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Lecture 2

By Dr. Fayaz A Khan

Assistant Professor, UET Bannu campus.

CE 206 Dr. Fayaz A Khan 1

 Lecture Content

 States of Matter
 Fluid Properties
 Newton law of Viscosity

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 States of Matter.

Matter can exit in two forms.

 Solid: Retain shape, resist deformity, Elastic

and return to its original shape.

 Fluid: Take the shape of their container, Flow

under a deforming force.

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 States of Matter.

Fluids can be further divide into liquids and gases .

 Liquids: Only slightly compressible and have free surface,

shape bounded by the container and free surface.

 Gases: Highly compressible and expand to fill the container.

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 States of Matter.

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 Properties of Fluids.

Fluids are physio-chemical by nature and have many properties, like.

 Density
 Specific Weight
 Specific Volume
 Specific Gravity
 Compressibility
 Bulk Modulus
 Viscosity
 Surface Tension
 Capillarity

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 Properties of Fluids.

 Def: The ratio of mass to volume occupied
(mass per unit volume).
 Formula: Density (ρ) = Mass/Volume
 Unit: kg/m3 (SI), slug/ft3 (B.G)
 Dimension: M L-3

 Density is absolute, since it depends on mass.

 Varies with temperature.
 Typical values:
 Water = 1000 kg/m3 , Air = 1.23 kg/m3

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 Properties of Fluids.
Density of Water with Temperature

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 Properties of Fluids.

Specific Weight
 Def: Weight of fluid per unit volume i.e the force
exerted by gravity on unit volume.
 Formula: Specific weight (γ) = Weight/Volume
 Unit: N/m3 (SI), lb/ft3 (B.G)
 Dimension: M L-2 T-2

 Specific Weight is not absolute, since it depends on weight.

 Typical values:
 Water = 9810 N/m3 , Air = 12.07 N/m3

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 Properties of Fluids.

Relation between Density & Specific Weight

As ρ = M/V
and γ = W/V ; W = mg

so γ = mg/V
=> γ = ρg ; ρ = M/V

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 Properties of Fluids.

Specific Volume
 Def: Volume occupied by a unit mass of fluid, i.e
volume per unit mass.
 Formula: Specific volume (υ) = Volume/Mass
 Unit: m3/kg (SI), ft3/slug (B.G)
 Dimension: L3 M-1

 Specific volume is the reciprocal of density i.e υ = 1/ρ

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 Properties of Fluids.

Specific Gravity
 Def: The ratio of density of liquid to density of water at
standard temperature and pressure (STP) (20°C, 1 atm).
The ratio of specific weight of liquid to the specific weight of
water at standard temperature and pressur (STP) (20°C, 1 atm).
 Formula: Specific gravity (Sliquid) = ρliquid/ρwater OR γliquid / γwater
 Unit: No unit of specific gravity
 Dimension: Dimensionless
 Specific gravity of mercury = 13.6
 Density of liquid in g/cm3 or Mg/m3 is numerically equal to its specific gravity.

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 Properties of Fluids.

Compressible and Incompressible Fluids

Fluid Mechanics deals with both incompressible and compressible fluid,
 Incompressible fluid: Fluid of constant density.
 Compressible fluid: Fluid of variable density.
 There is no such thing in reality as an incompressible fluid
 For incompressible fluids the change in density with pressure is so small
as to be neglected, i.e for liquids.
 Liquids are considered incompressible, yet sound waves travel through
them, which is evidence of the elasticity of liquids.
 Compressibility of liquids must be considered while solving problems
involving water hammer.
 Gases may also be considered as incompressible when the pressure
variation is small compared with the absolute pressure.

CE 206 Dr. Fayaz A Khan 13

 Properties of Fluids.

Bulk Modulus

 Def: The ratio of the infinitesimal pressure increase to the

resulting relative decrease of the volume.

 Formula: Eυ = -υ dp/dυ = -(υ/dυ)dp ; p = pressure

υ = specific volume
 Unit: kN/m2 (SI), lb/ft2 (B.G)
 Dimension: M L-1 T-2
 The bulk modulus is a property of the fluid and for liquid is a function of
 The bulk modulus of a substance measures the substance's resistance to
uniform compression.
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 Properties of Fluids.
Bulk Modulus

A few values of the bulk modulus for water are given in table.

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 Properties of Fluids.

Compressibility of Liquid

 Compressibility: Is a measure of the relative volume change of a fluid as a

response to a pressure change.
Change in volume due to change in pressure.

