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Detection of Forgery
FORGERY is committed by any person
who, with intent to defraud, signed the name
of other person, or of a fictitious person,
knowing that he has no authority to do so, or
falsely makes, alter ,forges, or counterfeit any
check draft and blue-bills for the payment of
money or property, or counterfeit forges the
seal or handwriting of another knowing the
same to be fake, altered, or forges or
counterfeit with intent to prejudice, damage or
defraud person.
Kinds of Forgery
Simple Forgey
• This kind of Forgery is best termed as a "spurious
• The forger who is confonted with the absence to
produce a facsimile of the genuine, but merely signs
the name in his own, or in a
• This is commonly employed by the check-chief who
steals, endorses, and passes government, corporation,
or other checks or who procures printed check
forms,completes and endorses them with fictitious
signatures in order to pass them off as genuine.
• The determinations of the fraudulent nature of
this kind of forged signature becombes very
elementary when the standard of the genuine
signatures are obtained.
Simulated Forgery
• In simulated or traced forgeries,the motion of the
pen is slow and careful.
• The beginning and ending lines are usually blunt or
clumsy in appearance.
How simulated Forgery produced?
1. The forger study the genuine signature he intends to
copy.By this, he acquires the mental picture of the letter
design,lateral spacing, and other obvious features;
2. Constant practice from memory,or the genuine model
is placed in front of him (forger) .Portions of the signature
are mastered first, and finally, the signature as whole.
3. The study and practice are carried on until
the forget feels the capability of writing a
convincing forgery.
4. After each attempt, the forger compares it
with the genuine signature that he copied.
Defects or errors are corrected in the future.
The forger labors under a strained
mental and muscular condition that makes it
very difficult, if not altogether impossible, to
do his work in a skillful manner brought about
1.the realization that forgery is criminal act;
2. The fear of dicovery which certainly will result to
punishment and dishonor;
3. Painful anxiety to do the work well.
To be able to forge successfully,
one must:
1. Be able to see significant characteristics of
the writing of antoher;
2. Have the muscular skill necessary to
reproduce the writing initiated;
3. Be able to eliminate at the same time all
characteristics of his own handwriting.
• Forgery is apt to show failure in
these phases of performance.
•In simulated Forgery, the foger
has a model(genuine signature)
before him to copy.
• Here, the forger fixes his attention
intensely on the matter or form and the
process of writing, so much that under
such condition:
1. He finds it extremely difficulty to write even
his own handwriting in free natural manner;

2. He finds that imitating a writing successfully

is a task of a very great difficult.
Forgery, therfore, always show plainly
natural results of strained condition
1. Slow, hesitating and unnatural appearance;
2. Too much attention on unimportant details.
• Forgery is a double process.First, the forget must
be able to see the significant characteristics of the
writing imitated and second, he must be able to
discard or eliminate his own writing characteristics
in the process.
• The forger unconsciously includes his own
• The forger fails in his work for he is not able to
determine the most significant characteristics in
the writing imitated and he is not aware of his own
significant writing characteristics.
• It is difficult to copy and paste unfamiliar form and
unfamiliar movement is very much more difficult to
simulate than unfamiliar form.
• To copy unfamiliar forms and at the same time
write freely in an unusual manner or in the
unfamiliar movement is simply impossible.
• A simulated Forgery is produced by a method of
following a copy, ver much similar to that employed
by a pupil in following.if the forget processes a skill
Superior to that of the genuine writing the fogery
may have a higher degree of muscular coordination
or control that the writing immitated .
• Imitation which is executed with inconsistent
strength and firmness, is easily shown not to be
genuine. Actual criminal forgery is a poorer piece of
work than that of the same writer done merely as
an exhibition of skill.
• It is impossible to identify the author of a simulated
forgery, for in the dual process,he assumes
characteristics of the writing immitated and
unconsciously inject his own characteristics in a
very limited quantity.
C.Traced Forgery
• A traced forgery is the result of an attempt to
transfer to a fraudulent document an exact
facsimile of a genuine signature executed by
actually following the outline of a genuine
signature with a writing instrument.

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