Christian Denominations

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• First christians were ethnically jews.

• According to Church tradition,

• Doctrines of the apostles brought the it was under Nero's

Early Church into conflict. persecution that the saints

• Most of the apostles had died. Peter(1st pope successor to

Jesus) and Paul (apostle)
• Their jobs as leaders of the Christian
became martyrs in
communities taken over by bishops
Rome(according to them).
Pope Bishop Laity/Clergy Priest Cardinal Archbishop Deacon
• East-West Schism resulted in Christian divisions in 1054AD.

• Schism occured due to specification of Holy Church (run by Jesus itself)

• In 1515AD Reformation movement branched out another division rejecting

Pope's authority.

• In 1534AD years later another sub division of Reformed movement rejected the
Roman Pope's highness in England's Church and replaced it by King.
• These major four denominations are
(which are further branched out in ten
in total):

• Roman Catholics (Roman Church)

• Eastern Orthodox (Constantinople


• Protestants (Reformed)

• Anglicans (England Church)

Roman Catholics
• The Catholic Church teaches that its origions are in a direct

line with the first disciples of Jesus.

• The Catholic Church also believes that its teachings are in

line and continuity to be with that of the first disciplesof Jesus.

• To some extent ,the story of Church history is the story of the gradual

corruption and Papanization of the Roman Catholic Church, especially

after AD 325.
• God's teachings are preserved through Holy Spirit's guidance in

teaching authority of the Church.

• This authority is exercised through Pope of Roman Church.

• Roman Catholicism also holds that Jesus established his disciple St.

Peter as the first pope of the nascent church (Matthew 16:18).

• Celebrate 7 sacraments Baptism,Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation,

Matrimony, Holy Orders & Anointing of the sick.
• Eucharist (commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread
and wine) is considered to be the summit of christian life.

• Jesus is being literally present in Bread and Wine.

• Deem Pope infallible

• Marry is free from Original Sin.

• Immaculate Conception (Marry is born from virgin).

• Power in “Act” rather than in “faith and Repentence”.

• Salvation isn't “in Christ” but “in Church”.

• Priest can't marry and must be male.

• Divorce isn't permitted in marriages.

• Have concept of Purgatory(the place where those who have died in a

state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins).

• Venerate Statues.

• Largets widespead Christian denomination (1.1 billion).

• Dominant in Brazil, Mexico, Phillipines, USA, Italy, France, Clombia,

Poland, Spain, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Eastern Orthodox
• Eatern Orthodox Church originated after Great Schism in

1054 AD.

• No central doctrinal or governmental authority analogous

to the Bishop of Rome.

• Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

• They regard scripture and tradition to be of equal value.

• share basic christian beliefs in unity of God in the Trinity of


• celebrate seven sacraments, Baptism, Chrismation(The act of

applying the chrism, or consecrated oil), Holy Eucharist,
Ordination(the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders),
Marriage, Confession & Holy Unction(Anointing as part of a
religious ceremony or healing ritual).
• Pope isn't infallible.
• Divorce discouraged but permitted in case of adultery.
• Mary isn't free from Original Sin.
• Priest can marry before they're Ordinated and must be male.
• Do not accept the concept of Purgatory.
• Strong use of Icons in worship, especially with high
ornamented images of Christ, Mary & Saints.
• 2nd largest Christian Communion in world (260 million)
• Dominated in Russia, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Romania,Greece,Serbia,
Bulgaria, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia.
• Originated in Germany, from 16th century Schism in Western
Christianity known as Reformation against what its followers
perceived to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church.

• Martin Luther King is the founder.

• Ninety-five Theses published by Martin Luther as a reaction

against abuses in the sale of indulgences by the Roman
Catholic Church, which purported to offer remission of sin to
their purchasers...
• Salvation is achieved through faith alone on Jesus.
• Bible is only source of revealed truth.

• Predominantly sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist are celebrated.

• Nature of Eucharist is rejected although celebrated as symbol of

God's grace.

• Pope infallibility rejected.

• Purgatory rejected.Christ's death on the cross is sufficient to remove

the penalty for all our sins.

• reject the deuterocanonicals as not being inspired scripture

contradictly to the Catholics and Orthodox.
• Mary was a holy woman who was chosen to bear the Son of God.

• Immaculate coneption(Mary is free from Original Sin) is rejected,

only Jesus Christ was sinless.

• Mary's perpetual virginity denied.

• Mary's Intercession denied.

• Five Solae are basic theological differences with Roman Catholics.

• Five Solae:
I. Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone"): Bible can and is to be interpreted
through itself.
II. Sola fide (“by faith alone”): good works are not requisite for salvation only
faith on jesus is enough.
III. Sola gratia ("by grace alone"): salvation is an unearned gift from God for
Jesus's sake.
IV. Solus Christus ("Christ alone"): Christ is the only mediator between God and
man. It excludes the priestly class as necessary for sacraments
V. Soli Deo gloria ("glory to God alone"): all glory is to be due to God alone.
human being even ecclesiastical hierarchy are not worthy of the glory that was
accorded them.
• Calibacy is not required for Clergy/Priest.

• Female Ordination is practised.

• Divorce is discouraged but permitted as human weakness.

• Protestants account for nearly 40% of Christians worldwide and

and more than one tenth of the total human population.(1 billion)

• Dominant in USA, Nigeria, China, Brazil, South Africa, UK, DR

Congo, Germany, Kenya, India.
• The Anglican Church or the Church of England stems from the 16th

century schism known as the Reformation.

• Head of Reformation in England came to a head with King Henry


• His desire for divorce to his first wife and re-marriage accelerated

the doctrinal change in England.

• Bible is key to the Anglican faith.

• Two Sacraments Baptism & the Lord's Supper, are to be

celebrated as part of the christian faith.

• Deny intercession of Saints.

• Don’t consider the deuterocanonical books to be part of the old


• try to avoid saying if the Eucharist was the body and blood of
• They respect the Pope, head of the Roman Catholic Church, as a Christian
leader but not as their Anglican leader

• have “Common Book of Prayer” which is distinctive to the denomination.

• The head of the Anglican Church is that the Monarch of England.

• Priest allowed to marry.

• Third largest branch of Christianity (85 million worldwide).

• Dominant in Nigeria, UK, Uganda, Sudan Australia, Kenya, US, Tanzania,

West Indies, Canada, New Zealand.


Roman Catholics
Protetants 50%


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