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Materials that Float and Sink


 Let us go back to the activity we did in our

previous lesson. Can you still recall it?
 What do you remember about the lesson?
 Which materials absorbed water? Which did
 Today we will do another activity and will try
to discover more characteristics of the
materials around us.
What are the standards in doing an activity?
What materials float and what materials sink?

1. The leader will get the plastics bottles with cover.

2. Ask the other members to describe the characteristics of the
plastic bottles cover.
3. The recorder will record the descriptions in a chart.
4. Pour water into the pail or basin.
5. Observe the plastic bottle with cap while in water. Did it float
or sink?
6. Lift the plastic bottle with cover from the pail. Did the plastic
bottle absorb water?
7. Record your observation.
8. Do the same procedures in steps 4-7 for the rest of the
materials left.
Name of Material Characteristics of the material Observation as to whether the
BEFORE placing it in water materials float or sink
1. Plastic bottle with cover

2. Plastic saucer

3. Pencil

4. Eraser

5. Metal spoon
6. Large stone

7. Plastic book cover

8. Rubber ball

9. Styropore cup

10. Toy boat made of wood

11. Toy duck made of rubber

12. Toy doll made of plastic

a. What did you observe when you placed the
materials one at a time in water?
b. Based on the activity, which of the materials sank?
c. Which of the materials floated?
d. Look at the group of objects that floated.
Compare them. Is there anything common
among each one?
e. Look at the group of objects that sank. What can
you say about them?
f. What is the common among one of them?
Materials that float Materials that sink
What is the difference?

Sink means… Float means…

 To
fall to the To stay on top
bottom of water
Some things float on top of water, some things
stay submerged partway down, and some
things sink.
Some things sink very fast and some things sink
very slowly.
 Anobject’s shape can affect its ability to float, but
some materials float no matter what their shape –
such as Styrofoam and balsa wood.
 Some things float at first, but then sink as they absorb
water or take water on through holes.
 Why do some people use
floaters (salbabida) in
swimming pools?

 People use floaters in

swimming pool to keep them
afloat in water.
 Explain why large boats or
ships float on water.
 Largeships and boats float
on water because the
upward push of the water is
greater than their weights.
 Explain why life vest keep
you afloat in the sea?
 Life vests keeps us afloat in
water because it makes us
occupy a bigger space,
increasing the upward
force of the water on us
making us float
Classify materials according to whether they float or
sink in a body of water
Go to your kitchen. Get five materials and
test whether they float or sink

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