 The compressibility of liquid in inversely proportional to its volume modulus

of elasticity also known as bulk modulus.

i.e β = - 1/υ (dυ/dp)

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 Properties of Fluids.

Ideal Fluid

 Ideal fluid is usually defined as fluid in which no friction, it is inviscid.

 The internal forces at any section in Ideal fluid are always normal to the
section, even during motion.
 Such fluids does not exits in reality.

 In real fluid, tangential or shearing forces are always developed whenever there
is motion relative to a body, thus creating fluid friction.
 These friction forces give rise to a fluid property called viscosity.

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 Properties of Fluids.


 Def: Viscosity of fluid is a measure of its resistance to shear or

angular deformation.

 Formula: μ = τ/ (du/ dy) (from newton’s law)

 Unit: N.s/m2 (SI), lb.sec/ft2 (B.G)

poise (P) is also used as unit of viscosity, poise = 0.1 N.s/m2
 Dimension: M L-1 T-1
 Viscosity of water at 68.4 °F is 1 cP or 1mN.s/m2.
 Viscosity varies with temperature.

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 Properties of Fluids.


Variation in viscosity with temperature.

 The figure shows how the viscosities of

typical fluids depends on temperature.

 The friction forces in flowing fluid results

from the cohesion and momentum
interchange between molecules.

 As the temperature increases, the viscosities of all liquids decrease, while the
viscosities of all the gases increase.
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 Properties of Fluids.

Kinematic Viscosity

 Def: The ratio of absolute viscosity of fluid to its density is called

kinematic viscosity, so called because force is not involved.
 Formula: ν = μ/ρ

 Unit: m2 /s (SI), ft2/sec (B.G)

stoke (St) is also used, 0.01 stoke = 10-6 m2 /s
 Dimension: L2 T-1

CE 206 Dr. Fayaz A Khan 20

 Properties of Fluids.
Newton law of Viscosity

 Consider two parallel plates, sufficiently

large that we can neglect the edge
conditions, a small distance Y apart,
with fluid filling the space between. The
lower plate is stationary, while the upper
one moves parallel to it a velocity U
due to a force F corresponding to some
area A of the moving plate.

experiments have shown that, introducing constant of proportionality μ,

F α AU/Y the shearing stress may be express as,

From similar triangles ratio, τ = F/A = μ U/Y = μ du/dy ……… (1)

U/Y = du/dy

Eq. (1) is known as Newton’s law of Viscosity,

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 Properties of Fluids.
Newton law of Viscosity

 From eq. (1),

μ = τ/(du/dy)

μ is known as the coefficient of viscosity, the absolute viscosity, the

dynamic viscosity, or simply the viscosity of fluid.

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 Properties of Fluids.
 As the distinction between a solid and a fluid lies in the manner in
which each can resist shearing stresses.
 We will clarify a further distinction among various kinds of fluids and
solids by referring to the following figure.

 A fluid for which absolute

viscosity does not change
with rate of deformation is
called Newtonian fluid.

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 Properties of Fluids.

Surface Tension

 Def: It is the property of liquid, which enables it to resist tensile

stress. it is due to the cohesion between the molecules at the
surface of a liquid.

 At the interface between a liquid and a gas, i.e at the liquid surface, and at the
interface between two immiscible liquids, the out-of-balance attraction between
molecules forms an imaginary surface film which exerts a tension force in the
surface, This liquid property is called surface tension.

 Because this tension acts in a surface, we compare such forces by measuring

the tension force per unit length of surface.

 Surface tension decrease slightly with increasing temperature.

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 Properties of Fluids.

 For example, capillarity makes water rise in a glass tube, while mercury
depressed below the true level as shown in the fig.

 We call the curved liquid surface that develops in a tube a meniscus.

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 Properties of Fluids.

 Def: The property of exerting forces on fluids by fine tubes of

porous media, it is due to both cohesion and adhesion.

 When cohesion is of less effect than adhesion, the liquid will wet the solid
surface it touches and rise at the point of contact ,
 If cohesion predominates, the liquid surface will depress at the point of

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 Properties of Fluids.
The figure shows a cross section through the capillary rise,

 Equating the lifting force created by

surface tension to the gravity force.

2πrσ cos θ = πr2hγ

h = 2σ cos θ/rγ
where, σ = surface tension in units of
force per unit length
θ = wetting angle
γ = specific weight of liquid
r = radius of tube
h = capillary rise

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Thank You

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