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Abiyyu rio razan (1)
• Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat
• (Father of education indonesia)

• May 2, 1889
Pakualaman, period of Dutch East Indies
• Died:April 26, 1959 (aged 69)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Early life
• Soewardi was born in the javanese aristocracy, his family belonged to
the royal house of Pakualaman. He was one of Prince Paku Alam III s
grandsons through his father, GPH Soerjaningrat. Thanks to his
family's priyayi(Javanese nobility) background, he was able to access
the colonial public education, a luxury that was unattainable by most
of common population in the Indies. He graduated from basic
education in ELS (Dutch Primary School). Then he continued his study
at STOVIA, a medical school for native students. However, he failed to
graduate because of illness.
Movement activist
• Besides being tenacious as a young reporter, Soewardi was also active
in social and political organizations. Since the establishment of Boedi
Oetomo in 1908, he was active in their propaganda service to
socialize and promote public awareness of Indonesia as a national
unity (especially in Java). He also organized Boedi Oetomo's first
congress in Yogyakarta.
• Young Soewardi was also a member of the Insulinde, a multi-ethnic
organization that was dominated by Indo activists. This organization
was advocating for self-rule in the Dutch East Indies. One of the
prominent figures in this organization was Ernest Douwes Dekker.
Later, Soewardi was invited to join the party, when Douwes Dekker
established the Indische Partij.
Originator of taman siswa
• Soewardi returned to Indonesia in September 1919. Soon afterwards he joined
his brother's target school. This teaching experience was then used to develop
teaching concepts for the school he founded on July 3, 1922: Nationaal Onderwijs
Instituut Tamansiswa or Tamansiswa National College. When he turned 40 years
old according to Javanese calendar counts, he changed his name to Ki Hadjar
Dewantara. He no longer uses the title of nobility in front of his name. This is so
that he can be free to be close to the people, both physically and spiritually.

• The motto in the education system that he uses is now very well known in
Indonesian education circles. In its entirety, the motto in Javanese reads ing
ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani. ("in front of
giving examples, in the middle of encouraging, behind giving encouragement").
This motto is still used in the world of Indonesian education, especially in
Tamansiswa College schools.
Dedication during Indonesia's independence

Statue of Ki Hajar Dewantara

• In the first cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia, KHD was appointed
as the first Minister of Teaching of Indonesia (his post was referred to
as the first Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture). In 1957 he
received an honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa, Dr.H.C.) from
Indonesia's oldest university, Gadjah Mada University. For his services
in pioneering general education, he was declared the Father of
Indonesian National Education and his birthday was made National
Education Day (Presidential Decree No. 305 of 1959, 28 November
Pict of KH Dewantara

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