Mechanical Cart

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Project report on
“Design and development of mechanical cart and its multiple use”

Submitted by,
Sumit Gajbhiye
Mohammad Shahroz
Ankit Herikhan
Uddesh Ukey
Aditya selokar

Guided By
Prof. Vinod sakhare


Department Of Mechanical Engineering Dahegaon Kalm
eshwar Road, Nagpur- 441501 (M.S.)


Sr. No. Topics Page No.

1 Abstract 3

2 Introduction 4

3 Objectives 5

4 Literature Review 6

5 Methodology 7

6 Constructional Detail 10

7 Working 12

8 Features of project 14

9 Advantages 15

10 Conclusion 16

11 References 18

Bullock-cart is a major source of transportation of commodities from one place to another in rural area. Ab
out 68%of the total agricultural produce in the Chhattisgarh is still carried away through animal drawn veh
icles every year.Chhattisgarh state consists of three zones i.e. Chhattisgarh Plain, Bastar Plateau, Northern
hills zone,that occupies 51.0%, 28.0% and 21.0% of the geographical area, respectively.For this particular
study Chhattisgarh Plain zone was selected. Chhattisgarh plains consist of total 14 districts out of which 8
districts were selected for this study.In each district three blocks were selected for the case study. Highest a
verage number of bullock carts has been using in Rajnandgaon i.e. 58157 and lowest in Mungeli i.e.7261 d
istrict. The performance of IFIW cart was found best among all four types of carts used for the testing at 11
00 kg load it has lowest draft, power requirement and wheel slippage was 35.22 kg,
0.39 kW, 0.88 % respectively and highest speed was 2.99 km/hr. Lowest performance was found in WFW
W cart at the 1100 kg load. It has highest draft, power requirement and wheel slippage 45.64 kg, 0.50 kW,
1.63 % respectively and lowest speed 2.76 km/hr among all types of carts. It was found that in each cart as
the load was increased simultaneously draft requirement and power requirement was also increased and sp
eed and slippage was decreased.

Key words: cart, Animal drawn vehicles, Draft requirement, Power requirement, Wheel slippage.

India has the largest population of draught animals in the world. Bullocks are the main source of work in al
l the field operations. The small and marginal farmers prefer to maintain bullocks for draught purpose whic
h is further a source of renewable and sustainable energy helping Indian farmers in multiple ways. Bullock
cart is still in existence in rural areas of India for short distance transport of agricultural inputs and produce
to nearby markets and rail heads. It has not only survived the advances of science and technology but occu
pies a high position in terms of investment and needs to be met. With the modernization of agriculture, the
use of mechanical power in agriculture has increased, but draught animal power (DAP) continues to be use
d on Indian farms due to small holdings and hill agriculture. More than 55% of the total cultivated area is s
till being managed by using draught animals as against about 20% by tractors (Singh, 2002).
The bullock cart is the most important transport suited to the kutcha rural roads; it costs less per tonne-km t
han any powered vehicle. Access to an effective means of transport is an essential ingredient for promotin
g the economic and social development of rural people. This is particularly true for small-scale farmers. It
enables them to provide greater inputs of fertiliser and manure to improve yields, allows them to move and
market more produce. It also reduces time and effort spent in household activities such as collecting firewo
od and water so releasing time for more productive activities (Dennis, 1999).
In Chhattisgarh, 54% marginal farmers own 15 % of total land and 22 % small farmers own 19% of total l
and i.e. 76% of small and marginal farmers owns 34% of total land with average land holding of 1.6 ha. (S
cenario of Horticulture, annual plan report, 2014-15). Most of the farmers in Chhattisgarh have very small
land holdings; they cannot afford tractor, bullock cart remains only mode of transport for them. There are a
bout 3 million bullocks in Chhattisgarh state and about 0.4 million bullock carts. These carts are available i
n different types in discrete manner and are not improved.
The material of construction of conventional carts is wood which make them more costly, less durable and
heavy. There is need to remove drawbacks of traditional bullock carts for higher efficiency. However, the
draught of existing carts is lower than the draughtability of bullocks, but reducing draught further may lead
to reduce load on bullocks and thereby increase in their efficiency and carrying capacity of existing bulloc

1. To evaluate the performance of different bullock carts available in Chhattisgarh plains.

2. To find out limitations and shortcomings of the existing bullock carts.
3. To develop a bullock cart by modifying existing carts considering draughtability of non- descript bu
llocks of this region.

