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Dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik (Scientific approach ) Model
Pembelajaran Discovery learning, siswa mampu menganalisis, memilih, membuat dan
mempresentasikan teks interaksi interpersonal tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
meminta ijin dan menanggapinya dalam interaksi dengan guru dan teman di dalam
dan diluar kelas dengan disiplin, jujur, bertanggung jawab serta memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat minimal 70 % sesuai
Asking for permission

Would you mind if I sit here?

Shall I bring you a pillow?
Can I do the dishes for you?
Shall I help you with your project?
Can I borrow your book, please?
Would you mind if I ask you
Giving permission May I bring my phone to school?
 Yes, Please.
May I go out tonight mom?
 Sure, Is it okay if I turn off the TV?
 Go ahead. Can I keep the dog mom?
 Absolutely sure.
 Yes, Please do.
 No problem.

Refusing permission
 No, sorry.
 No, you can't.
 No, Please don't.
 I think you shouldn't do it.
 No, I think it's impossible.

Boy : It’s me, may I come in

Annie : of course, come in !
Boy : yuch....what a messy room you have. You need to clean it Annie
Annie : alright....alright...may be later
Boy : what are you up to ? lets hanng out
Annie : I’m in the middle of my homework. I’m almost done, hold on
Boy :’s already hot in here. Can I open the window ?
Annie : yeah... go ahead
Boy : thanks
Annie : phew.... oh my homework
Boy : I’m sos sorry, can I read this book ?
Annie : yeah...yeah... go ahead
Boy : hmmmm..... this is too difficult...and I already read this... and this is boring. Annie , can I read your seethbook ?
Annie : yeah..yeah...sure
Boy : can u help me to draw a lion ?
Annie : nope, I’m super duper busy !
Boy : okay... can I open this drawer ?
Annie : phew....can you just pleaase be quite for a minute ?
Boy : yes...Annie....can I ... ?
Annie : okay...okay... do whatever you want
Boy : got you ! you said so !
Annie : yes, I’m finally done. Oh gosh ! what happen to my room
Social Function :
Asking for permission is an expression that is used
to ask someone’s permission wheter we can do or
can not do something.
Boy : It’s me, may I come in
Annie : of course, come in ! Annie , can I read your seethbook ?
Boy : yuch....what a messy room you have. You need to Annie : yeah..yeah...sure
clean it Annie Boy : can u help me to draw a lion ?
Annie : nope, I’m super duper busy !
CONTENT Boy : okay... can I open this drawer ?
Annie : alright....alright...may be later Annie : phew....can you just pleaase be
Boy : what are you up to ? lets hanng out quite for a minute ?
Annie : I’m in the middle of my homework. I’m almost Boy : yes...Annie....can I ... ?
done, hold on Annie : okay...okay... do whatever you
Boy :’s already hot in here. Can I open the want
window ?
Annie : yeah... go ahead CLOSING
Boy : thanks Boy : got you ! you said so !
Annie : phew.... oh my homework Annie : yes, I’m finally done. Oh gosh !
Boy : I’m sos sorry, can I read this book ? what happen to my room
Annie : yeah...yeah... go ahead
Boy : hmmmm..... this is too difficult...and I already read
this... and this is boring.
Language Features
 Vocabulary related to daily activities and actions in
the home, classroom, school and community
Kata kerja bantu modal : could can would
 Pronounciation : quite, scethbook, drawer
 Intonationi : quite, scethbook, drawer
analysis of social functions, text structure and linguistic elements of the asking
for permission expression of the conversation script on the video and its
Social function Generic structure Language features

................................. Opening ................... Vocabulary ....................

Modal ................................

................................... Content .....................

Verb .............................

................................... Closing ......................... Noun .............................

Pronoun ...........................
After listening to the video, choose the expressions about asking for permission in the video by completing the
voiced text.

Please find out someone expression of asking permission from the video to complete the text below !
Boy : I’ts me _________________
Annie : of course, come in !
Boy : Yuch...... what a messy room you have. You need to clean up Annie
Annie : Alright....alright... may be later
Boy : What are you up to ? let’s hang out
Annie : I’m in the middle of my homework. I’m almost done, hold on
Boy : Okay.... it’s really hot in here ____________
Annie : Yeah..... go ahead
Boy : Thanks
Annie : Phew... oh my homework !
Boy : I;m so sorry, ____________
Annie : Yeah....yeah... go ahead
Boy : Hmmm.... this is too difficult.. and I already read this... and this is boring. Annie, ______
Annie : Yeah....yeah...sure
Boy : ___________________
Annie : Nope, I’m suoer duper busy !
Boy : Okay ___________
Annie : Phew _____________
Boy : Yes, Annie ______________
Annie : Okay....okay... do whatever you want
Boy : Got you ! You said so !
Annie : Yes, I’m finally done. Oh...gosh ! what happened to my room
Please make a conversation about asking for
permission in pairs

Toni : Hi Sam, do you mind if I use your hand phone for a
moment? My hand phone is off and I need to call my
Rio : Sure, I don’t mind. Here is my phone.

Toni : Thanks buddy. It will only be a minute or two.

Rio : Take your time. No rush.

Toni : Thanks a lot Rio.

Rio : Don’t mention it.

Please practice your dialouge in front of the

class !

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