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• Nevertheless is a word used to connect partially

contradictory statements. They are not completely

opposite, still nevertheless is a better option in place of
'but' in some cases.
• Nevertheless is an adverb that tells the reader that
something happened even though there is something
that might have stopped it from happening.
"Nevertheless" is commonly used as a conjunctive adverb.
Where do we put nevertheless in the sentence?

• Nevertheless can follow but:

Competition was tough last year, but nevertheless our sales increased.

• It can also begin a new sentence or follow a semi-colon:

Competition was tough last year. Nevertheless, our sales increased.
Competition was tough last year; nevertheless, our sales increased.

• In spoken English we sometimes use nevertheless at the end of a

Suarez has a bad disciplinary record and has missed a lot of games, but he’s a
great player nevertheless.
• The math test was very difficult; nevertheless, she earned a good
grade. [Because the test was very difficult, she might have earned a
bad grade, but she didn't.]
• She never liked reading about economics, but the book was
interesting nevertheless. [She didn't think the book about economics
would interest her, but it did.]
• Every time he tried, he failed. Nevertheless, he did not quit trying.
[He could have quit trying because of his failures, but he didn’t.]
• He had three friends help him with the job. Nevertheless, it took
them all day to finish. [The help of three friends could have made
the job go faster, but it didn't.]
• The traffic was very bad, but she arrived at work on
time nevertheless. [Because of the bad traffic she could have arrived
late, but she didn't.]
A : Hi A
B : Hi B
A : What’s going on? You look sad.
B : No. I am not sad. I just feel disappointed
A : Disappointed? Why?
B : I’ve studied very hard for the exam. Nevertheless, I get
A : Don't be sad. I know you tired, you failed. Nevertheless I
sure you didn't quit trying to get the maximum score.
B : Thanks for the spirit.
1. Hani was happy to get a gift from her sister to go to
Singapore. She is sad that must go alone
1. Koko has completed studies in high school. he still
does not know continuing to college in the country or
1. Ina was at Juanda International Airport since this
morning. Her plane delay too long

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