Dennis R. (1999) identified the major constraint on wider use of animal-based transport in Eastern and So
uthern Africa as un-affordability of carts due to a combination of high cost and lack of access to credit. An
other strong constraint in some areas was a shortage of carts caused by a limited production capacity and c
apability. Constraints on animal ownership applied mainly to oxen and include disease, lack of grazing an
d high cost.
Singh G. (2000) stated that with the modernization of agriculture, the use of mechanical power in agricult
ure had increased but draught animal power (DAP) continued to be used on Indian farms due to small hol
dings and hill agriculture. More than 55% of the total cultivated area was still being managed by using dra
ught animals as against about 20% by tractors.
Srivastava N. S. L. (2002) stated that the draught animals, particularly bullocks, were the predominant sou
rce of mobile power on about 60% of the cultivated area consisting of about 85 million ha. The power ava
ilable from draught animals was related to its body weight. The maximum draught available from differen
t animals, in sustained working, on whole day basis (in two shifts) using local yokes/harnesses was found
as under:
Bullocks: 10-12% of body weight in summer and 12-14% in winter Buffaloes: 12% of body weight in all
Camels: 18% of body weight up to 7 h, 26% up to 6 h following 2 h work + 2 h rest schedule.
The population of draught animals had declined to about 77.69 million in 1991-92 from 80.75 million in 1
971-72 and was estimated as 77.13 million in 1996-97 contributing 19.12 MkW. This was 14.5% of the to
tal farm power. The average draught animal power availability was estimated at 3.68 ha per pair which wa
s considered far below the normal command area of 1.5-2.5 ha per pair (http: //
Anonymous stated that in India, the draught animal sector gives employment to 20 million people on full t
ime/part time basis in Bullock cart business and transports approximately 15% of the total of the load (To
nnes-km) carried by motor transport sector in India. In load terms, bullock carts carry more load than the t
otal load transported by railways
Research on cart
Raghavan M. R. and Nagendra H. R., (1979) studied an engineering analysis of the design of two wheel b
ullock carts with the aid of mathematical model and non dimensional expressions for the pull and the neck
load were developed. In the first instant, the cart was assumed to be cruising at constant velocity on a terra
in with the effective coefficient of rolling friction varying over the wide range (0.001 to 0.5) and the gradi
ent varying between +0.2 to 0.2. In the light of this analysis, two modifications to the design of the cart we
re proposed and the relative merits of the current designs and proposed designs were discussed.
Raghavan M. R. and Prasanna Rao (1979) developed a strain gauge load cell with separate bridges for me
asurement of the pull and the bending moment in the plane containing the net neck load and pull and it wa
s fixed in the longitudinal member of an experimental cart. A cart fitted first with pneumatic wheels and th
en with steel-rimmed wooden wheels was tested on three terrains tar road, mud road and grassy terrain. Pu
ll vs time and moment vs time records were obtained in each test and analysed. It was found that the bullo
cks pull the cart rather discontinuously at the low velocities at
which these carts normally operate. On the tar road and the grassy terrain, the mean static coefficient of fri
ction was significantly higher for the cart with steel-rimmed wooden wheels. The dynamic frictional resist
ance of the terrain for the cart with steel-rimmed wooden wheels was lower than for the cart with pneumati
c wheels so long as the wheels did not dig or sink into the terrain. The fluctuation in the neck load was low
er in the cart fitted with pneumatic wheels. Also, the ground-induced low amplitude high-frequency vibrat
ory load content in the neck load was lower in the cart with pneumatic wheels.
Ramaswamy N. S. (1979) presented the bullock cart as a genuine case for appropriate technology which c
ould be widely and easily implemented. While capital intensive technology is unavoidable for long distanc
e transport of goods, for intra-sectoral transport on a small scale in the villages, there was a strong case for
retaining carts which use bio-energy as the prime motive power and are also economical of capital.
Deshpande S. D. and Ojha T. P. (1985) developed an improved ox cart based on survey and testing of tradi
tional and pneumatic tyred carts. An improved cart was provided with a braking system, proper balance, a
steel axle, increased carrying capacity, quicker access for lubrication, seating arrangements for passengers,
and provision for carrying low density material like husk, straw, etc. The performance evaluation studies r
evealed that the carrying capacity of this cart was 12 quintals (1200 kg) on loose field terrain, and that the
draught required is 125 kg (1.2 kN). An improved oxcart gave better results than a traditional cart in respec
t of draught and power requirements.
Betker and Kutzbach (1989) made a systematic approach to describe the factors influencing the draught an
imal transport system; General considerations for design of carts were discussed. Results of experimental
work showed the influence of construction parameters (pneumatic tyres vs steel wheels. roller vs wooden b
earings) on draught force requirements, and the influence of forces under different conditions (laterite, san
dy road, field and loose sand). Rolling resistance for each factor combination was also determined.
Deshpande S. D. (1994) developed an improved punctureless rubbertyred ox cart as an alternative to the e
xisting pneumatic tyred cart in order to overcome certain problems faced by pneumatic carts apart from hig
h initial cost. The cart used old truck tyres filled with coconut coirs and had an improved frame, a braking
system, proper balance, a steel axle, quicker access for lubrication, a seating arrangement for passengers an
d provision for carrying loose or low density material.
Oram C. E. (1999) stated that most existing carts used in developing countries were made locally using wo
oden bodies and scrap automotive axles. Such axles were becoming scarce, their quality was falling and th
eir price was rising. Alternative wheels, axles and bearings were required to reduce costs and provide farm
ers and transport operators, with very restricted capital, access to better transport. The DTU was developin
g designs for locally constructible roller bearing axles, again requiring only simple hand tools, welding equ
ipment and widely available materials. A family of cast aluminum hubs and split-rim wheels with integral
aluminum-race roller bearing provided another development which could allow complete axle sets to be m
ade for only a few tens of dollars.
Adarsha M. S. et. al, (2003) designed rubberized Steel Wheel Cart (RSWC) with the idea to combine the g
ood features of the traditional wooden carts and operational efficiency of improved pneumatic tyre carts. T
hese improved carts were made of durable steel components having the wheels embedded with rubber bea
ding for cushioning action and steel axels with antifriction ball bearings to reduce friction for free moveme
nt. The pull beam was made of steel pipe and the body made of light steel sections. The cart could carry a
payload of 2 tonnes. The rubber beading was readily available. These features enabled minimum draught r
equirement and thus made the cart ideal, efficient and user and animal friendly
Kishor M. S. (2009) collected the data by doing market study and user study on bullock cart applications,
working methodologies, size and shape, loading and unloading issues in order to design the bullock cart. B
ased on literature review, QFD and PDS were generated. Catia V5 software was
used to generate the new design. Concept was based on PDS and usability aspect and same were rendered
digitally. Final concept was selected by using weighted ranking method with datum of benchmarked prod
Mulani and Mirza (2013) stated that the existing bullock cart axle designed by the industry uses heavy axl
e without considering Static and dynamic loading conditions which in turn leads to higher factor of safety
increasing the overall cost of the axle. Existing bullock cart axle was redesigned considering the static and
dynamic load conditions. Minimum cross section for the axle was calculated which resulted in the 22.5 %
reduction in the weight of the axle. The weight of axle was reduced without compromising with existing h
ub assembly of wheel.
Ghosal M. K. et al (2014) modified INSDAG design by putting a rubber liner of one inch thickness, obtai
ned from the middle portion of a discarded truck tyre, on the iron wheels of the INSDAG cart (2.0 ton cap
acity), and the performance of the bullocks with respect to draught (N), forward speed (m/s), power requir
ement (kW), wheel slippage (%), fatigue score, and the status of wear of the rubber liner at different paylo
ads from tare (280+50 kg) to 1100 kg, and at different days (1-7) of usage were evaluated. The results indi
cated that the bullocks could sustain pulling the modified INSDAG cart (MIC) with a pay load of 1000 kg
continuously for three hours with work-rest cycle (1 hour work + 15 min rest 1 hour work + 20 min rest 1
hour work), against 800 kg with the INSDAG cart (IC). Further, power requirement, percentage of wheel
slippage, and fatigue score were less in MIC than in IC. The mean wear rate (% decrease in thickness) of t
he rubber liner of the MIC estimated from the regression equation, Y= 0.6311 + 0.0433 X, indicated that t
he rubber liner can be safely used for about 220 hours (R2 = 0.99), allowing 10 % wear of rubber liner for
safe use before replacement. The cost of wear of the rubber liner was of Rs. 4.54 for an hour of operation.
Venkataramanan S. S. stated that the Ox-cart was the main rural transport vehicle in India's villages where
in live nearly 80% of the population. The ox cart had not only survived the advances of science and techno
logy but occupied a high position in terms of investment and needs to be met. It was however, inefficient i
n various respects and the study was intended to seek ways and means of overcoming the drawbacks and e
ffecting improvements.
V. Methodology

