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Vegans and Vegetarians

Soy •Do not eat meat.

Vegan bacon
•Some dislike the taste of meat.
•Do not eat animal produce including milk. Vegetarian diets are full of
•True vegans don’t have fur and leather. •Dough

Examples of healthy meals
• A balanced diet
ensures that
people eat the
right amount of all
the food groups.
• As vegans and
vegetarians will
need a different
• I have came up
with some dinners
which are
Food Pyramid
The Eatwell plate is the new alternative to the food
pyramid from the government in 2005
Below are some “balanced meals”
• Jacket potatoes • Spaghetti
• Cheese • Mincemeat
• Parmesan cheese has been
• Baked beans sprinkled on top
Where do vegetarians and vegans get their protein
from which they would lack as they don’t eat


How can people eat healthily

Recipe Books Diet meals Fruit

Spray Sunflower Oil

Adding salad to your meal Not skipping breakfast
How can people be encouraged to eat healthily
According to change4life:

If current trends continue, nine out of ten children will grow up to have
unhealthy amounts of fat in their bodies,
a government report has concluded.
So even if your kids look healthy today,
adulthood could bring an early death from heart disease,
Type 2 diabetes or cancer.

There are various government campaigns.

We can also encourage each other to eat healthily, like chefs or

Run by NHS and the Department of
As we have learnt today, what we eat has a direct outcome
to the health that we will get.

To get a balanced diet, we must eat food from all of the food groups.
This food must be eaten at the right amount to prevent diet related illnesses.

Illnesses such as heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes and kidney failure can
Be avoided if we all ate the right foods at the right amount.

Which is the exact reason why we all must have a balanced diet without
Eating too many calories.

By Adisa, Jade and Rebecca

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