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Ramadhan Muhammad Naufal (21030117190181)
Bimo Setio Wicaksono (21030117190174)

■ An air compressor is a mechanical device used to compress air from Low pressure to
high pressure.
■ Compressed air is used in thousands of applications, like manufacturing/ assembly,
pharmaceuticals, Power Generation units, Processing units , to perform painting
activities, pneumatic pressure testing etc.
■ It can power rotary equipment.
■ It drives reciprocating equipment.
■ It can impact, and convey.
■ It can atomize, spray, sand blast, agitate, and cool.
■ It can operate controls.
■ The applications are endless

■ Compressed air is one of the Key utilities across various industrial sectors.
■ A typical instrument air skid package contains multiple compressors with dryers and
filtration systems that provide high-quality, dry air for a range of applications from
pneumatic controls and actuation of critical valves, to buffer sealing gas.
Compressed-Air-System as Unit Utility
The business sectors that use the most compressed air
Classification of Air Compressor:
Differences Between Positive Displacement
and Dynamic Compression
Positive Displacement Compression Dynamic Compression
Air is physically trapped between two relatively A rotating component imparts its kinetic energy
moving components and forced to occupy lower to the air which is eventually converted into
volume, thereby increasing its pressure pressure energy
Displacement compressors works with a Dynamic compressors work at a constant
constant flow. pressure
Positive displacement compression is better Dynamic compression is best suited for base
suited to variable load. load requirements
Application in Oil and Gas Industry

■ These compressors are mainly used,

■ In Gas Turbines and auxiliary power units.
■ In oil field re-injection of high pressure natural gas to improve oil recovery.
Instrument Air

■ Instrument air needs to be clean and dry, for pneumatic instrumentation. This is
important for say, a control valve positioner where the feedback baffle/nozzle can be
plugged off by dirt.
■ The Quality of air is important to ensure that instrumentation will function properly and
■ The most important parameters in specifying air quality are:
• Dew Point • Oil Content • Particulate matter
• Temperature • Moisture Content
■ Instrument air quality is defined in standards such as ISO 8573-1 Air Quality Standards
and ISA S7.3
■ Pressure dew point refers to the dew point temperature of a gas under pressure (higher
than atmospheric pressure).
Instrument Air

■ Dew Point is a critical parameter for Instrument air and requires continuous
monitoring and control for the proper functioning of instruments.
■ The Dew Point in compressed air is maintained by an Equipment at the downstream
of compressor namely Air Dryer.
■ There are many types of Dryers based on the requirement of Dew
Point on industrial basis.
■ The most prevalent type in Oil and Gas industry is the “Heatless Dessicant Type
Important Parameters in Compressor
■ Total Instrument Air requirement (Sm3/Hr. or Nm3/Hr.
■ Required Instrument Air Pressure (at Dryer outlet)
■ Required Pressure Dew Point (*bar (g))
■ Ambient Air temperature (°C)
■ Area classification (Safe/ Zone 1/ Zone2)
■ Type of compressor (Oil Flooded or Dry, Air cooled or Water)
*Generally the instrument air pressure is in the range of 7-10 bar(g)

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