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Case Study

 “Diversity equals Success”

 Diversity and inclusion is an essential

part of the Xerox culture.
—Joseph C. Wilson, the first CEO of the modern day Xerox.

 Fortune magazine’s annual reputation survey :

“Xerox is the world’s most admired company in the computer industry.”

 “Diversity is about more than race and gender. It’s about more than numbers. It’s
about inclusion. Diversity means creating an environment where all employees can
grow to their fullest potential.”
- Anne Mulcahy, Xerox Chairman and former CEO
Company’s Major Principle:
• Wilson Rule
Emphasizes on enhanced
efforts to increase the representation
of minorities and women in
management and senior-level
professional positions.

• Non-discrimination policy
Xerox does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religious belief, sex,
age, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, union status, sexual
orientation or gender identity.
 Each Individual has a different way of thinking, and perceiving the world

 Joseph C. Wilson, the very first Chairman of Xerox, took proactive steps
to create a more diverse workforce in response to race riots in the 1960s.

 With then Xerox President C. Peter McCullough, Wilson called for increased hiring of
African Americans in an effort to achieve equality among its workforce.

 Throughout the 1970s Xerox established an internal affirmative action office and
began to hire a significant number of minority employees.
 Xerox placed emphasis on the advancement of minorities and females
in the 1980s. It was during this time that Barry Rand, an African American,
was named the first minority president of a division.

 Xerox’s Balanced Workforce Strategy (BWF) aimed to achieve unbiased

representation for women and minorities throughout the organization at all times.

 GALAXe Pride at Work, 1990.

 Opportunity to engage in
unfiltered communication with management.
 30% African-Americans, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans

 Xerox has been rated as one of the Top 10 companies in hiring minorities,
women, disabled and gay and lesbian employees by Critics

 In 2009 ,Ursula Burns succeeded Anne Mulcahy as CEO. It was the first
female to female hand-off in Fortune 500 history.

 Women and minorities make up around 52% of their workforce.

 About 42.5 percent of Xerox senior executives are women or people of color or both.

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