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Trauma, Distress


The Homoeopathic approach would be that

All dysfunctions ultimately stem from being

traumatized and neither being able to process that
trauma at the time nor later.
Aims of this workshop

• to explain why an appreciation of the disease process is important to understanding the Homoeopathic approach
to trauma and distress.

• A traumatic incident can trigger changes resulting in a degeneration, of health.

• Because of the inherent predispositions, genetics, and life experience we each respond differently to the same

• To present a few remedies that can be used in an Acute situation 1. To help reduce the impact of the trauma,
and, 2. In reducing the impact it is possible to reduce the possibility of awakening the more serious and destructive

inherent or acquired miasmatic taint.

The Three stages of illness

• What is perceived as the problem to be treated is generally the Tertiary expression of health, the abnormal
growth, the abnormal thoughts and or behaviours.

• There are two preceding phases.

• The first, the initial trauma/ infection. When there is usually a physical or emotional reaction, a rash or a
discharge/diarrhoea, vomit . an Acute.

• If this then festers away within the organism, like a virus, until something erupts onto the surface,i.e. eczema, a
mole, a wart, an unusual discharge. the secondary phase.

• When this is ‘treated locally or removed’, the activity beneath the surface continues and will find a new way to be
expressed, which if repeatedly ‘treated’ will lead to the third stage, the abnormal structure which may be manifest
anywhere in the body or thoughts and or behaviours.
Traditional and Quantum view regarding health

• Newtonian thinking; A>B>C>D>E.

• A problem in one area can be ‘replaced or treated etc’ without effecting anything else.

• Quantum View

E B All Cells interact.
One can not be touched
without effecting the


Biology of Belief..Bruce Lipton

Aim of Homoeopathic case taking

• Consider the Whole Person:-

• Physical,
• Emotional,
• Mental
• Spiritual.

• And the External/Environmental influences

• “Holistic”
The Life Force/Vitalism

Healthy Normal processes to maintain the healthy

body and mind.
Life force

Few people will have no inherited health issues…

These can lie dormant until ‘awakened’, then become active and destructive, the

Stronger LF Benign/Over rules miasm/genetics

When life Force

combine Emotions Stronger Lf of
Malignancy..Growths etc

When the life Force is too weak it can not produce Symptoms!
A traumatic event

• Female, 40yrs.
• Referral after another suicide attempt…. overdose.
• Case… ME for 10yrs, bed ridden for last 4. Can only go out in wheel chair.
• Numerous attempts to end life.
• Was professional dancer with international group. Initial case/story. 10 yrs earlier, Male partner had been
controlling and abusive. Eventually he told her “you will go to the devil.”. Same phrase had been hurled at her
before by 2 other men, but this was the last straw.

• Over about 6weeks of visiting, listening/talking and remedies, the story unfolded.

• At the age of 5yrs, one Monday at school, the teacher had asked who had not been to mass. Believing it was a sin
to tell a lie, she put her hand up and confessed. The teacher made her stand on a chair in front of the class, and
scolded her and said “you will go to the devil!” The child was mortified and confused. Why be punished for telling
the truth? The family had only one pair of smart shoes, so a sister had gone to mass that weekend. She could not
tell anyone, let alone her parents..
• Naturally the parents were devastated by this revelation 35yrs later.
• Several weeks later she walked into town to meet me for a coffee before I left the area.
• Last I heard she was doing well.. .10yrs ago.

Never been well since..Gross trauma

• Many ‘severe ailments’ seem to have had followed a traumatic event, or events.

• Have you noticed a change in personality of someone after a trauma or illness?

• Prevention is better than cure.

Trauma, Subtle or Gross? Peter Chappell

• Gross…overwhelming and sudden traumas.

• Subtle… from conception on…Can be inflicted by parents with their own trauma and now it
reflects that upon their children…or it can be that their own parents treated them that way. This
can go back generations…..
• The subtle traumas create the unconscious responses …produce the physical postures/gestures
and beliefs…. that they are unlovable etc
• Subtle traumas develop Insidiously ..

Subtle trauma in the apparently normal healthy individual

• Fatigue, mental or physical.

• Stress in workplace, loss of job, financial insecurity etc

• Growing up in a distressed family. Looking after a sick or aged relative.

• Stress in school.

• Diet, hygiene, poor living conditions, climate.

