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Black Rhinoceros

East Africa
1. BLACK RHINOCEROS include into Perissodactyla Ordo.
2. This animal original from East Africa.
3. The name is Black Rhinoceros, the animal skin is not black, but the gray
4. Black Rhionoceros has weight between 1.750 pon – 3.000 pon and
height between 1,4 meters – 1,6 meters.
5. Black Rhinoceros body lenght is 3 meters – 4 meters long and the
horns lenght is 70 centimeters long.
6. Their two horns located along the bones on the skull pulpit.
7. Black Rhinoceros vision are not good enough.
8. Black Rhinoceros include to big animal and usually big animal is hard to
movet their body.
9. Black Rhinoceros activities in the morning is looking for food, at the
mid morning Rhinoceros will head to a river fot drinking and soaking,
and when the night arrive, Rhinoceros will looking for food in the
10. In the wild nature, they have a long age between 30-40 years.
Why Was The Animal Becoming Extint ?

a. Low Regeneration
b. Human Intervention
c. Lost Habitat
d. Environment Changing
Solution To Overcome The Extintion
a. In Situ Preservation
b. Ex Situ Preservation

Another Solution
 Not hunting the animals
 Protecting the extint animals
 Cultivating extint animals
The Result
The solutions was with cultivating and protecting
the extict animals and the result when the last
survey by IUCN at 2002, there was 10
Rhinoceros that exist. In 2013, it increase to
5.055 Rhinoceros.

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