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Member names :

1. Dhimas Ahmad
2. Dyah M
3. Faris Ahmad
4. Mutiara A
5. Vira M
Bananas are one of fruits that can be
found easily, especially in the tropical
region. The centre of bananas’ diversity
are in the East Asia, Papua and tropical
• Generally bananas can be eaten directly. Bananas also
can be cooked become chips, pudding, cake and etc.
Generally the colour of banana peel is yellow, although
some of them have green colour.

• These favourite fruits of monkeys have many benefits for

our health. Like some information from internet it said
that bananas can intensify our memory brains. The
calcium and pottasium can help to accelerate blood’s
circulation. and also the peel of bananas are very good for
facial beauty
• Some kinds of bananas in Indonesia such as ambon
, muli , janten , etc.

Characteristics :
- The peel is yellow whitish
- the fruit flavor is sweet and aromatic
- The length of the fruit is between 15-20 cm
- One tree can produce 7-10 comb with a number of
pieces 100-150
- these bananas do not contain seeds
2. MULI (uli)

- Have a round shape with a tapered tip

- The peel is with a green tip
- The fruit is sweet and aromatic
- These plants produce between 100-160 fruit per
- Have rough texture
- The peel is thick
- The fruit isn’t smooth
- This banana can be boiled or fried as gorengan

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