• A simple ‘error,’ such as getting cold and wet, excess alcohol, an ice cold drink,
sunburn, excessive joy etc can then trigger the silent undercurrents.
Didier Grandgeorge

• “In the beginning was the word…and the word was made flesh”

• “…in the beginning there are words, and these words are transmuted into physical illness. When
words remain unspoken, they are suppressed into the unconscious and can act like a curse
affecting several generations, as they get handed down from parent to child.”

• Serge Herge, Tintin, Captain Haddock.

• The reverse is also true…a physical pain, and unidentified tension etc can also lead to a change
in the mental and emotional behaviours.
Tintin and the Blue Lotus…Serge Herge
Louis Detinis

• Every pathological symptom is a normal physiological process taken to its


• Pain provides us with a warning that we need to give attention to some bodily dysfunction;

• Inflammation and suppuration are the extreme manifestations of normal leucocyte function;

• Oedema is an increased production of intercellular liquid;

• Fever is an exaggerated response of the normal mechanism for temperature control;

• Gangrene and decaying tissue, skin eruptions, perspiration, catarrhs and diarrhoeas are all
the release of waste products from normal metabolic processes;

• Hypertrophy is the body’s response to over use of an organ;

• A tumour is the result of over production of cells;

• mental illness is the workings of the defence mechanism which tries to make sense of the childhood
conflict between the primitive impulses
and repressive education.

“As we live so we become cured.”

The inheritance: The Acquired Chronic
Diseases. Miasms/ Genetic predisposition

• Acute Miasms…childhood diseases

• Psora… Sycosis… Syphilitic...

• The ‘modern’ miasms are clearly recognisable entities…the imbalance of a function of an

individual system has become a fixed functional entity.

• Tubercular…a combination
• Cancer.. Again a combination of all the above. ..largely sycotic m
• Modern miasms/ genetic predispositions.. Radiation, drugs, etc
Each of the miasms corresponds to one of the basic functions of the body that has
become exaggerated.
John Saxton, Peter Gregory (vets)

• Pathologically the main characteristics of the three are

now regarded as,

• Psora…. Deficiency, atrophy, failure to function.

• Sycosis.. Excess

• Syphilis.. Destruction, perversion.

The Hahenamann, Hering, Kent and Farokh J.Masters, Modern Indian

• Psora.. Man’s first fall from grace when he stepped out of

harmony with nature and universe.

• Sycosis and Syphilis ..Venereal origins, “the result of lust and

depravity etc.” Which were endemic in 1800s and long before!

• The disease life process, a perverted function, a functional

change ..a structural change, pathology is the end product.
Ian Watson’s Very modern thought provoking Perspective

• “…That we participate in the creation of the problem, rather than

holding to the victim position.. That something out there is doing it to

• “Each miasm is a neutral energetic influence and we should look at

them as giving opportunities rather than enemies. If there are
negative sides there should be positive sides of the miasms.”

• “to see the miasm as an influence you can work with, learn from and
be transformed by, rather than something that is attacking you that
has to be driven out.”

• The Homoeopathic Miasms..A modern view

Psora…. Mother of all miasms

• Originates from Mange.

• All that threatens our immediate survival: tendency to mal-adapt to the hostile
environment. To temperature, weather, animals, accidents, being attacked,
acute disease etc.
• The external is viewed as dangerous. Allergies …

• Most Mental and Emotional diseases. Flaws in perception/Education.

• Explosive mental or emotional behaviours.. which can lead to fixed ideas and attitudes.
• .Racing thoughts; can’t keep up with them verbally or in writing.

• Some functional impairment of most internal organs

• Early physical indication; The itchy spot.

• Elimination processes; the great unwashed…body odours!

• Most internal ailments. Any

internal disease that appears after a skin problem has been treated!
Decay, destruction and death.

• Syphilis; Treponema pallidum. Inherited or acquired.

• The first indication; The virulent open ulcer.

• All symptoms are Slow to develop.

• Suppression of the ulcer leads to neurological illness, skeletal pains, vascular problems and
chronic infections of rhinopharynx.

• Self destructive behaviours. Disintegration of self, mind and body leading to Mental and Emotional distress. Inner conflicts,
the shadow side ..the greatest depths of despair into hopelessness. Continual balance between control and chaos. Mentally
Slow or underactive.

• Despair that can lead to suicide.

• A neurotic type with a tendency to destroy with a plan to rebuild but rarely does.

• Pains and anxieties worse Sunset to sunrise. (sycosis Better sunrise to sunset)

• Skeletal pains…the structure. Inflammation and Pains in long bones and joints.
• Distortion of nails, teeth, facial features and chronic infection.
• Kidney problems,

• Watch for ceaseless washing of hands.