3.1 Process Which We Carried Out For Development of Product

VI. Design Of components

1. Wheel
Wheels are locally known as Chakka in Chhattisgarh region. The most of the wheels of traditional ca
rt have been replaced by iron wheels. These wheels have different parts such as Gudada, Ara etc. Gu
dada or hub is central part of wheel which houses the axle assembly in wheel. Size of hub in tradition
al bullock cart is fixed by local carftman without any design considerations. Ara or Spoke is a part of
wheel which connects hub to outer rim. Depending upon the size of wheel and payload the size of ara

a) wheels

2. Frame
Frame is either made up of wood or iron. Currently iron frame has become more common because of mor
e life and less maintenance. Frames of traditional carts are trapezoidal in shape. Length of frame defines th
e size of cart. Frame is connected to axle using nuts and bolts. Arrangement for side support is provided o
n frame. Frames of traditional cart are not fabricated using proper design considerations.
3. Axle
Axle or askud is mainly made up of iron. It rests in hub without any bearing hence it causes most of the fri
ction and noise in cart. As axle supports the main frame, which cart total load, it is most sensible part for f
4. Platform
Platform of traditional bullock cart is mostly trapezoidal in shape. Wood is used as material of constructio
n. Only wood is used as material of construction because the surface of other material becomes in hot sum
mer season. Side boards are provided to the platform to increase the carrying capacity of cart.
5. Yoke
Yoke is energy harnessing part of the bullock cart. It is made up of wood. It is fabricated so that, during ca
rting operation no harm to hump of bullock will cause. Some time padding is provided in between the hu
mp and contact area of yoke which reduce the harm to bullock

