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How Blockchain is different from

traditional technologies?

The Problem of Trusting
● You don’t need to trust the admin/root user/owner to trust the data.
● Example: In supply-chain based centralised solution, how can you trust the raw material available in
inventory without trusting the inventory manager.
● Technically you can’t. The root administrator or the database owner who is tracking the inventory
can easily tamper the records without anyone noticing.
● This is not the case with a Blockchain-based ledger.
● When you are trusting a centralised technology based ledger, you are trusting the brand who owns
the inventory, the admin or just the root user. Alternatively, maybe the Chief Information Security
Officer who is claiming that technology is safe & has not been tampered with.
● You don’t have to trust anyone to trust on the ledger’s data.
● Multiple nodes maintain all Blockchain-based ledger through the consensus-based algorithm.
● It is impossible that all the nodes which are managing the ledger have been hacked at the same

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● You don’t need a mediator, centralised administrator or a trusted third party to verify transactions.
● All the records are verified by peers together through a decentralised collaborative algorithms.
● Example: To verify a college degree, you always have to trust the college servers or the college
email id which is responding to the inquiry.
● This is not required if the college degrees are being verified using a Blockchain-based ledger.

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● The blockchain is an openly distributed ledger yet a private system due to encryption.
● Many technologies have options to restrict certain records access based on the users public key or
the permissions set by the creator of the files.
● Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain offers tons of private & confidentiality features using the Certificate
Authority (CA) Server.

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● Extreme fault tolerance due to inbuilt redundancy & decentralisation.
● Any server or machine can come & go at any time without informing any of the other nodes.
● Disaster recovery is excellent.

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● Highly available due to decentralization.
● Any number of nodes can go down without affecting the Blockchain.

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Verifiability & Auditability
● Any record of the transaction can be verified by anyone openly.
● This doesn’t mean the records are always openly accessible.
● Easy to audit any transaction & the trail of it.

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Any questions?
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