Excesses…Over production

• Originated from gonorrhoea(sycosis) …Fig like growths all over body. Either inherited or acquired. Made worse
from suppressions, cauterisations, burning/freezing etc
• Over production; Excesses.

• The first indication the excessive catarrhal discharges. Problems round mucous membranes.

• Over the top behaviours. Fits of anger/anxiety. Cunning, Deceitful. Suspicious. Will use any means to vindicate their actions. Everything is Secret.
• Worst types of cruelty. Worst forms of mania of any miasm. Unable to collect thoughts while speaking or writing. Unable to think of appropriate word
so slowness in speech. Afraid of forgetting something; then shortly will remember what was forgotten.

• When linked with psora, basis of criminal insanity and most suicides.

• Better/Active sunset to sunrise

• Sensitive to weather change, humidity, rain, snow, cold, barometric change.

• Multiple growths…on skin, catarrh and mucus problems. Heart disease, sexual diseases, urinary diseases.
Inflammatory diseases Esp. round pelvic area and joints. Chronic conjunctivitis
• Profuse discharges, ..fishy odours.

• Often history of cancer in family.

• Sensitive to vaccination; Vaccinosis (Burnett, C19). Many vaccines contained Mercury.

• Babies with constant snuffles; Unbelievable colic from birth to about 3months
• Babies who sleep on stomach with bum up! Crave orange juice.

• Warts. Herpes/cold sores, chronic conjunctivitis, urino-genital discharges.

• Better for breakout of warts; return of old ulcers; return of gonorrhoeal manifestations/discharges.
Sycosis ..JH Allen. The Chronic Miasms. 1900.

• “…Sycosis may be said to be the most venereal of venereal diseases….. It is a disease of lust in
the broadest sense hence the appearance of the mental phenomena early in its history..That
monarch of the mind, the Will, is overthrown. He thinks, he wills, he acts, and out of that false
triune develops the lust disease…..He at once becomes a victim of that false and disintegrative
power of the broken law and the true physiological process at that moment ceases, and a false
one is set up with in that organism.”

• “Sycosis implanted on a rich of pseudo-psora soil develops into one of the most formidable
enemies of the human race, whose destructive power and depth of action ….cannot be expressed
by any combination of words.”

• A combination of psora, syphilitic and sycotic. Now recognised as entity on its

• Related to the inheritance of TB. Exhaustion, body sweats and weight loss.

• Lot of ENT problems

• Constant changing moods; preoccupied with self.

• Can be violent.
• Sensitive to draughts.

• Fear of dogs, cats and storms.

• Love open spaces/gates. Hate restriction.
• Babies treated with ‘topical creams’ for eczema (psora) then acquire asthma.

• Again a combination of all the above.

• Adaptive failure. Trauma especially in childhood, death, suicide etc in family.

• Has to please everyone, can’t say No.

• Abused; Humiliated; can’t speak out

• Café au laite spots. moles. Chronic insomnia.

• Panic attacks.

• No childhood illnesses.

• “Souls way of telling you are not doing what you should be doing.”
Modern Miasms

• Radiation/mobile phones

• Pollution

• Chemicals in water supplies

• Drugs, legal and illegal

• Any substance that combines with the individuals cellular

structure?...Genetically Modified /Engineered foods?
In childhood,
Abundance of parental affection …….for a short while.
Tends to be middle child.
Suddenly feels dropped, alone.. cautious for fear “worse things could happen to him”; So withdraws.
Severe fright/shock; loss of beloved relative. A suicide of close relative.

Sit 2. “Polyanna pattern”

Sit 1. withdraw emotional and intellectually from what is hurtful, Both uninvolved and disinterested in its world. Behaviour is bright,
Depressed immune systems, long unsafe or even creative lest he be thought to be doing something almost manic fashion, leads onlooker to believe he is careless,
drawn out acutes, recurrent unacceptable. heartless, cruel. Esp. .to pets and wild life. When he is merely acting
tonsillitis, ottis media, chronic The child trains himself to respond to events in mechanical, in a lively, deliberately unemotional rather than a thoughtless way.
diseases such as diabetes, TB, uninvolved ways ..avoiding emotional attachment. Apathy, May actively shun involvement in family life. Gets a reputation of
pernicious anaemia, All worse for talking/conversation —> shyness, apparent being lively, competent, a bit of a nuisance, And very little trouble.
In adult hood alcoholism, ulcers, dullness, speech probs. The consequence is he is never offered, nor experiences the
cataract and ……... emotional and physical solace he needs.

