Fayol 14 Principles

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 Henri fayol was born in 1841 at Istanbul Turkey.
 He was a French management theorist.

 Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to

modern concepts of management.
 There are five primary functions of management:

(1) planning
(2) organizing
(3) commanding
(4) coordinating
(5) controlling
 Controlling is described in the sense that a manager must
receive feedback on a process in order to make necessary
 Many of today’s management texts including Daft (2005)
have reduced the five functions to four:
 (1) planning
 (2) organizing
 (3) leading
 (4) controlling.
 Fayol suggested that it is important to have unity of
command : a concept that suggests there should be
only one supervisor for each person in an organization
 Fayol has been described as the father of modern
operational management theory
 Although his ideas have become a universal part of
the modern management concepts, some writers
continue to associate him with
Frederick Winslow Taylor .
 A primary difference between Fayol and Taylor was
that Taylor viewed management processes from the
bottom up, while Fayol viewed it from the top
 In the classic General and Industrial Management
Fayol wrote that "Taylor's approach differs from the
one we have outlined in that he examines the firm
from the "bottom up."
 According to Fayol, the approach results in a ‘‘negation of
the principle of unity of command “ Fayol criticized
Taylor’s functional management in this way.’’
 The most marked outward characteristics of functional
management lies in the fact that each workman, instead of
coming in direct contact with the management at one point
only, receives his daily orders and help from eight different
bosses. Fayol said, those eight, were (1) route clerks, (2)
instruction card men, (3) cost and time clerks, (4) gang
bosses, (5) speed bosses, (6) inspectors, (7) repair bosses,
and the (8) shop disciplinarian . This was an unworkable
situation, and that Taylor must have somehow reconciled.
 The nineteen-year old engineer started at the mining
company ultimately acting as its managing director
 Based largely on his own management experience, Fayol
developed his concept of administration.
 The 14 principles of management was first published in
English as General and Industrial Management in 1949
and is widely considered a foundational work in classical
management theory.
 The 14 points were shown below:
 Specialization of labour : Specializing encourages
continuous improvement in skills and the development of
improvements in methods.
 Authority : The right to give orders and the power to
exact obedience.
 Discipline : No slacking, bending of rules. The workers
should be obedient and respectful of the organization.
 Unity of command : Each employee has one and only one
 Unity of direction : A single mind generates a single plan
and all play their part in that plan.
 Subordination of Individual Interests : When at work, only
work things should be pursued or thought about.
 Remuneration : Employees receive fair payment for
services, not what the company can get away with.
 Centralization : Consolidation of management functions.
Decisions are made from the top.
 Chain of Superiors (line of authority) : Formal chain of
command running from top to bottom of the organization,
like military
 Order : All materials and personnel have a prescribed
place, and they must remain there.
 Equity : Equality of treatment (but not necessarily
identical treatment)
 Personnel Tenure : Limited turnover of personnel.
Lifetime employment for good workers.
 Initiative : Thinking out a plan and do what it takes to
make it happen.
 Esprit de corps : Harmony, cohesion among personnel.
It's a great source of strength in the organisation. Fayol
stated that for promoting esprit de corps, the principle of
unity of command should be observed and the dangers of
divide and rule and the abuse of written communication
should be avoided

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