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 CA DOXIADIS is a Greek architect and Town planner
 BORN IN 1913
 Constantinos A. Doxiadis, son of Apostolos and Evanthia (Mezeviri) Doxiadis,
comes from a family that played an important role in the settlement of Greek war
refugees in between the two World Wars.
 He graduated as Architect-Engineer from the Athens Technical University in 1935
and obtained his doctorate at Charlottenburg University, Berlin, one year later.
 In 1937 he was appointed Chief Town Planning Officer for the Greater Athens Area
 During the war (1940-1945), held the post of Head of the Department of Regional
and Town Planning in the Ministry of Public Works while also serving as a corporal
in the Greek Arm
 During the Occupation he was Chief of the National Resistance Group,
Hephaestus, and published a magazine called "Regional Planning, Town
Planning and Ekistics," the only underground technical publication anywhere in
occupied territories.
 He distinguished himself as Minister of Reconstruction at the end of the war and
it was this experience that allowed him in the 1950s to gain large housing
contracts in dozens of countries
 In 1951 he founded Doxiadis Associates, a private firm of consulting engineers,
which grew rapidly until it had offices on five continents and projects in 40
 In 1963 the company changed its name to DA International Co. Ltd. Consultants
on Development and Ekistics
 In application of his theory of Ekistics, C. A Doxiadis studied, planned and
designed a great no of human settlements and other development projects
 Doxiadis was honored in 1965 by Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)
with a Special Award for notable results, creative and innovative concepts and
long-term benefits to the industrial design profession, its educational functions
and society at large.
 In order to create the cities of the future, we need to systematically develop a
science of human settlements. This science is Ekistics .
 Ekistics ,will take into consideration the principles man takes into account when
building his settlements, as well as the evolution of human settlements through
history in terms of size and quality.
 The target is to build the city of optimum size, that is, a city which respects
human dimensions.
 . Since there is no point in resisting development, we should try to accommodate
technological evolution and the needs of man within the same settlement.
 The whole range of human settlements, is a very complex system of five
elements - nature, man , society, shells (that is, buildings), and networks.
 It is a system of natural, social, and man-made elements which can be seen in
many ways - economic, social, political,technological, and cultural
 FIRST PRINCIPLE: Maximization of human's potential
 Contacts with the elements of nature (such as water and trees), with
other people, and with the works of man (such as buildings and roads)
 This, after all, amounts to an operational definition of personal human
 It is in accordance with this principle that man abandoned the Garden of
Eden and is today attempting to conquer the cosmos.
 It is because of this principle that man considers himself imprisoned,
even if given the best type of environment, if he is surrounded by a wall
without doors
 . In this, man differs from animals; we do not know of any species of
animals that try to increase their potential contacts with the
environment once they have reached the optimum number
 SECOND PRINCIPLE : Minimization of the effort required for the
achievement of man's actual and potential contacts.
 He always gives his structures the shape, or selects the route, that requires the
minimum effort, no matter whether he is dealing with the floor of a room, which
he tends to make horizontal, or with the creation of a highway.
 THIRD PRINCIPLE : Optimization of man's protective space
 which means the selection of such a distance from other persons, animals,
objects that he can keep his contacts with them (first principle) without any kind
of sensory or psychological discomfort.
 This has to be true at every moment and in every locality, whether it is temporary
or permanent and whether man is alone or part of a group.
 This has been demonstrated very well, lately, for the single individual, by
anthropologists such as E. T.Hall and psychiatrists such as Augustus F. Kinzel, and
by the clothes man designs for himself, and it may be explained not only as a
psychological but also as a physiological problem if we think of the layers of air
that surround us or the energy that we represent .
 The walls of houses or fortification walls around cities are other expressions of
this third principle.
 FOURTH PRINCIPLE : Optimization of the quality of man's relationship
with his environment
 Environment consists of nature, society, shells (buildings and houses of all
sorts), and networks (ranging from roads to telecommunications).
 This is the principle that leads to order, physiological and aesthetic, and
that influences architecture and, in many respects, art’s.
 FIFTH PRINCIPLE: optimum synthesis of the other four principles
 this optimization is dependent on time and Space.
 When he has achieved this by creating a system of floors,
walls, roofs, doors, and windows which allows him to
maximize his potential contacts (first principle) while
minimizing the energy expended (second principle) and
at the same time makes possible his separation from
others (third principle) and the desirable relationship
with his environment (fourth principle), we speak of
"successful human settlements".