Later he will say home was cold and relationships distant.

Sleep disturbed and restless.

Diff to fall asleep, endless revolving thoughts,
Dreams exhausting but recall little in am. Then Future sufferers either adopt a history of nameless deep,
claim” don’t dream.” Can wake with shudders. prolonged fears which terrify and paralyse. F of dark, death, being
alone, claustrophobia, agoraphobia. Etc
Go out of their way to earn love and attention that they
unconsciously feel is theirs by right “M+ D’s little pet”—> over
conscientious, fastidious, obsessive tidiness etc.

Behind the persona..

A sensitive person with a deep well of sympathy for others and for animals.
Know all about deep psychological and emotional wounds. Therefore weep to see others in distress or hurt. “Can feel free to express distress at the suffering of others.” Weep
at slightest reprimand.

Consequences of raising barriers.

“Their world is constantly maintained by creating barriers. They know these are not permanent so they live in fear of any breach.”
So, they suffer bouts of anticipatory anxieties, and or panic attacks. The frightening thing about panic attacks is the knowledge that the barriers have been breached again!
This……………. disposition is one of dual existence , a perfectly ordinary life but behind the mask is a caged in trauma too ghastly to contemplate but which occasionally
escapes to upset the peaceful existence.
Hence the presentation of two remedies, neither of which is clear. The patient who is cut off from involvement with the world may be guided by some inner, seemingly
hopeless desperation. Prominent, though often unexpressed, are symptoms of fears and anxieties for health and for life.
Childhood illnesses are Acute miasms; they express and change the
ultimate level of expression of the inherited miasm, or chronic disease.

• Measles links to Psora

• Mumps links to Sycosis
• Chicken-pox links to Syphilis
• Croup/whooping cough links to Tubercular
• Whooping cough links to Cancer.

• Historically the first 4 are milder forms of Scarlet fever, Smallpox, Polio and Diptheria respectively. Ie Chronic

• The Acute Miasm arises when there is increased health/energy to deal with it. Usually it will be resolved of its own
accord without complications or continuing consequences.

• However there is an increase in complications and continuing consequences. With the increase in suppression of
acute disease, and with the increase in toxicity caused by modern drugs, the Life force finds it increasingly difficult
to clear out the miasmatic load .

• What is happening is the disease process is reaching deeper levels and resulting in more complicated chronic
diseases in the population as a whole.

Louis Detinis

• mental illness is the workings of the defence mechanism which tries to

make sense of the childhood conflict between the primitive impulses
and repressive education.

• A traumatic experience can awaken one or more miasms. The stronger miasm
will overpower and combine with the Life force, utilising its energy to infiltrate
the whole organism

• Primary stage signs may be slight mental and emotional changes…or a rash, or small growth on
skin, a discharge or a slow healing open wound, ..depending on the miasm involved.
• If suppressed,
• Secondary stage; changes in function of normal processes. Additional and
abnormal growths on skin. A more prominent action of the individual miasm or
a combination with another.
• Again if suppressed.
• Tertiary action… the level that tends to get the attention. Generally when sycotic and syphilitic

miasm have bonded with psora.

Classical Homoeopathy

• The Classical Homoeopath is seeking this information to give the remedy

that relates to the Miasm and the manifest symptoms, rather than just
attempting to only remove the pain, discomfort etc,in most cases, but which
may not do anything more than palliate or suppress! There can be a time to
palliate in incurable, advanced, states of pathology.

• Then letting the life force do the work!

• In an accident or trauma situation.. Remedies are less

individual as selected for similarity to the mental or
emotional process.

• “The consequences of grief and sorrow, if long continued, are worse

than those of other affectations;….” Hering 1883

• Individuality is shown in the speed of responsiveness to Remedy. Differences arise from the
underlying health. The response may be to slow down or speed up.

• Potency 30C will resonate with the GENERAL level of organism which is not compromised by any
underlying disease.
• Use 6C where process is slowed down by underlying dysfunction or in a case of structural

• My method is One pill into a small bottle of water, shake and sip till feel better.
Acutes/Flare ups

• Proper Acutes are short lived. But they Can Kill if too powerful for the LF…….
High grade fevers

• By acting on the Acute response following a trauma it is possible to reduce the

potential of a dormant miasm being brought into play.

