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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Channels

• Facebook
• Instagram
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
• Whatsapp
Social Media Marketing

• Using potential of Social Media platforms to leverage value for

your business
Social Media Tools
Social Publishing Social Networking Photo Based Networking
Blog, Youtube Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest
We publish content or we upload We connect and interact with We reach out not with the help of
videos. people. written content but with
You can easily find content through Very difficult to find content posted Images/pictures etc
google posted in the past. in the past.
Six Approaches to Social Media Marketing
Braned Channel Closed Communities Influencer Outreach

Co Creation Social Selling Customer Service


A sub-part of Social Media Marketing

What is a Social Media Marketing?
■ Social media marketing is the
process of gaining website
traffic or attention through
social media sites. (Facebook,
twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram,
Google+ and so on….)
Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

■ Brand Awareness.
■ Brand Promotion.
■ Increase Sales.
■ Increase conversion on website.
■ Increase engagement in your App.
■ Social media allows you to get feedback instantly.
■ Social media helps target audiences more effectively.
■ Basically Facebook is a social media platform, where we can make new
friends, find old school/college friends, interact with new peoples, see
photos of our friends and celebrities and so on.
■ But in digital marketing term, Facebook is a Sub-part of Social Media
Marketing that We can use as a tool of soc
ial media marketing.
Introduction to Facebook
Facebook is a social network developed in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. It has more than 2 billion
active users around the world. In 2012, the company took the ownership of another social
media platform, Instagram. On Facebook, there are five types of pages that can be used to
create an online presence

Facebook Profile Facebook Page

Facebook Community Facebook Place

Facebook Group
Page Listings
Facebook as a Social Media Marketing
Facebook would help you achieve some of the following social media marketing goals:

 Driving traffic

Boosting your website’s SEO

Developing relationships with customers

Facebook as a Social Media Marketing

Targeting and retargeting

Improving brand image

Building brand loyalty

Targeting untapped customers

Branding with Facebook

Keep the Facebook page updated

Improve the content of the page

Reaffirm, reinforce brand personality

Maintain the quality of content

Creating Facebook Business Page

Following are the components of a Facebook page

Profile photo/picture

Cover image/photo


Contact details
Why Facebook ?

■ Facebook has a huge amount of costumer base.

■ Facebook has 2.23 billion monthly active users.
■ Facebook support more than 100+ languages.
■ Facebook is a globally popular social networking
Overview of Facebook
■ The average Facebook user has 330 friends; 15% of FB users have
more than 500 friends
■ An average user likes 40 pages
■ Each day 4.7 billion posts are shared on Facebook.
■ There are between 1500 and 15,000 pieces of content that
Facebook could show you each time you log in.
What is a Facebook Page?

■ Facebook page is like a personal profile page but for a

business profile.
■ People can “like” pages that they recipe posts by the business
in their news feed.
■ A page can have some similar information to the website
such as about, contact details and call to action button.
■ See the next slide for the example of Facebook page and the
important elements that make up the page.
Profile Picture

Cover Photo

Call to action

What are FACEBOOK Posts?
■ Post or content of a post can be anything
text, photo, video or link to another website
or article.
■ The key to Facebook marketing is having
content that people want to see, like and
■ The other important key to Facebook
marketing is that your post should have a
call to action and it should be a unique
What is Reach?
■ Reach: the number of people who see your post.
■ Similar to print readership in traditional advertising.
■ It may appear in people’s feed, but it depends on they may react to it or not.

■ Organic reach VS Paid reach

■ Organic reach: people who see your ad via a like, share or comment
notification that a person’s friend makes.
■ Paid reach: people who are served your post because they meet
the criteria of the target audience that you identify.
How to Reach Organically?
■ Post good content.
■ Post to the interests of the audience, not your needs.
■ Post content that inspires.
■ Use photos that pass the “scroll test”.
■ Post frequency and timing: max of once per day, afternoon is best.
■ Post content that is likely to spur conversations. Ask open ended
questions to spark feedback.
■ Follow your Facebook Insights.
■ Engagement = (Likes+Comments+Shares)/people reached.
■ Try to target 10% engagement with your posts. As engagement
increases, so does your reach.
FACEBOOK: Learn what works.
FACEBOOK: Learn What doesn't Works?
Facebook Advertising.
■ Facebook ads is simply paying Facebook to show posts in
front of wider audience of your choice.
■ A motor bike company for example: might only want their
post seen by 18-35 year old boy/man in Delhi.
■ Facebook makes it possible to target the right audience, and
narrow it down so you get right people seeing your ads.
■ Facebook ads just looks like just normal post but say as
‘sponsored ads’ on the left hand corner.
Facebook Advertising

Side column ads

News Feed ads

Facebook Advertising.
Boost Posts
■ Boost a post when you see a quick/immediate (within 24 hours) flurry of high engagement.
You’re giving your audience
■ information that they want to hear.
■ Boost post when you have a important information that you want your audience to hear.
■ Caution: don’t do this all the time. Otherwise, you are forcing your message on to an audience
that doesn’t want to hear it.
■ Ads you see in your personal feed as sponsored posts.
■ Instances where ads are useful and relevant
■ Build your fan base with specific targeted audience
■ Send a specific target audience to your website.
■ Message a specific target audience in your fan base.
■ Engage target audience users with your app.
Different types of ad campaign.

■ Adverts that promote the business page.

■ Advert that promote the individual post.
Advert for Promoting Business Page.
Advert that promote the individual post.
Choose the objective of your ad campaign.
Target specific audience (costume audience)

Costume audience




Monitoring Facebook ads.


Your ad
Facebook Retargeting
■ Facebook provides you with a pixel or code to be placed on
your website by your web development team.
■ Retarget those people who have visited your site in the last X
■ Retarget people who have visited a specific page on your site
■ Example: Retargeting people who visit the Tastyfix page.
■ Pixel is the same for every page, but you can have FB track
specific pages
Facebook Pixel Code
Conversion Tracking
■ Track the people that not only click on your ad, but go all the
way through and complete a transaction (whether it be to
purchase and item, register for an event, register for contest
■ These Conversion Tracking pixels need to be placed on the
thank you pages by your web developers. Since that is the very
last step, you now have captured that data from FB.
Any Question?

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