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At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
• Design a Research for ICT projects and
• Identify the various audience profile and learn about demographics.

Economics characteristics (disposable income, car ownership, home ownership, etc.) and
social characteristics (lifestyle, liesure activities, buying patterns) of the listenership,
readership, or the viewership of a particular advertising medium.
Why Does Audience Profiling Matter?
- Audience Profiling doesn’t limit your audience it simply help you choose where to spend
your time and money for the greatest return on your investment. Audience Profiling gives
marketers the opportunity to make more targeted marketing choices and ensures that you
cast your net in the most profitable pond. However, audience profiling isnt just a method
used to understand the target audience it also an important part of crafting a unified goals
and vision for your business, brand or product. Defining the target audience will help every
department understand what youre working towards creating a more unified effort.
- This exercise might seem liked colosal undertaking and a huge time commitment that takes
away from other important tasks. However, this worthy investment will ultimately serve as
the foundation of your entire marketing strategy.
Targets, Profiles, and Personas:Whats the Difference?
Now that we’ve established the importance of audience profiling, how do you get started? The first step is
understanding the difference between target audience demographic profiles and buyer personas. Once you
learn how they fit together you will be ready to make informed decisions about product development and
marketing strategies.
Step 1: Create Demographic and Psychographics Profile
Psychographics is the study of personality, value, opinions, attitudes, interests and lifestyles. Because this
area of research focuses on interests, attitudes and opinoins. Psychographic factors is also called IAO
Psychographics Segmentation:
Involves dividing your market into segments based upon different personality, traits, values, attitudes,
interests and lifestyles of consumers. This segmentation is advantageous because it allows you to engage in
product design and marketing in a focused manner.
Psychographics is often confused with demographics, where historical generations may be
defined both by demographics such as the years in which a particular generation is born or
even the fertility rates of that generations parents but also by psychogarphics variables like
attitudes, personality formation and cultural toichstones. For examples, the traditional
approaches to defining the BABY BOOM GENEARTION or GENERATION X or
MILLENNIALS have relied on both demographics variables (classifying individuals based on
birth years) and Psychographic Variables(such as beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviors)

When a relatively complete profile of a person or groups psychographic make-up is

constructed. This is called “psychographic profile”. Psychographic Profile used in market
segmentation as well as in advertising.
Some categories of Psychographic factors used in market segmentation include:
1. Activities, Intersts, Opinons (AIOs).
2. Attitudes
3. Values
4. Behavior
Demographics are the study of a population based on factors such as age, race,sex and
economic status, level of education, income level, and employment among others.
Demographics are used by governments, corporation and non-government organizations
to learn more about a populations characteristics for many purposes including development
and economic market research.
Step 2: Develop the Buyer Persona
The buyer persona is “an archetype a character profile of your ideal or typical customer”.
Think of it as a qualitative deep dive that goes behind demographic categories and
documents a customers needs, wants, goals, desires, challenges, values and attitudes. The
Buyer Persona is an opportunity to add some depths to the statistics you gathered during
your demographic profile. Not every woman with children between the ages of 25-45 will
share the same problems, needs, desires and values think of this stage as an opportunity to
explore different versions of your target audience and learn how to cater to them. Don’t
be afraid to explore detail here think about what they do in their spare time, the type of
tasks they do at work and their aspirations.You can add extra depth to your qualitative.
Demographics Psychographics

• Age/ Gender • Personality

• Race • Values
• Location • Attitudes
• Employment Status • Interests
• Lifestyles
Here are five questions every marketing pro should ask during a buyer
1. What does success look like for you?
Your buyer’s answer to this question will help you understand what his goals are and
what’s important to him. If you know this, you can avoid promoting product or service
benefits that he finds irrelevant.
2. What keeps you up at nights?
You’re in the business of solving problems for your buyer. Learning how these
problems affect his everyday life will help you develop targeted messaging that
demonstrates your product is the best solution to his problems. You’ll want to go into
detail here and identify not only his primary pain points, but also how they make him
3. What do you read/watch/listen to?
Understanding where your buyer gets his information will help you determine where
you should spend your marketing resources.
4. What do you do when you’re shopping for [product/service]?
Insight into your buyer’s shopping process lets you determine what kinds of content
he’ll find most useful and where he’ll look for that content.
5. “And what else?”
This question, used often by journalists and executive coaches, may subtly
convince your buyer to elaborate further on a particular point. The information that
buyers volunteer without obvious prompting can be some of the best information
you’ll collect in the entire interview.
Buyer personas don’t work unless they’re based on the behaviors of real people.
Conducting interviews will help you understand what your buyers think and do,
and why. Only then can you begin the work of designing marketing messages
that drive sales.

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