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By :
•Ainul Rozi
•Arum Pramesti
•Hansen Louis C.
•Syla Aulia P.

12 IPA 1

Language future

Type 1 Social function

Type 2 Reading text

Type 3 question

Conditional sentence is a sentence used

in English to talk about the results that
might occur if we do something first.

to express

consists of two clauses :

•Main Clause
•IF Clause.
Type 1

What are Type 1 Conditional Sentences?

Type 1 conditional sentences are used to express

certain actions or events that will be fulfilled in the
future on the condition that a certain action
happens, or in other words, to talk about real and
possible situations. It’s called as possible condition.

Language Feature

In first conditional sentences, the structure is

If + S + Verb (present), S + will + Verb1

If clause main clause
Example :

1. If I meet him, I will introduce myself.

(Jika saya bertemu dia, saya akan memperkenalkan diri.)

2. If you invite me, I will come to your party

(jika kamu mengundang saya, saya akan datang ke pesta
Social function

You can use the first conditional for :

1. Predictions

If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss your flight!

2. Superstitions

If you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of bad

3. Future Plans

If you go to the museum tomorrow, we’ll go with

4. Warnings and/or Threats

If you keep making fun of me, I will do anything to

ensure your failure at the finals.
Type 2

What are the second (type 2) conditional sentences?

The second conditional is the present hypothetical

conditional, which means one will use the second
conditional to talk about unreal or impossible things.

Language Feature
In second conditional sentences, the structure is
If + S + Verb 2 (was/were), S + would + Verb1

In the second conditional, with the verb TO BE we use IF +

I/HE/SHE/IT + WERE. The reason we use were instead of was is in the
subjunctive mood, though in informal English, you will hear some
people say If I was… If he was… etc.
Example :

1. If I were you, I would stop smoking.

(jika saya menjadi kamu, saya akan berhenti merokok)
(but I cannot be you.) Mustahil bagi saya untuk menjadi

2. if Agnes Monica were my girlfriend, I would be the happiest

boy in the world.
(mean: Agnes Monica is not my girlfriend, so I am not the
happiest boy in the world)

NOTE : in type 2 conditional sentences, you can also use modals

in the main clause instead of ‘would’ to express the
degree of certainty, permission or a recommendation
about the outcome.

Ex :
•They might buy a larger house if they had more money.
•She could go to the concert if you gave her your ticket.
Social Function

The second conditional refers to a condition

that will unlikely happen and its probable result.
These sentences are not based on the actual
situation. In type 2 conditional sentences, the time
is now or any time and the situation is
You can use type 2 conditional sentences for :

1. Giving advices
If I were you, I would do what the teacher wants so I don’t get
into trouble.

2. Asking Hypothetical questions

What would you do if you were a polyglot?

3. Giving reason why you can’t do something

If my health were better, I would spend more time volunteering.

4. Asking polite requests

It would be great if you could help us execute the prisoner this

5. A different reality
f I lived near a train station, I wouldn’t need a car.
Type 3

What are the third conditional sentences?

Also called as the past hypothetical conditional, the third

conditional is used to imagine a different past than the
one that happened.

Ex : If I had do the homework, I would have never get into

Here, you were imagining what if you did the homework.
In reality, you didn’t and that’s why you get into trouble.
Language feature

The third conditional uses

if + past perfect in the if clause and would have + past
participle in the main clause.
So, the structure is as follows :
If + past perfect, S + would have + past participle +
Note :
•The past perfect tense = had + past participle
•In spoken English, subject + would AND subject + had are
usually contracted : I’d, you’d, she’d, he’d, we’d, they’d.
•The main clause can also be at the beginning of the
sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.

Example: I would have sent her an invitation if I had found

her address.
Social Function
Conditional Sentences Type III refer to situations in
the past. An action could have happened in the past if a
certain condition had been fulfilled. Things were different
then, however.
We just imagine, what would have happened if the
situation had been fulfilled.

