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Justice for All!

Legal | Financial | Taxation

About Us
Taxolawgy is an online marketplace for providing highest
quality of Legal and Financial services in the most transparent
environment at affordable rates, while opening global business
opportunities for experts like Advocates, CA, CS, etc.
What is GST?
 Good and Services Tax is an indirect tax, which are imposed on the
supply of goods and services.
 Any supplier who are exceeding 20 lakhs turnover, need to be
register under GST.
Why does GST Registration Cancellation required?

GST cancellation is mostly required by

businessman in situations when they shut
down their business in other cases when a
person’s income is less than 20 lakhs or if he
was registered under GST accidentally or
wrongfully he can opt for cancellation of GST
Can Anybody Apply for the GST Cancellation Process in India?

In India, only people who meet certain criteria can apply for the GST
cancellation process in India. They are:
 Registered taxpayers
 Registered officers
 Legal heir, in case of death of the taxpayer
What are the reasons on which the tax officer shall cancel the GST

The tax requires a genuine reason for the purposes of

cancellation of GST few of them are as follows: -

 The individual does not carry on any business from the business
place so declared.
 Supply of goods without any bills or invoices.
 Anti-profiteering provisions are violated by him.
D ocu me nts Req uire d fo r G ST C an cel lati on Onl ine

 Pan of the GST registration applicant

 Proof of business registration or incorporation certificate
 Identity & address proof of promoters with photographs
 Address proof for the place of business
 A bank account statement showing name,
address & a few transactions
What is the procedure for cancellation of GST registration in India by the Tax officer?

i) The first step is that the tax officer shall send a show cause notice to the person
under FORM GST REG-17.
ii) The individual upon receipt of notice is provided a period of 7 days to reply under
FORM GST REG-18 stating the reasons as to why his registration should not not be
• iii) If his reply is convincing and satisfactory the tax officer
shall drop
iii) If his replythe proceedings
is convincing against
and satisfactory thehim, would
tax officer shall not
drop cancel
the his
proceedings against him, would not cancel his registration and pass an
registration and pass an order under FORM GST REG-20.
order under FORM GST REG-20.
iv) If however the reply is not satisfactory and the
iv) If however the is liable to cancelled
reply is not hetheshall
satisfactory and cancel
registration the same
is liable to by
cancelled he shall cancel the same by passing an order under FORM GST
REG- 19. Suchan order
an orderunder
would beFORM GST30REG-
sent within 19. the
days from Suchdateanon order
which the bereply
sentto within 30 days
the tax officers noticefrom thereceived.
has been date on which the
reply to the tax officers notice has been received.
Hope you liked it!
To know more about our legal, financial & taxation
services write to us at

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