ (play) tennis with
our friends yesterday.
We __________ (play) tennis with
our friends yesterday.
to Scotland?
Have you ever been
to Scotland?
It __________ (rain) a lot last
It __________ (rain) a lot last
______________(you/wash) the
car yet?
Have you washed
______________(you/wash) the
car yet?
The last time we ________ (go) to
Paris was in 1999.
The last time we ________ (go) to
Paris was in 1999.
What time ______________ (get)
up this morning?
did you get
What time ______________ (get)
up this morning?

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