Fig 4.1 Catia model

VI.2. Components used:-

1) Power screw :-

1. Design of the screw A typical screw for this purpose is shown in figure- Let us consider a mild steel s
crew for which the tensile and shear strengths may be taken to be approximately 448MPa and 224 MPa resp
ectively. Mild steel being a ductile material we may take the compressive yield strength to be also close to 44
8MPa. Taking a very high factor of safety of 10 due to the nature of the application and considering the axial c
ompression the core diameter of the screw dc is given by A phosphor bronze nut for the
screw jack The screw with the provision for tommy

bar attachment
2) Worm gear
3) Frame
4) Universal coupling

Hooks coupling
4) Pedal
5) Bearings

Open ball bearings

6) Cart design

CAD model

Bullock-cart is a major source of transportation of commodities from one place to another in rural area. To
evaluate the performance of different bullock carts we have created this bullock cart such that extra stress
which is occurred on the bullock while transportation will be reduce. Our project will increase the efficien
cy of the bullock cart .This cart has special design that it can moves in any direction while loading and unl
oading .There are shaft and gear arrangement in this cart so we can move the assembly in upward direction
.It can also perform lifting the assembly so we can say it is multitasking mechanical cart which we can use
for various purpose and this will help the farmers who uses the natural bullock carts.
VIII. Features of our project

1. Multipurpose, it can perform various function like loading and unloading.

2. Multitasking, it is favorable for bullock cart as it can load heavy loads.

3. Automated, the equipment can be animal powered or tractor powered just pulling of the equip
ment is enough and rest of the actions are automated.
4. The Successful implement of scientific cart with our equipment will lead to higher rate for tran

5. Applicable for all type of load within its limit.

6. This is the best mechanical bullock cart which is easy in process.

7. Number of bullock required is reduced excessively.

8. Variable with dimensions and farming specifications

9. Adopted scientific equipment for farming and transportation technology .

10. Our equipment is completely flexible for easy assembly and disassembly.
VIII.1 Applications of Equipments

1. Loading

2. Lifting

3. Transporting

4. Unloading

5. horizontal unloading

6. vertical unloading

7. carrying
IX. Advantages of our project

1. Includes mechanical transportation techniques. This machine has more advantages than regular b
ullock cart .
2. Involves precision travelling and fool proofing technology. By using this machine, various proble
ms occurred by heavy cart is reduced .

3. Suitable for all types of loads .

4. Low cost, it‘s the lowest priced multishifting equipment ever built.

5. Multitasking, Both load bearing and unloading is done simultaneously.

6. Initial investment is less and maintenance free.

7. Reduces labors because of automation.

8. Reduces time consumptions, since it is a mechanical equipment

X. Conclusion

Highest average number of bullock carts has been using in Rajnandgaon i.e. 58157 and lowest in Mungeli
i.e.7261 district. The performance of IFIW cart was found best among all four types of carts used for the te
sting at 1100 kg load it has lowest draft and power requirement and wheel slippage 35.22 kg, 0.29 kW, 0.8
8 % respectively and highest speed 2.99 kmh-1.Lowest performance was found in WFWW cart at the 1100
kg load. It has highest draft, power requirement and wheel slippage 45.64 kg, 0.34 kW, 1.53 % respectivel
y and lowest speed 2.84 kmh-1 among all types of carts. It was found that in each cart as the load was incre
ased simultaneously draft requirement and power requirement was also increased and speed and slippage
was decreased. However, the draught of the existing carts is lower than the draught ability of the bullocks
and thereby increases their efficiency and carrying capacity of the existing bullock carts. From the modific
ation point of view it is required to increase the carrying capacity of the carts from current average 0.8 tons
to 1.5 ton.
XI. Future Scope

1. The study on bullock cart with auger for spreading manure can be done.

2. The dynamo can be fitted to the wheels to harness the rotational energy from wheels.

3. The bullock cart with pneumatic wheels can be developed for on road transportation.
XII. References

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Betker, J. and Kutzbach, H. D. 1989. Influence of design on the draught force characteristics of animal-dra
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Kishor, M. S. 2009. Design and development of bullock cart for agriculture /transport purpose.
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