Herzberg'S Two-Factor Theory: Prepared by de Torres Judith

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Prepared by;
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

The American psychologist Frederick

Herzberg propose the Two-Factor
Theory of Motivation which state that
employee satisfaction is defined by two
important factors motivation and hygiene.
Any changes in these factors will bring
about satisfaction or dissatisfaction
among employees .
Herzberg further noted that satisfaction
and dissatisfaction are independent
conditions and management should not
assume that is an increase in satisfaction is
due to the elimination of factors that bring
about dissatisfaction.
Hygiene factors include rules and
policies, salaries and benefits, relationship
and coworkers and superiors, work
condition, and quality and supervision
.job dissatisfaction is brought about if
employees have unpleasant work
experience involving this factors .
For example, if the work place has
poor ventilation and lighting and lacks
proper equipment ,the dissatisfaction
of the employees will result in poor
Motivator factors primarily provide
satisfaction to the employees and
include the nature of the job itself,
recognition, personal growth
opportunity for advancement ,
responsibility , and employment status.
Manager should strive to continually
provide employees with these
motivator factors to maintain or
increase job satisfaction.
Job Dissatisfaction Hygiene Factors No Dissatisfaction

*Rules and Police

*Salaries and Benefits
*Relationship with Coworkers
and Superiors
*Work Conditions *Quality of Supervision
Motivator Factors

*Job Itself
*Personal Growth
*Opportunity for Advancement
*Employment Status


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