 What we mean is settlements that have achieved a balance between man
and his man-made environment, by complying with all five principles.
 Islamabad represents Pakistan’s first New town
project as the capital of the newly independent
 Doxiadis´s provision of generous public spaces in
graduated amounts for each class of community
was paralleled by a careful ecological analysis of
the four main categories of natural landscape: the
mountains, the hillocks, the plain and the ravines.
 The notion of design to integrate nature and the
city is achieved by a scalar arrangement of
“Landscape” in the form of Productive Landscape
(agro-grid, urban agro-farm), ecological Landscape
(ecogrid, natural plant, green, ravine and wildlife),
and Urban Structuring Landscape (public, private
and hybrid)types.
 The plan of Islamabad shows connectivity on all
levels; within the city, natural landscape is
integrated with other systems of open spaces and
other types of landscape, and also creates an urban
system that is connected to the natural areas
surrounding the city.
 Islamabad is 14kms northeast from of Rawalpindi on the north
eastern Potohar plateau of the province of Punjab.
 The city of Islamabad is preceded by thousands of years of history.
It is regarded as the site of one of the earliest human settlements
in Asia, and is at one end of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization.
 This area was the first settlements of the Aryans from Central Asia
and is on the route through which passed all those who invaded
India from the North and Northwest.
 This region has witnessed the passage of ancient Caravans from
Central Asia as well as of the ferocious armies of Alexander and
 The banks of the river Soan in Islamabad were host to stone-age
man over 7000 years ago and human skulls dating back to 5000
B.C. have been fund in and around Islamabad.
 Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan and the tenth largest city in the country.
 The greater Islamabad-Rawalpindi Metropolitan Area is the third largest conurbation
in Pakistan with a population of over 4.5 million inhabitants.
 It is located in the Pothohar Plateau in the north of the country, within the Islamabad
Capital Territory.
 The city was built during the 1960’s to replace Karachi as Pakistan's capital.
 Islamabad is a well-organized and most developed city divided into different sectors
and zones.
 It was ranked as Gamma World City in 2008.
 The city is home to Faisal Mosque, the largest mosque in South Asia and the sixth
largest mosque in the world.
 Islamabad has the highest literacy rate in Pakistan and is home to some of the top
ranked universities in Pakistan.
 Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad is one of the world's largest universities.
 Islamabad's architecture is a combination of modernity and old Islamic and regional
traditions. The Saudi-Pak Tower is an example of the integration of modern
architecture with traditional styles. The beige-coloured edifice is trimmed with blue tile
works in Islamic tradition, and is one of Islamabad's tallest buildings
 A new capital for Pakistan was necessary following the
independence of India in 1947 and the inevitable partition into
India and Pakistan.
 Various solutions were proposed for the location of the new
capital from 1947 to 1959 when the final decision was reached.
 The two most important were related to the creation of the new
capital, either in Karachi or at a distance of about 15-20 miles
from this city.
 In February 1959, a commission and nine sub-committees were
formed .
 C.A. Doxiadis started advising on the location and planning of
the new capital in 1955 when he submitted his first report.
 In March 1959, the problem of the location of the new capital
was solved and a site was approved which was located at the foot
of the Margala Hills in northern Pakistan between the historical
cities of Lahore and Peshawar, west of the Idaspis (now Jhelum)
river where Alexander the Great defeated King Poros
 Islamabad is planned according to a hierarchical system of communities of various classes
 These communities are properly served by a major transportation system developed within
wide corridors of a grid-iron configuration, surrounding and defining the higher class
 Local and collector low speed roads, pedestrian roads and bicycles lanes within the lower
class ‘Human Communities’ provide access to the major transportation system.
 The above hierarchical system of communities and transportation facilities, contributes to
the reduction of travel distances and time, accidents, and to the promotion of ‘Green
Transport’ (walking, cycling, public transport).
 The figure gives a schematic representation of four Class V Communities.
 Each Class V Community has a population of 20.000 to 40.000 inhabitants and is divided
into four Class IV communities, each composed in turn of four Class III communities.
 Class V communities are spatially defined and accessed by major arteries ( 180 m R.O.W) at
2km intervals.