• The Acute off the Chronic will last longer and would not be so intense. And
generally will be the same set of symptoms each time. This condition needs to be
treated miasmatically and not suppressed! Low grade fevers

The 3 Planes. The Centre of ‘gravity’ George Vithoulkas

The Mental, innermost; Then Emotional and the outer, the Physical.

Physical Emotional Mental

Complete mental
Brain confusion
Heart Destructive delirium
Pituitary gland Paranoid ideas
Liver Delusions/psychosis
Anguish Lethargy
Kidney’s Dullness
Testes/ovaries Lack of concentration
Vertebrae Forgetfulness
Muscles Absent-mindedness

The impact of a(n environmental/external) stimulus on the Person

“The causes of disease are dynamic and immaterial and

symptoms are the Life Force’s method of saying all is not well .
” The sx are the body’s action to self-heal.

Mental- Spiritual

An external
But stimulus

Life Force
Physical Sx

(Can be Controlled by the dominant miasm)

“All symptoms arise from within the organism as a defence
response aimed at correcting a disturbance.”

Mental- Spiritual
The thoughts and Actions
Physical Sx
Increased heart rate make a pain better
or worse.
Increased body temp
Life force
Change in appetite;
body functions. with miasm Emotional-psyche
Perspiration Anger, joy, fear,
Disturbed sleep/dreams
Sx in one plane will be more
pronounced this will be the centre
of the disturbance. The area of
weakness, predisposition.
• “Though necessary at times, medicines which remove symptoms without
removing the causes or strengthening organs or tissues, ultimately reduce health.
Invasive and toxic treatments disrupt the body and undermine biological
intelligence and integrity, contributing to the epidemic immune system failure
we are witnessing today.”

• Like a muscle, if not allowed to exercise freely this intelligent biological response system will
atrophy. Losing its ability to meet daily challenges”. Asa Hershoff
GRIEF AND SORROW.Hering (1883)

• “Theconsequences of grief and sorrow, if long continued, are worse

than those of other affectations; without the proper moral remedy,
medicines are useless. Whoever cannot find the former, need not
expect relief from the latter.”
• Silent grief, with mortification, for suppressed vexation, afflictions which do not subside, the silent grief of
misplaced affections, or loss of, grief playing on the mind Ignatia.
• For vomiting, pains in stomach, headaches, and giddiness, Ignatia. And if it fails Phosphoric acid.
• In sleeplessness after depressing events, sorrow or loss of friend, when night after night with no sleep, Sulphur.
• Fits caused by grief or mortification, Ignatia. No relief give Opium during the fit followed next day by Phos ac.
• For grief and disappointment in love Ignatia particularly if one cheek turns red. Then In a few days Phos ac,
especially if the person become very quiet or has a low fever and at times redness on both cheeks.
• For disappointed love with vexation Staphisagria.
• Someone affected by the distress of a friend, Phos ac.
• For lasting, old grief take Nat mur occasionally.
• With jealousy, violent motions, quarrels or delirious Hyosymus…also lovers who quarrel too much.
• Talking too much, changing subject, peevish or malicious, worse waking or after meal, Lachesis.
• When contempt of previously loved person, with temptation to kill, Platinum
• Grief with loss of sleep, in nursing sick friend/family, leads to headache and nervousness, Cocculus. If great
exhaustion, and can barely speak, Phos ac. Sleeplessness continuing for few nights Sulphur.

• Anacardium……… Total isolation; separation at birth.

• Arsenicum album Anger at not being cared for by mother; suspicious; oversensitive. Gloomy
• Aurum metalicum Abandoned at birth. Sense of utter worthlessness.
• Barita carbonicum. Birth trauma, often asphyxia,(due to umbilical cord round neck). Trauma to head at
birth. Fail to grow, physically and intellectually. Anticipation; anxiety over small events.

• Bryonia Does not want to move!!
• Calcium carbonicum.. Child fearful of everything he sees. Needs to observe first.

• Carcinosin.. Too much responsibility when young. No childhood ailments.

• China. Fragile; long period of loss of fluids or part of body.
• Cicuta virosa. Estrangement after head injury.
• Cimicifuga Actaea racemosa. Enveloped with despair; darkness and confusion; sense of impending
doom; Fear of going mad.
• Colocynth. Colic; upset by comments of others; bad news.
• Copiava..Disappearance of father
• Gelsemium. Grief. Shock.
• Hypericum. Depression after head/spinal injury.
• Ignatia.. Mum grieving during pregnancy.
• Lac caninum. Poor relationship with father

• Lycopodium. Too fast a birth. Put downs by father, or mother..

