Water Borne Diseases: Summyia Siddique (PT) MSCPPT

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Water Borne Diseases

Summyia Siddique (PT)

Water related diseases
 TWO groups:
1-Non-infectious water related diseases.
2-Infectious water related diseases.
 Previously known as non-specific water born diseases.
 They occur due to differences in chemical properties of water.

Iodine deficiency Goiter
Excess fluorides Dental fluorosis
Fluorides deficiency Dental caries
Excess inorganic salt Diarrhea
Sodium Hypertension
Sulphates Laxative effect
Nitrates & nitrites Methoglobinemia

Lead Lead poisoning

Arsenic Black foot disease, Skin and lung cancer

Cadmium Nephropathy

Mercury Minimal disease nephropathy

 Common in Northern areas of Pakistan.
 Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid Gland).

 Addition of Iodine to water supplies.
 Use of iodized salts in daily routine.
 Use of injectable iodine.
Dental fluorosis
 Excess of fluoride (1.5ppm) in water causes mottling of
enamel of permanent teeth during period of calcification.
 Cause is deep well water.
 Occurs before 10 years of age.
 Clinical features are brown, black or yellow staining or an

unnatural white opaque look of teeth.

Dental Caries

 Cause is Fluoride deficiency.

 It causes disintegration of the organic and inorganic

structures of the teeth.

 It starts on the enamel and unless checked it

progressively involves the vital structures of the pulp.

 Prevented by:
 Healthy nutrition to child during first five years.
 Well balanced diet during pregnancy.
 Topical application of 2% aqueous sol. Of sod. Fluoride

to the enamel of deciduous teeth at the age of 3 years

and permanent teeth at age of 7, 10 and 13 years.
Lead poisoning
 Sources are Lead pipes.
 Clinical features:
 Anemia.
 Blue line on gums, wrist drop.
 Lead encephalopathy.
Infectious water related diseases
 In tropics about 5-10% of deaths are due to water related


 Faeco-oral (may be water born or water washed).

 Water born diseases.

 Water washed diseases.

 Water based diseases.

 Water related insect vector diseases.

 Water dispersed diseases.

Faeco-oral diseases
 These all infections are transmitted by faeco-oral route.
 They may be water borne or water washed.
 Diarrhea, dysenteries, Hepatitis A and Ascariasis.
Water borne diseases
 These arise from the contamination of water by human or
animal faeces or urine infected by pathogenic organisms .
 Cholera, Typhoid.
Water washed diseases
 Generally result from the lack of water for washing or
personal hygiene.
 Skin infection and intestinal infection develops in these

 Trachoma, Scabies.
Water based diseases
 These are some worm infections which are not spread from
person to person in the water.
 The parasitic eggs or larvae which reach water are not directly

infective to man, but are infective to specific invertebrates.

 They undergo development within these intermediate hosts

from which after period of days or weeks, further larvae

mature and may be shed into water.
 These larvae are infective to man who is infected by drinking

or contact with water.

 Liver fluke.
Water related insect diseases
 Water provides habitat for water related insect vector of
 Mosquitos breed in water and the adult mosquito may

transmit malaria and viral infections.

Water dispersed diseases
 Agents proliferate in fresh water and enter the human body
through the respiratory tract.
 Legionella proliferate in water of air conditioning system and

cause pneumonia and fresh water amoeba which may lead to

fatal meningitis.
Transmission Diseases Prevention
Water borne Cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A Improve water quality
and E Prevent casual use of
unimproved sources
Water washed Scabies, dysentery Improve water quality
Improve hygiene
improve accessibility to water
Water based Guinea worm Dec need to water contact
Improve water quality
Water related insect vector Malaria Improve surface water
Destroy breeding places of
Water dispersed Legionnaire’s disease Cleaning of air ducts in air
conditioning systems

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