We use the third conditional for :

1. What would you have done if…?
What would you have done if you hadn’t been accepted
at any university?
2. Expressing regret
If we had known the movie was so awful, we wouldn’t
gave wasted our money on it.
3. Criticism
It would have been quicker if we had taken the MRT to
the Marina Bay Shoppes instead of walking all the way
from Suntec City.
Reading text

It has been confirmed that late on the night of the sixth of

July, a large red truck ran into the bakery on Maryland Street.
After an initial investigation by police, it is now clear that the
truck had no driver at all. The locals are asking a simple question:
“Where was the driver?” If the police want to solve this mystery,
they will need the CCTV footage from the street. One of the
locals said: “We’re all quite worried about a truck with no driver.
This truck has never been seen in the neighborhood before.
If we’d seen that truck before, we’d have solved this mystery by
now.” Many locals share the same concerns. They want to know
what’s happening in their town. A witness at the crime scene told
police: “There was a loud noise coming from the truck while it was
going towards the building and its speed.... it was unbelievable. If
it had been going slower, I would’ve had a chance to see the
driver. But all I saw was the truck speeding into the bakery as
fast as it could. ’’
The police have already spoken with eleven other
residents but no one knows any further details about the
incident. Superintendent Amanda Slippers remarked: “This
is a tough case. The truck licence plate belongs to this
town, but nobody has seen it here. According to the town
records, the owner of the truck moved away from here
years ago. No one knows where to. If we can locate the
owner, we'll probably solve this mystery.’’ If a truck
moves, then it has a driver. Well, maybe we should change
this basic assumption on account of this mysterious red
Sudah dikonfirmasi bahwa pada malam tanggal 6 Juli, sebuah
toko roti di Maryland Street ditabrak oleh sebuah truk merah besar.
Setelah investigasi pertama oleh polisi, jelas bahwa truk tersebut
tidak ada pengemudinya sama sekali. Warga-warga lokal menanyakan
pertanyaan sederhana : “Dimana pengemudi truk itu?” Jika polisi ingin
menyelesaikan misteri ini, maka mereka harus melihat rekaman CCTV
dari jalanan. Salah seorang warga lokal berkata : “Kami semua cukup
khawatir mengenai truk yang tidak ada pengemudinya.
Truk ini tidak pernah terlihat di kawasan perumahan kami
sebelumnya. Jika kami sudah pernah melihatnya, misteri ini sudah
diselesaikan sekarang.” Kebanyakan warga lookal juga menyatakan
keheranan yang sama. Mereka ingin tahu apa yang sedang terjadi di
kota mereka. Seorang saksi mata di tempat kejadian perkara
memberitahu polisi : “Ada suara bising yang berasal dari truk itu
ketika ia melaju menuju toko roti tersebut dan lajunya… tidak dapat
dipercaya. Jika truk itu lebih lambat sedikit, mungkin saya dapat
melihat pengemudinya. Namun yang saya lihat hanyalah truk tersebut
melaju ke toko roti secepat mungkin.”
Polisi sudah berbicara dengan 11 warga namun tidak ada
satupun yang tahu detil-detil yang lebih lanjut terkait dengan
insiden tersebut. Inspektur Amanda Slippers mengakui : “Ini adalah
kasus yang sulit. Plat truk tersebut milik kota ini, tetapi tak seorang
pun yang pernah melihatnya. Menurut arsip-arsip kota, pemilik truk
itu sudah pindah dari kota ini bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Tidak ada
yang tahu kemana ia pindah. Jika kita dapat melacak pemilik truk
tersebut, mungkin kita akan bisa memecahkan misteri ini.” Jika
sebuah truk bisa bergerak, maka ada pengemudinya yang
menggerakkan truk tersebut. Mungkin kita harus merubah asumsi-
asumsi dasar mengenai truk merah yang misterius ini.

1. If your brother ______ here, he ______ us with this works.

A. is - would help

B. was - will help

C. were - will help

D. were - would help

2. ____ her shyness, she would have become a great teacher.

A. She had overcome

B. If had she overcome

C. If she overcame

D. If she would overcome

3. If we don’t hurry, the meeting ______ by the time we get there.

A. would have started

B. will have started

C. will be started

D. will start

4. If I work harder, I ... my paper in due time.

A. will finish

B. would finish

C. has finished

D. will be finished

E. will have finished

5. You ____ never smoke, ____ you want to get lung cancer

A. Should, if

B. Shall, if

C. Should, unless

D. Would , unless

E. Will ,if
Thank You

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