• Lyssinum . Where the memory of abuse over-rides.
• client who was given Rabies vaccine.
• Magnesium muriaticum. Children in divorce settings. Dislike confrontation or aggression. Strong
sense of responsibility. May be depressive with violent outbursts. (Bipolar)
• Mercurius. Lives behind a mask. Had to have a neutral role in early life, great sensitivity, close
down second feel threatened (attack from behind).. May stutter over speech.
• Natrum muriaticum. Prolonged suppressed emotions due to conditional love. Unexpressed grief;
• Natrum sulphuricum. Mental changes after head injury; deep melancholy; solitary;
• Nitric acid.; Dissatisfaction with self because of own mistakes. Hopeless despair
• Nux vomica. Hardworker/Achiever. Anger with indignation or silent grieving from bad news; deep
deception (not told adopted etc)
• Opium..Terror for mum during birth.
• Phosphorus. Full of unidentifiable fears. Fear to be alone (need light on at night.)
• sensitive to all external surroundings/atmosphere.;
• Phos ac. A profound grief, death of twin…at any age
• Picric acid. Exhausted, burnt out by life’s stresses; mentally unable to think,
• Platina. Haughty. Wounds to ego; feels deserted, forsaken.
• Psorinum. Despondent, despairs of ever recovering; feels abjectly alone, a failure;
feels forsaken. joyless.
• Pulsatilla. Yeilding, dependent, timid, tearful. wanting to please. Gives to receive. .
Fear of crowds, narrow places, of darkness, of ghosts,
• Sepia. Worn out by constant demands; emotionally, physically drained.
• Silica,. Anxiety in Exams, performing in public, new situations especially failure, being

told off. Trauma from Vaccinations (bar smallpox…thuja)

• Staphisagria. Suppressed anger. used as doormat.. Main remedy for any assault with
rage and abuse. History of sex abuse. After some operations., especially
hysterectomy or around genitalia…feel violated! Even a foetus can feel angry when
mother has had thoughts of terminations.
• Stramonium, assault, violence and rape. (Followed by Staph) Clinging to terror.. war
trauma, , Separation with prolonged isolation at birth, Womb trauma.. fear of being
alone, especially in dark..
• Sulphur.. Wounded pride to inflated ego. Bad news, horrible stories, …leading to skin
• Tarantula
• Thuja. Deserted by God. May feel something alive inside them.
• Vaccination. Feel as if never belonged. Feel unlovable.

• .
Some other birth trauma remedies..Vernix, Amniotic fluid, Umbilical cord
• The universal mechanism of action of medications. The (primary) action of
the drug followed by (secondary) action of the organism

Homoeopathic Remedy

Primary Action of Remedy Secondary action of organism

Allopathic medication

Therapeutic, (adverse side) Rebound effect or paradoxical

effects of the drug reaction of organism/iatrogenic
Rebound effect of drugs: fatal risk of conventional treatment and pharmacological basis of
homeopathic treatment Marcus Zulian Teixeira
Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), São Paulo, Brazil 2010
• Frequently when a person takes a homoeopathic remedy it
frees him/her from the emotional traumas and the fears. By
becoming more open, he is then more able to take in new

thoughts and become freer to take on Change,


• Life is seen more clearly .

Useful Books

The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook. Miranda Castro

Acute prescribing Margaret Roy.
Materia Medica
Homoeopathic Drug pictures, Margaret Tyler

Psyche and Substance Edward Whitmount

Science of Homoeopathy. G. Vithoulkas
The rediscovering Real Medicine Dr J Elmiger.
Depression is an Emotion not a Disease Michael Corry; Aine Tubridy
When Panic Attacks, Aine Tubridy

Physician’s Posy Dr. Dorothy Shepherd.

The Homoeopathic Miasms A modern view, Ian Watson

The Spirit of Homoeopathic Medicines Didier Grandgeorge

Homoeopathy in the Irish Potato famine Francis Treuherz.
(Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal healing Asa Hershoff.)
Organon of the Medical Art. Samuel Hahenamann (W Brewster O’Reilly)
• Arklow Natural Healing Centre,
• 8 St.Mary’s Terrace, Arklow,
• Co.Wicklow
• Clinic 0402 33933
• Mob 086 6059075
• Alastaircyarrow@gmail.com

• For Information about Homoeopaths in your area

• call the Irish Society of Homeopaths
• Tel: 01 816 8830
• Or www.irishhomeopathy.ie

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