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Chapter 7




 Elementary Education
The revised Elementary Education was gradually effected beginning the
school year 1957-1958.
 1957-1982 " In the revised elementary education curriculum the
vernacular was the auxiliary medium of instruction in G1 and G2: Pilipino
and English were offered as subjects. " The continuous progression
scheme (CPS) was implemented in the elementary during S.Y. 1970-1971
but due to some misconception, it was literally construed as mass
promotion, hence many non- readers were promoted to next grade level.
 1957-1972 " Secondary Education " One feature of the 1957-1972 reform
was offering of character education and good manners and right conduct
as “a separate subjects in the elementary and secondary curricula in all
public and private schools, effective beginning of the second semester of
S.Y. 1958-1959” as follows: "
a. Elementary level-Good Manners ad Right Conduct, everyday in the
most suitable language in all grade levels during the opening
exercises. "
b. Character Education and Right Conduct shall be given in English for a
period of 40 minutes once a week.
 1957-1972 " The 2-2 plan curriculum was considered by Swanson Survey
Team, In theory and philosophy as an “advance step in the improvement
of high school curriculum” but the problems in the implementation due to
lack of funds, equipment, vocational teachers and guidance counselors
were not resolved.
 1973-1988 " Secondary Education "
 The revised secondary education program (RSEP) replaced the 2-2 plan in
1973. among the objectives of the curriculum was “to acquire the basic
occupational skills acknowledge and information essential for gainful
employment and for making intelligent choice of occupation or career.” "

 RSEP implemented starting S.Y. 1973- 1974 introduced the by the hour
programming instead of 40 minutes per learning area. "
 Bilingual education policy was likewise issued as Dept. order no. 25, s.
 1989-2001 " The New Secondary Education Curriculum "
 The conceptualization of the NSEC began in 1982 in preparation for the
graduates of the New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) implemented
starting 1982-1983 in G1. "
 The first full beneficiaries of the NESC were graduated in march 1989 and
they also became the first beneficiaries of the NSEC under the
development of the Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP)
 1989-2001 " For the first time, values education was offered as a separate
subject in high school, hence the trainers and mass training of teacher
included values formation. A values education framework was put in
place by the dept. of education, culture and sports (DECS).
Table 4:New Secondary Education Curriculum
Subjects 1st Year 2nd Min. Year 3rd Min. Year 4th Year TOTAL no. of
Min. Unit Unit Unit Min. Unit Units
English 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 4

Filipino 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 4

Science 400 2 400 2 400 2 400 2 8

Mathematics 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 4

Social Studies 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 4

PE,Health & 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 4
Values Ed. 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 4
Technology 400 2 400 2 400 2 400 2 8
TOTAL: 10 10 10 10 40

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