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By Group 3 :

1. Adhan Azhari Rauf

2. Ika Farida
3. Mariana Oktaviane Ngula
4. M. Husaini
5. Natalia Somboallo
6. Nazua
7. Reni Rahmi Putri
8. Rio Pratama
9. Sopia Fitriani







What Is Gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation,
irritation, or erosion of the lining of
the stomach. It can occur suddenly
(acute) or gradually (chronic).
To digest the food you eat, your stomach makes strong
acids and enzymes. A healthy stomach has built-in
defenses that protect its lining from damage by these acids
and enzymes. GASTRITIS
Acids may damage the stomach lining when the built-in
defenses of the stomach don’t function as they should. The Gastritis may be acute or chronic:
1. Acute gastritis starts suddenly
stomach lining can then become inflamed. When this and lasts for a short time.
occurs, it is called Gastritis. 1. Chronic gastritis is long lasting.
If chronic gastritis is not treated,
it may last for years or even a

Gastritis can be erosive or

1. Erosive gastritis can cause the
stomach lining to wear away,
causing erosions shallow breaks
in the stomach lining or ulcers
deep sores in the stomach lining.
2. Nonerosive gastritis causes
inflammation in the stomach
lining; however, erosions or ulcers
do not accompany nonerosive
Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting,
stress, or the use of certain medications such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory
drugs. It may also be caused by any of the following:

1. Helicobacter pylori

A bacteria that lives in the mucous lining of the

stomach; without treatment, the infection can lead to
ulcers, and in some people, stomach cancer.

2. Bile Reflux

A backflow of bile into the stomach from the bile

tract (that connects to the liver and gallbladder)

3. Infection

Caused by bacteria and viruses

Symptoms of gastritis vary among
individuals, and in many people SYMPTOMS OF GASTRITIS
there are no symptoms. However,
the most common symptoms

1. Nausea or recurrent upset

2. Abdominal bloating
3. Abdominal pain
4. Vomiting
5. Indigestion
6. Burning or gnawing
feeling in the stomach
between meals or at night
7. Hiccups
8. Loss of appetite
9. Vomiting blood or coffee
ground-like material
10. Black, tarry stools
Physical examination of patients with Gastritis may include:
1. Appearance of the Patient
Patients with gastritis may
appear pale. Some patients
5. Lungs
may appear fatigued and in
Normal vesicular breath sounds
distress, is associated with
are observed. Halitosis may be
abdominal pain.
observed in case of chronic
2. Vital Signs gastritis
Vital signs are usually
normal. When associated 6. Hearth
with gastrointestinal Chest tenderness may be
bleed, vital signs present on palpation in
include: Tachycardia case of Helicobacter
pylori infection associated
3. Skin gastritisS1 and S2 are
Pallor may observed in normal
patients presenting
with melena and 7. Abdomen
hematemesis Epigastric tenderness maybe
present. Gastritis associated
4. HEENT with gastric ulcers may
On examination of the result in blood loss and the
eyes, conjunctival stool test may be
Pallor may be observed. guaiac-positive.
To diagnose gastritis, doctor will review your personal
and family medical history, perform a thorough physical
evaluation, and may recommend any of the following tests:

1. Upper endoscopy
An endoscope, a thin tube containing a tiny camera,
is inserted through your mouth and down into your
stomach to look at the stomach lining. The doctor
will check for inflammation and may perform a
biopsy, a procedure in which a tiny sample of tissue
is removed and then sent to a laboratory for analysis.

2. Blood tests
The doctor may perform various blood tests, such as
checking your red blood cell count to determine
whether you have anemia, which means that you do
not have enough red blood cells. He or she can also
screen for H. pylori infection and pernicious
anemia with blood tests.

3. Fecal occult blood test (stool test)

This test checks for the presence of blood in your
stool, a possible sign of gastritis.
Medication or treatment for gastritis
usually involves :

Avoiding hot

spicy foods
Taking antacids and o

ther drugs (such as
proton pump inhibitors or
H-2 blockers) to
reduce stomach acid
irritating foods
from your diet
1 If the gastritis is
such as lactose
from dairy or
caused by pernicious gluten from wheat
anemia, B12 vitamin
For gastritis caused by shots will be given.
H. pylori infection, Doctor
will prescribe a regimen of
several antibiotics plus an
acid blocking drug
(used for heartburn)

In general, acute gastritis has a tendency to heal

spontaneously. The morbidity and mortality rates also
depend on the etiology of gastritis, for

1. Patients affected by erosive gastritis, symptoms

will subside after stopping external erosive substance,
such as NSAIDs and alcohol

2. Patients with chronic atrophic gastritis have a very

high risk that the disease can develop into gastric
carcinoma compared to the general population

3. About 10% of patients affected by Helicobacter

pylori will develop peptic ulcer, and about 1% -3% of
them become gastric cancer.

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