The Atmosphere: Ma. Salve T. Antaran

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The Atmosphere

Presented by:
MAEd – Physical Science
Before the end of June 2011,
the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) officially declared the
year as being among the most
extreme weather-event years in
recorded U.S. history (Morello
& ClimateWire, 2011).

Even though it is impossible to

directly link global climate
change to a particular event, Evidence is beginning to show
many of these extreme events a pattern consistent with
scientists’ predictions of
are consistent with expected
consequences resulting from
changes from a warming
climate change.
BIG Idea:
• The composition, structure, and
properties of Earth’s
atmosphere form the basis of
Earth’s weather and climate.
Who studies atmospheric

•Meteorologists…that’s who!
• How would you describe the
difference between
I. Characteristics
of the Atmosphere
• Weather = day-to-day changes
in atmospheric conditions.
•These conditions include:
•Air movements
•Moisture content
• Climate = general weather
conditions averaged over
many (about 30) years
What is meant by

Climatology is the study

of climate, a long-term
pattern of temperature,
precipitation, wind patterns,
etc. at a particular location,
over periods of a year or
A. Composition of the
• 78% Nitrogen
• 21% Oxygen
• 0.9% Argon
• 0.1% Other
• Ozone – protects us
from harmful UV
(ultraviolet) rays

Damaged by CFCs
(poisons in ACs
and refrigerators)

Ozzy Ozone
• Have you
noticed the

• How would
you describe
B. Properties of the
1) Temperature
2) Air Pressure
3) Humidity
1. Temperature

• measure of the
average kinetic
energy of particles in a material
• more energy = moving faster =
higher temperature
• measured with a thermometer
2. Atmospheric (Air)

• the ratio of the force of the

air to the area of the surface
on which it presses

• the weight of the atmosphere

pressing down on Earth’s

• an instrument that measures

atmospheric pressure
a. Mercurial Barometer
b. Aneroid Barometer

• Aneroid = ‘without liquid’

3. Humidity

• the amount of water vapor in

the atmosphere at a given
location on Earth’s surface
C. Layers of the
- Based on temperature
differences, scientists
identify four layers of
Earth’s atmosphere
1. Troposphere: all weather
occurs here

• Layer closest to Earth’s surface

• Contains most of atmosphere’s
2. Stratosphere: where most
of the ozone is
3. Mesosphere: coldest layer
(-90°C )

4. Thermosphere: hottest
layer (over 2000°C); nitrogen
and oxygen atoms absorb
solar energy, also contains the
II. Solar Energy

A. Radiation: all
forms of energy
that travel
through space
as waves
What happens to solar energy
that reaches Earth’s surface?
1. reflected (sent in a new
direction), or
2. absorbed
• Why does the
inside of a
closed parked
car heat up,
while the
windows stay
B. Greenhouse Effect:
atmosphere traps (long) infrared
• The Sun’s energy
is trapped
• What are the ‘greenhouse
gases’ that trap heat within
our atmosphere?
1. Water vapor
2. Carbon dioxide
 produced by humans
 burning of fossil fuels (oil,
gas, coal)
C. Heat Energy Transfer
1. Convection: transfer of heat
energy in gases or liquids due
to density differences.
2. Conduction: transfer of heat
energy through matter from
particle to particle;
most effective in
3. Radiation: waves that directly
transport energy through
space; brings
HEAT to our
III. Winds
• Created by uneven heat
distribution at Earth’s surface
–The amount of energy
reaching any given point on
Earth’s surface is controlled
by the angle of sunlight
striking the surface
• What causes the amount
of energy to vary?
• Our tilt!
• Where on Earth will you
receive more of the sun’s
energy per unit area?
• Where will you receive
• The Coriolis Effect: Earth’s rotation
causes winds to deflect (curve) to
the right in the Northern
Hemisphere and to the left in the

• Same with water

A. Global Winds
Winds are named according to the
direction FROM which they flow!

1. Trade Winds (Tropical Easterlies) –

winds in both hemispheres
flowing towards the equator

 between 30° (N and S) and 0°

a. Doldrums – weak and
unpredictable air mix, 5° N and S
of the equator
*winds CONVERGE here to form an
area of LOW pressure

b. Horse Latitudes – very weak air

movement 30°- 35° N and S
2. Westerlies – between 30° and 60°
N and S.