 Short length minor arteries (90m R.O.W.) are spaced at about 1km distances, defining Class
IV communities within which pedestrians can safely walk along a system of local roads,
wide sidewalks and pedestrian roads, leading to the local centres and functions. By the
extensive use of cul-de-sacs and loops, cars can move inside these ‘Human Communities’
without interfering with pedestrians.
 The Islamabad Metropolitan Area is composed of
Islamabad, the old city of Rawalpindi and the National
 The latter is a hilly area, containing two large lakes, the
National Sports Centre, the National University and the
National Research Centre.
 Four major inter-urban roads delineate the above three
major components of the Metropolitan Area.
 The overall plan is based on the “Dynametropolis”
concept, giving the possibility of continuous expansion
with the least possible adverse effects in traffic and
generally, in the functioning of the Metropolis. Both
Islamabad and Rawalpindi, central cores and residential
areas, may expand dynamically.
 The backbone of the Islamabad Metropolitan Area Master Plan is formed by two
highways, Islamabad Highway and Murree Highway.
 The chief characteristic of the landscape is that it runs from NE-SW along valleys
formed by a series of hills running in the same direction.
 2 more highways, by-passing the existing town of Rawalpindi, have been proposed.
 On the basis of the above ideas, a system of 4 highways becomes the basic step for the
metropolitan area.
 These axes form a big square, which will define all future transportation systems and all
major functions within the metropolitan area
 The principal system of axes in the metropolitan area of Islamabad defines three
distinctive areas:
a. the area of Islamabad
b. the area of Rawalpindi
c. the National Park area
 The areas of Islamabad proper and Rawalpindi are both open for expansion towards the
southwest, while the National Park area is rather districted from the surrounding hills
and Soan river to the south-east.

The central functions of
Islamabad and

ISLAMABAD-The sketch
indicates growth of functions in
the direction of the city's future THE NATIONAL PARK
 The drawing shows the location of
the administrative centre within the
overall plan of Islamabad.
 The main axis runs through the core
of Islamabad. This will be called
Capital Avenue and looks towards
the presidential palace located in a
commanding position on the top of
a hill.
 Due to the fixed road, and the
location of the administrative centre
on a higher level, this section of the
capital which is its brain centre and
pulsating heart - will dominate the
city even after it has expanded and
fully grown along the patterns
provided for.
 main reason for the creation of new capital of
Pakistan was that a proper environment should be
provided for the country's administrative functions.
 The hills lying NW of Rawal Lake formed an ideal
setting for the administrative sector.
 Thus, on the basis of the theory and principles of the
‘City of the Future’ the administrative as well as the
central sector of the city both began at the core of
 The Capitol Complex lied at the heart of the synthesis.
It was from here that the administrative sector had to
be developed towards and following the direction of
the Margala Hills, in order to spread along them in the
future. The sketch shows a zoning map of the
administrative centre of Islamabad.
 The planners envisaged Islamabad eventfully absorbing
Rawalpindi entirely and stretching well to the west of Grand Trunk
 Islamabad was designed to provide a healthy climate, pollution-
free atmosphere, plenty of water and lush green area.
 It is a modern and carefully designed city with wide tree lined
streets, large houses, elegant public buildings and well organised
bazaars/ markets/ shopping centres.
 The city is divided into 8 basic zones administrative, diplomatic
enclave, residential areas, educational sectors, industrial sectors,
commercial areas, rural and green areas.
 Each sector has its own shopping area and public park.
 Each sector was kept separated through green belts which also act
as ‘Oxygen Generators’.
 Islamabad today is not what it was
designed for.
 It is no more isolated from the business and
commercial activities.
 Population in Islamabad has risen from
0.340 million to 1.124 million within 25
years showing an overall increase of 230%
with an average annual growth of 6%.
 The increasing economic activities have
given birth to high rise building, residential
apartments, housing schemes, educational
institutions, industrial units and new
 These pressures forced Capital
Development Authority (CDA) to alter the
Master Plan of Islamabad and upgrade the
physical infrastructure. Islamabad is a
“UNIQUE” example of a large new city
FOR THE PRESENT”, fully respecting the
long-term planning.
 Sir Patrick Abercrombie Prize of the
International Union of Architects (1963).
 Cali de 0ro (The Mexican Gold Medal) Award
of the Society of Mexican Architects (1963).
 Award of Excellence, Industrial Designers
Society of America (1965).
 Aspen Award for the Humanities (1966).

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