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Quiz in Adjectives

A. DIRECTIONS: Underline all adjectives and circle the noun

they modify. HINT: There are 20 adjectives in all.
1. Soccer is fast and exciting.
2. Football has defensive teams and offensive teams.
3. Sometimes the weather is cold and snowy when people
4. Skiing is exhilarating and dangerous.
5. You need a strong, muscular body to be good at sports.
6. A favorite sport of Americans is baseball, which has a grassy
7. Athletes need nutritious foods and healthy snacks.
8. Sports are beneficial and fun.
9. You need great reflexes and an agile body to study martial
10. People who play tennis wear white clothes to reflect the
hot sun.
B. DIRECTIONS: Write four adjectives that describe
each noun.
1. weather
2. plants
3. animals
4. people
5. oceans
C. DIRECTIONS: Write a sentence using different
kinds of adjectives as directed:
1. (taste adjective)
2. (touch adjective)
3. (smell adjective)
4. (speed adjective)
5. (temperature adjective)
A. The adjectives are listed first and the nouns
1. fast, exciting - soccer
2. defensive, offensive - teams
3. cold, snowy - weather
4. exhilarating, dangerous - skiing
5. strong, muscular - body
6. favorite - sport, grassy - outfield
7. nutritious - foods, healthy - snacks
8. beneficial, fun - sports
9. great - reflexes, agile - body
10. white - clothes, hot - sun

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