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 The Bachelor of Science in Geology (BS

Geology) is a four-year degree program in
the Philippines that is concerned with the
origins of the Earth, its traits and
characteristics, composition, and the
changes that it goes through. It deals with
issues such as pollution and waste disposal,
use and conservation of natural resources,
and preventing and reducing the harmful
effects of natural disasters.
Qualified graduates of BS Geology can find
employment as any of the following:
 Volcanologist
 Seismologist
 Geologic Engineer
 Professor
 Consultant
 Environmental Lawyer
 Technical Writer
 Geology is an Earth science concerned with
the solid Earth, the rocks of which it is
composed , and the processes by which
they change over time. Geology can also
include the study of the solid features of
any terrestrial planet or natural satellite
such as Mars or Moon.
 A Geologist is a scientist who studies the
solid, liquid, and gaseous matter that
constitutes the Earth. Geologists usually
study geology, although background in
physics, chemistry, biology, and other
sciences are also useful.
 Plate Tectonics are among the
most influential forces that shape
Earth. The Earth’s surface is not a
single, solid mass but is instead
made up many plates, each one
slowly sliding on top of the
planet’s underlying mantle.
 An earthquake occurs when the pressure built
up along a fault becomes stronger than the
pressure holding the rocks together. Then the
rocks on either side of the fault suddenly rip
apart, sometimes at supersonic speed. The
two sides of the fault slide past one another,
releasing the pent-up pressure. Energy from
this separation radiates outward in all
directions, including towards the surface,
where it is felt as an earthquake.
 Volcanoes occur either along plate
boundaries or over “hot spots”. When a plate
moves over the top of another place, the
energy and friction melt the rock and push
the magma upwards. The pressure of this
molten rock causes a swelling in the surface.
The pressure continues to build over time and
the mountain eventually explodes as a
 Mitigation is deciding on which
actions to take before during, and
after the next disaster- to reduce
human and financial consequences
later by analyzing, reducing, and
insuring against risk.
 Preparedness for emergency
response, recovery, and
reconstruction can reduce
immediate losses caused by natural
disasters and minimize the long-
term social, economic, and
environmental damage they cause.
 “We cannot stop natural disasters
but we can arm ourselves with
knowledge: so many lives wouldn’t
have to be lost if there was enough
disaster preparedness.”
 As aspiring geologists, it is your responsibility
to put awareness to other people about the
effects of tectonic activities and share your
knowledge on what should they do during
this calamities. Mitigation will be achieved
when everyone have enough knowledge and
everyone are prepared.

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