Media RPP 1

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The material today are

Inviting someone
giving instruction
We are going to learn :
1. Identify the purpose and
structure from invite to someone
and giving instruction.
2. Tell the expressions of inviting
someone and giving instruction.
3. Write the dialogue about inviting
someone and giving instruction.
Kalimat perintah adalah kalimat
yang isinya menyuruh orang lain
untuk melakukan sesuatu yang kita
kehendaki. Kalimat perintah jika
dilisankan berintonasi naik di awal
dan berintonasi rendah di akhir.
The activities today are :
1. Read the dialogue about inviting
1. someone and giving instruction,
2. Answer the questions based the
dialogue, induvidually.
3. In group, Paste the stiky paper based on
the paper according to the expression
4. In group, fill in the blank.
5. In group, make the simple dialogue.
6. The last we have to do evaluation.
Read the dialogue below ! 
Dialogue 1
Frank :  Hi, Lee, wait! I want to talk to you .
Lee :  What's up, Frank?
Frank :  I've been looking for you. It's my little brother's
birthday today. We're holding a garden party
this afternoon. I'd like to invite you to the party .
Lee :  That sounds great. What time?
Frank :  At 3 pm. But, please come early! so that we
can have a lot of fun
Lee :  Okay. I'll come early.
Frank :  I must go now. Goodbye!
Lee :  Bye…
Answer the questions below, based the dialog! 

1. What is the dialogue about?

The answer : _____________________________________________
2. Why does Frank invite Lee?
The answer : _____________________________________________
3. How does Lee respond?
The answer : _____________________________________________
4. The underline sentence include expression of ....
The answer : _____________________________________________
5. Why does frank ask Lee come early?
The answer : _____________________________________________
Read the dialogue below !  
Dialogue 2
Mike : You look so happy today, Don.
Brad : Is there something we don't know?
Donny : Yes, my big brother has finished his study in Italy
and he'll be home tonight.
Mike : Really?
Donny : Yeah, he'll be home tonight. And tomorrow
evening we're going to have a small welcome party.
Would you like to come?
Brad : I would.
Donny : What about you, Mike?
Mike : I'd like to, but tomorrow night I will have to take
care of my little sister. My parents won't be at
home tomorrow evening.
Donny : I see. It's okay. Well, now I have to go. See you.
Mike  : See you.
Answer the questions below, based the dialog! 
1. What is the dialogue about?
The answer :
2. Why does Donny look so happy?
The answer :
3. How does Brad respond? (mention the expression)
The answer :
4. How does Brad respond? (mention the expression)
The answer :
5. Why did Mike reject Donny's invitation?
The answer :
To invite someone to do something

The definition of Inivitation :

A written or spoken request to someone,
inviting them to go somewhere or to do

 Inviting Someone
1. Let’s
2. Shall we....?
3. Can you come to..?
4. Would you like to come?
 Accepting And Declining An
1. I’d very much like yo to come.
2. Sure
3. Yes, certainly I will come
4. Absolutely, count me in
5. I would, very much
6. Yes, I’d like nothing better
Give instruction
 To give instructions is an expression to ask

someone to do something, and a statement

that describes how to do something or an

 Giving instructions Responses

 Open the book Ok
 Don’t write on the wall Sure
 Don’t be rough Of course
 Be careful on the way Alright
There are some ways to use the expression
of instructions :
Don’t + Verb1 Verb1 + Obj + Please
Don’t touch me! Close the door, please!
Don’t cry Open your book

Don’t + be +Adjective Be + Adjective

Don’t be noisy Be good boy
Don’t be angry Be quite
paste the expressions on the
paper that has been provided
according to the group of
expressions ! (inviting
someone, declining invitation,
accepting invitation and
giving instruction).
Let's go to the  I would like to very
bookstore tomorrow much but I’m afraid
How about going to I can’t
the market with me  I really don't think I
I'd like to invite you can
for a barbecue party  Well, I'd love to, but
this Sunday I'm already going
Do you want to join out to the hospital
us  I’m afraid I can’t,
Would yo go to the I’ve already got an
movies with me on appointment
Saturday night?  I’m sorry.  I have an
 I would like to  Open the door,
very much please!
 With pleasure  Stand up,
 I would love to please!
 yes, certainly I  Don’t go
will come anywhere!
 I would, thank  Do your
you very much homework !
Fill the blank spaces of the following
dialogue with the correct answer in the box!
How kind of you Don’t be late
to ask, I'd be
Sorry, but I've
already made other  are you free
I'd like to invite you -

Meg : Tim, ________________________________ on Sunday

Tim : ________________________________. I'm going to visit my
Meg : ____________________________ to my sister's birthday
Tim : _______________________________. Hmm… I can visit my
grandmother on Sunday afternoon.
Meg : Ok, I will wait you. _________________________!
Tim : Sure I will come early. What time does the party start?
Meg : 08.00 p.m. Well, I have to go now. See you next time.
Tim : See you..
Make 2 the simple dialogues,
based the expressions
below !
( dialogue 1 is about inviting
someone and dialogue 2 is
about giving instruction)
Let's go to the I’m afraid I can’t,
bookstore I’ve already got
tomorrow. an appointment.
Don’t be sad ! Switch on the
lamp !

I would like to I would like to very

invite you to dinner much
tomorrow night
Thank you

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