Hydrological and Hydraulic Aspects in Highway Design

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- Shyam K.

Dr. Engg. (Hydraulics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo)
M.E. (Water Resources Engineering, AIT, Bangkok)
B.Tech. (Civil Engineering, IIT, Madras)
Estimation of Discharges
• in Cross-Drainages – Return Period : 20 yrs.
• In Side Drainages – Return Period : 10 yrs.
- Catchment Characteristics
• catchment area
• length of stream 1:25,000 scale topographical maps
• Maximum and minimum elevations

- Rainfall Characteristics
• Catchment Representative Maximum 24 hr Rainfall for 20 yr return period
 Theissen Polygon
 Frequency Analysis
 Observed Annual Maximum 24 hr rainfalls at rainfall stations in the
catchment vicinity (preferably records of more than 30 yrs.)
Catchment Characteristics
Use of 1:25,000 scale maps –
Planimeter, AutoCad-Map with CAD Overlay, GIS
- Rational Method
- Dicken’s Method
- Snyder Method
- WECS/DHM Method
- etc. etc.

For Smaller Catchments (<25 sq. km) Rational Method is sufficient at present
- Rational Method Ground Cover
Runoff Coefficient, C Ground Cover
0.05 - 0.35 Forest
Runoff Coefficient, C
0.05 - 0.25
Q = 0.278 CIA Cultivated land 0.08-0.41 Meadow 0.1 - 0.5
where, Parks, cemeteries 0.1 - 0.25 Unimproved areas 0.1 - 0.3
Q : Design discharge in cu.m/s Pasture 0.12 - 0.62 Residential areas 0.3 - 0.75
C : Runoff coefficient, which can be taken as 0.25
Business areas 0.5 - 0.95 Industrial areas 0.5 - 0.9
I : Rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A : Catchment Area in sq. km Asphalt streets 0.7 - 0.95 Brick streets 0.7 - 0.85
Roofs 0.75 - 0.95 Concrete streets 0.7 - 0.95

Here I is obtained from intensity-duration-frequency curve corresponding to tc, the time of concentration, which is given by

tc = max ({0.87L3/H}0.385 , 0.25)

where, tc is in hr, L, the longest dimension of stream in watershed is in km, H, the streamfall or vertical drop of the flow from farthest
point to the outlet point is in m.
Here Mononobe equation R  24  3
I D,T   

24  D 
Where T is the return period in years and D the duration which is taken as time of concentration tc in hr. Here ID,T is in mm/hr and R24,T is
the maximum daily rainfall of return period T (taken as 20 yrs).
Same Rational Method
But with

R24,T for T = 10 yrs.

A can be taken as Triangular Area with Base = Side Drain Length and height
extent based on the site as

In plain areas with raised road embankment 0~15 m in settlement areas (C~0.7)
In hill areas 20m ~ 200m (C~.25)
Cross-Drains :
• Pipe Culverts
• Slab Culverts
• Box Culverts
• Bridges

The Capacity depends on the size (opening), roughness, slope

(manning’s equation for open channel flow suffices for
preliminary/general cases. For specific important cases, need
for knowledge on Backwater flow computation, culvert
hydraulics – inlet control, outlet control etc.)
Side-Drain :
• V-type/Tick Type Drain
All trapezoidal
• Rectangular Drains of course
• Trapezoidal

The Capacity depends on the size (opening), roughness (n =

0.025), longitudinal slope(to suit the road gradient)
(manning’s equation for open channel flow suffices)
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