3. Polar Easterlies – weak winds at

60° N and S that flow away from
the poles.
Try this!!

• Why does warm air rise

from the equator, and cold
air sink at the poles?
4. Jet Stream – bands of high-
speed high-altitude westerly
B. Local Winds / Breezes
1. Sea Breeze – in the daytime,
winds from cooler water replace
warm rising land air
2. Land Breeze – at night, winds
from cooler land replace warm air
over the water
3. Valley Breeze – in the day
warm air rises UP the valley
4. Mountain Breeze – at night, cool
air sinks DOWN the mountain
What causes weather?
• uneven heating by the
Sun due to Earth’s axis
• energy transfer between
Earth’s surface and the
Active Weather
–Rainstorms and
–Windstorms and Lightning
(often associated with
Extreme Weather Events
All weather events
that cause loss of life,
disrupt normal human
activities, and result in
property damage appear
Several variables
(land-use practices,
population density, and Comparing death tolls,
flood-control projects) can between recent and past
complicate making direct events may not be the
comparisons between past most meaningful indicator
and present events. of a particular weather
event’s intensity.
How “Extreme” is
The growing body of
meteorological data indicates an
increase in the number of
extreme weather events
occurring here in the United
States since 1980, and the
number of extreme events also
appears to be rising worldwide.
How “Extreme” is
What is the Significance of
Weather Extremes?
The variability of
extreme weather
events is so great,
that scientists need
a long record of
observations and
data to establish
definitive links
between severe By definition, extreme weather
events and climate events are rare, which means that
change. oftentimes there are very limited
data available to use for
Recent Extreme
Weather Events

Image Credit: NASA

2009-2010 Eastern US 2010 Northern

“Snowmageddon” Pakistan Floods
Recent Extreme
Weather Events

Image Credit: NOAA

2010-2011 Texas’s
Worst Drought and 2012 Hurricane
Fire Season in Sandy
Recorded History
Are Extreme
Weather Events
The Köppen Climate
Classification System

In the early 20th century, a German

scientist named Wladimir Köppen
developed one of the most widely
used classification systems. The
Köppen system categorizes climate
into five main types, which can be
further divided into subcategories.
The Köppen Climate
Classification System
The Köppen Climate
Classification System
Temperature Change In The
Atmosphere Over The Past
800,000 Years

The planet’s climate has changed many times

over Earth’s long geologic history. Over the past
million years, Earth has experienced several
glacial periods interspersed with interglacial
(warmer) periods.
What are Proxy Data?
Weather is variable, but can be
averaged over time to indicate
climate trends.
What Are Proxy Data?
Proxy data include biological, cryological (which refers to
frozen water), geological, and historical records that
scientists use to deduce Earth’s atmospheric conditions
in the distant past. By examining evidence such as the
tree rings of old-growth trees and ice core samples taken
from glaciers, scientists can figure out what Earth’s
temperature, greenhouse gas composition, and
precipitation levels were like over the course of its
geologic history.
Tools Used to Forecast Climate
and Weather

Weather balloons,
satellites, specially
designed airplanes, and
radar and other
ground-based data
collection instruments
are used to
• measure wind speed,
• precipitation,
• air temperature,
• humidity levels, etc.
Increasing Resolution of
Global Climate Models
Climate scientists
also use increasingly
higher resolution
computer models,
known as global
climate models, to
simulate the
physical processes of
the atmosphere and
oceans and make
predictions about
future climate
Dear Future Generation,
The Challenge!
What can we do as
an educator?
Thank You!

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