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• Multithreading is a process of executing multiple

threads simultaneously.
• Advantages:- 1. Thread share same space.
2. Multiple threads works simultaneously.
3. Cost of communication between processes is
very low.

Multitasking:- multiple task execution

simultaneously. Like listening music,
programming, etc.
Multithreading:- multiple threads , thread with I a
single program , a single unit, executes
simultaneously, with in a program .
Process vs Thread
• There are total 3 ways to define a thread in
1. Extends Thread class.
2. Implements Runnable interface.
3. Implements callable interface.
Define a Thread
Present in java.lang package

RUNNABLE Contains only one

(INTERFACE) method
Internally implements

Thread (class)
Direct implements



1st Approach 2nd Approach

• Ex:-
Class MyThread extends Thread
{ public void run() // overridden method
{ for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
{ sopln(“child thread”); }
class ThreadDemo
{ psvm(s[] args)
{ Mythread t= new MyThread(); // thread instantiation
t.start(); //starting of thread
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
{ sop(“main thread”) ; }
• Ex:-
class MyRunnable implements Runnable
{ public void run()
{ for(int 1=0; i<10; i++)
{ sopln (“child thread”) ; }
class ThreadDemo
{ psvm(s[] args)
{ MyRunnable r= new MyRunnable();
Thread t= new Thread(r); // to start the thread we use thread class.
t.start(); // to start the thread
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
{ sopln(“main thread”); }


born Ready Running Dead


1. start() :- ready state
2. run():- running state
3. Yield() :- to give chance to other threads for execution
(running to ready state).
4. Sleep() :- when thread is not assigining any task, then it goes
to sleep state .
5. Join():- waiting state , until other thread completes their
6. wait() :- thread calls waiting state , until another lock get
7. notify():- Thread get notification of release the lock, and
then lock goes to another resource.
8. Suspend():- thread got suspended.
9. Resume() :- again thread goes to start state .
10. Stop() :- thread completes its execution, dead state.
• If we use Runnable interface mechanism then
internally it uses Thread class object to starting the
• When we want “to apply is – a relationship “ to the
child class , then we should go for Runnable interface
• Java wont provide support for multiple inheritence ,
means a single class cant extends 2 classes at a same
• To apply thread class behaviour only to the child class
in is-a relationship then we use Runnable(I).
Thread Object
class Runnable(i)
extending class implementing
Child class
• sleep():- to pause the execution of any thread for a
particular time .
• Join():- whenever we need to wait until other threads
to finish its execution , before we can proceed.
• Wait(), notify(),notifyAll():- with the help of this
methods thread can communicate about the lock
status of a resource.
• Threadlocal:- Java thread provides ThreadLocal utility
class. to create thread local variable at class level.
• ThreadDump:- It provides useful info. to analyze
performance issue with the application.
• Callable:- 1. use to define thread.
2. Having call()
3. Introduced in 1.5 v.
4. Returns result.
5. Throws Checked Exception.
• Runnable:- 1. use to define thread.
2. Having run()
3. Introduced in 1.0 v.
4. Doesn’t returns any result.
5. Doesn’t throw any checked exception.
• Synchronous:-
1. Only one thread can access a object at a time.
2. Thread safety.
3. Other threads are in waiting ,so performance
issue is there.
• Asynchronous:-
1. Multiple threads can access a object at a time.
2. No thread safety.
3. No thread is in waiting state so performance is
There are two ways
• Extends thread class.
• Implements Runnable interface.
(use runnableinterface concept when we want to
use is – a relationship in class.)

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