Review of Related Literature and Studies

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Review of Related Literature and

RELATED It consists of documents and works. It
systematically present facts, theories, concepts
LITERATURE related to the study as culled from documents.
information coming from books, journals,
encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers from
printed or online sources and other forms of
materials concerning or relevant to the study.
CONCEPTUAL (Adanza et al., 2009)
LITERATURE Consists of discussions of facts and principles to
which your study is related. If printed in the
Philippines, they are local; if printed outside of
the country, they are foreign regardless of the
citizenship of the author.
statement; (A). Most of the classical and almost all modern
perception; educationists admit that education is not just the
principles; memorization of certain facts, figures and skills but it is
all-round development of the students. So it is logical to
views; think that co-curricular activities are the integral part of
conclusion; educational system (Bashir, 2012).

CONCEPT; (B). Through the years, due to the recognition of

broad; importance of extra-curricular activities, now
these are called co-curricular activities; whether
these activities have any relation with academic
achievement or not, these are important in their
own right due to many reasons.
II. RELATED STUDIES: Information comes from
scientific paper, theses and dissertations, both
RELATED published and unpublished.
STUDIES Researches already conducted to which your
proposed study is related or has some bearing.
Marsh and Kleitman (2002) tested whether
participation in co-curricular activities influences
academic outcomes. They found out that joining
Discussion of co-curricular activities and spending more time
research findings participating is associated with higher grades.
EXAMPLE: The Effectiveness of Co-curricular Activities on Academic Achievements of
Secondary School Students in District Abbottabad Pakistan

conclusion based from Another study conducted by Megan (2016), he

data stressed that excessive use of social media has
also been associated with sleep deprivation,
insomnia, and chronic illness.
The Relationship of Social Media with the Academic Performance of
BSIT students of CEU.
Many researcher such as Choney (2010), San Miguel (2009) and Enriquez
(2010) studies on students’ use of the social media sites revealed a negative
effect on students’ academic performance. Nielsen Media Research study
conducted in June 2010 as cited in Forste & Jacobsen (2010) stated that
almost 25% students’ time on the internet is spent on social networking
The Relationship of Social Media with the Academic Performance of BSIT students of CEU.
In addition, San Miguel (2009) focused on the relationship between
time spent on Facebook and the academic performance of students. The
overall findings indicated that more time on Facebook equals slightly lower
grades. In his study, the average facebook had a GPA of 3.0 to 3.5, while the
non facebook user would study 11 – 15 hours per week. Enriquez (2010) also
found out that students who multi-task between social networking sites and
home work are likely to have 20% lower grades than a student who does not
have a social networking site. He stressed that even running a social
networking site on the background on a student’s PC while studying or doing
homework could lower a student’s grade. He also found out that the problem
was the instant messaging constantly running in the background while they
are carrying out their task.
The Relationship of Social Media with the Academic Performance of BSIT students of CEU.
Internet, indeed, has been a part of a child’s life in today’s generation.
In the 2012 survey conducted by Cartoon Network, the Philippines
made it on the top among kids that use technology or gadgets most in
The Relationship of Social Media with the Academic Performance of BSIT
students of CEU.
CONCEPTUAL Conceptual literature comes from books and other
LITERATURE sources; related studies are previous studies or
AND STUDIES researches that already conducted.
Two Ways in 1. SYNOPTIC DIMENSION: This is writing the
Writing a historical development of your chosen topic. For
this, you arrange your topics from the first
Related researches done up until recent studies. You also
Literature and define what your study is and has been through
Studies the years.
Family involvement is a powerful influence and a
vital component of a successful education
(Kemple, 2014).
Involvement of parents can make a difference
and is beneficial to students’ performance and
achievements in school (Stanley, 2011).
Two Ways in from an argument. For this, you must establish
Writing a first the argument, or why your study must have
Related a research, then the previous studies that have
Literature and been done about it. Most of the time, the
arguments present a problem or a need for the
Studies study.
Davies (2003 as cited in Honikama, Hammond &
Koki, n.d.) argued that the value of family
involvement can provide all the tools of the
children’s success that builds and fosters the
qualities of the child such as the growth and
development of emotional, physical, and
intellectual aspect of the child.
Another research by Ferrer (2003) found that
pupils whose parents are deeply involved in the
learning process are characterized by increased
student participation.
You need to classify your presentation first into
literature and studies and sub-classify each into
foreign and local. Foreign literature is first
discussed, followed by local literature, and then
foreign studies followed by local studies.
At the end of each section, do not forget to
CHAPTER II show how the materials relate to your study,
the differences as well as the similarities
between their work and yours. At the end of the
chapter, state how the materials reviewed
contributed to the preparation of your research.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies which the researchers have perused to shed light
on the topic under study.

Foreign Literature
Allan (2012) in her article “Positive Impact of Internet on Communication
Skills,” discussed that the Internet is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing
children’s learning, communication and play. If properly used, the Internet can
serve as a medium for acceptable social interaction. The Internet allows
children to socialize with other children through the use of email, chat rooms,
and instant messaging, increasing the development of communication and
social skills. As children use the Internet to connect with places around the
world and exchange mail with electronic pen pals, they are able to share
different cultures and traditions.
This literature is closely related to the current study for it directly
mentions the role of internet specifically websites to enhance the individuals’
communication and social skills. The present study like the article reviewed
aims to establish a connection on the various websites used by the students
and their impact on their communication skills.

Local Literature
The NNN-AMIC Special Report of Lina (2012), revealed that the
Philippines is experiencing 75 per cent mobile penetration. One-fifth of its
population can also be found online. That means more than 24 million Filipinos
are able to log into their Facebook, Twitter, Friendster and Plurk accounts
regularly. The Filipino’s familiarity and mastery over the English language could
be the reason behind Philippine online popularity.
Many Filipinos are active communicators in both SMS and internet. The
researchers assume that the websites often visited by the users definitely have
an impact in their lives particularly in the way they communicate.
Foreign Studies
Thitthongkam (2011) conducted a study about the development of English
writing skills using communicative exercises on the Internet. The research results
indicated that communicative exercises on the internet supported improving
students’ writing skills, and assisted 99 percent of the samples to pass the course
based on the university criteria. Based on the information from student behavior
observation, it indicated that students had better motivation in studying English,
and always performed writing skills. The learning effectiveness is significant at the
level of .05. Satisfaction with studying English after using communicative exercise
was positive. The student satisfaction with learning English after using the
communicative exercises on the Internet was at the level of strong satisfaction
(mean=4.319) or 86.38 percent.
This is similar to the present study because it both discussed the benefits
that the students get from using the Internet in their studies. It showed the
improvement on the communication skills of the students after performing
different exercises on the Internet.
Local Studies
Opina (2010) developed and validated instructional modules in college English.
She concluded that online learning is a competitive alternative in teaching English 11
for college level. She also mentioned that the use of online games and exercises is an
innovation to teaching language skills. Success in online learning depends on strict
compliance of timetable and schedule and regular interaction with teacher. In addition,
students with convenient access to a computer and modem, sound reading and writing
skills, II same time with motivation, and self-discipline to participate regularly,
and at the
are most likely to succeed.
It was also concluded in her study that although learning is achievable using the
most available resources in the module and Internet, the teacher is still the most
important component in online learning upon whom the students rely.
Her study was relevant to the present research in that it tackled online teaching.
However, she dealt mostly on the comparison of the effectiveness between virtual
teaching and traditional teaching methods using her proposed module, while this
study concerns more on the use of free websites in enhancing the competencies of the
students in oral and written communications.

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