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• A malay woman does not leave the house for forty days after
the birth of her child. At the end of this period aceremony
called Berchukor is cunducted where the child's head is

• When a guest visits a home the host greets them with the
arabic phrase ASSALAMUALAIKUM which means “peace be
upon on you”.

• During the festive celebration of Hari Raya the muslims

undertke a mont long fasting known as Ramadan.
• Malaysia is multi-cultural land with malays,chinese,indians,and orang
asli/indigenous people who all share unique cultural identity and yet
able to continue the practice of their respective traditions.

• The malays form the majority of the population and have their own
customs and traditions that are followed by the malay community.
• Malaysia is a multi-cultural and
multiconfessional country,whose official
religion is islam. As of the 2010 population ang
housing census,61.3 percent of the population
practices Islam; 19.8 percent Buddism; 9.2
percent christianity;6.3 percent Hinduism; and
3.4 percent traditional chinese religion.
• The children of malay household are strictly bound by customto look
upon their parents with respect and obedience.

• Most business will give a two hour luch break or even longer on
fridays for malays and muslim workers to go perform their prayers,
whereas school sessions are dismissed.
• The traditional malay dressing are quite conservative as per the laws
of islam. for th men they call it BAJU MELAYU and BAJU KORUNG
• Nasi lemak, nasi lemak is known as Malaysia's
national dish and public's all time favourite. It is rice
soaked in coconut milk,served with type of spice
known as “sambal”, fried crispy anchovies,toasted
peanuts and cucumber.
Mee Goreng
• Fried noodles with egg, a malaysian food that
can be seen in the street food stalls .

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